Search Tokens

Returns a list of tokens matching a given query string.



This endpoint is deprecated and will no longer be supported or maintained after May 8th, 2024.

To search tokens, use the much more powerful and flexible filterTokens endpoint.

Endpoint: searchTokens

Method: POST



The maximum number of tokens to return.


Whether to filter out low volume results from the response. Low volume is less than $500 USD. This setting has no effect when only low volume results are found. Default is true.


The list of network IDs to filter by.


The time frame to use for token metadata. Can be 60, 240, 720, or 1D.


The query string to search for. Can match a token or pair contract address or partially match a token's name or symbol. Automatically filters out tokens marked as scams.



hasMoreIntThe number of additional high volume results found. Only used if lowVolumeFilter is set to true.
hasMoreLowVolumeIntIf lowVolumeFilter is set to true, the number of additional low volume results found.
If lowVolumeFilter is set to false, the number of additional high and low volume results found.
tokens[TokenWithMetadata!]A list of tokens.

addressString!The contract address of the token.
createdAtIntThe unix timestamp for the creation of the token's first pair.
decimalsIntThe precision to which the token can be divided. For example, the smallest unit for USDC is 0.000001 (6 decimals).
exchanges[Exchange!]!The exchanges the token is listed on.
idString!The ID of the token (address:networkId). For example, 0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2:1.
imageLargeUrlStringThe token logo URL.
imageSmallUrlStringThe token logo URL.
imageThumbUrlStringThe token logo URL.
isScamBooleanWhether the token has been flagged as a scam.
lastTransactionIntThe unix timestamp for the token's last transaction.
liquidityString!The total liquidity of the token's top pair in USD.
marketCapStringThe market cap of circulating supply.
nameString!The name of the token.
networkIdInt!The network ID the token is deployed on.
priceFloat!The token price in USD.
priceChangeFloat!The percent price change for the time frame requested. Decimal format.
priceChange1FloatThe percent price change in the past hour. Decimal format.
priceChange4FloatThe percent price change in the past 4 hours. Decimal format.
priceChange12FloatThe percent price change in the past 12 hours. Decimal format.
priceChange24FloatThe percent price change in the past 24 hours. Decimal format.
quoteTokenQuoteTokenThe token of interest. Can be token0 or token1.
resolutionString!The time frame for the results.
symbolString!The symbol for the token.
topPairIdString!The ID of the token's top pair (pairAddress:networkId).
txnCount1IntThe number of transactions in the past hour.
txnCount4IntThe number of transactions in the past 4 hours.
txnCount12IntThe number of transactions in the past 12 hours.
txnCount24IntThe number of transactions in the past 24 hours.
uniqueBuys1IntThe unique number of buys in the past hour.
uniqueBuys4IntThe unique number of buys in the past 4 hours.
uniqueBuys12IntThe unique number of buys in the past 12 hours.
uniqueBuys24IntThe unique number of buys in the past 24 hours.
uniqueSells1IntThe unique number of sells in the past hour.
uniqueSells4IntThe unique number of sells in the past 4 hours.
uniqueSells12IntThe unique number of sells in the past 12 hours.
uniqueSells24IntThe unique number of sells in the past 24 hours.
volumeString!The volume over the time frame requested in USD.


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