Returns transactions for an NFT collection across any marketplace.
Endpoint: getNftEvents
Method: POST
Name | Type | Description |
address | String | The contract address of the NFT collection. |
cursor | String | The cursor to use for pagination. |
exchangeAddress | String | The NFT marketplace address to filter by. |
includeTransfers | Boolean | |
limit | Int | The maximum number of NFT events to return. |
networkId | Int! | The network ID the NFT collection is deployed on. Required |
poolAddress | String | The NFT pool address to filter by. |
timestamp | EventQueryTimestampInput | The time range to filter by. |
tokenId | String | The token ID to filter by. |
Name | Type | Description |
aggregatorAddress | String | The contract address of the marketplace aggregator that routed the transaction. |
blockNumber | Int! | The block number for the transaction. |
contractAddress | String! | The contract address of the NFT collection. |
eventType | String! | The event type of the transaction. |
exchangeAddress | String! | The NFT marketplace address of the transaction. |
fillSource | String | The name of the marketplace that processed the transaction. |
id | String! | The ID of the NFT event (contractAddress :tokenId :networkId ). |
individualPriceNetworkBaseToken | String | The price of each individual NFT in the network's base token. |
individualPriceUsd | String | The price of each individual NFT in USD. |
individualTradePrice | String | The price of each individual NFT in the purchasing token. |
logIndex | Int! | The index of the log in the block. |
maker | String! | The wallet address of the buyer. |
networkId | Int! | The network ID the NFT collection is deployed on. |
numberOfTokens | String | The number of assets involved in the transaction. |
orderDirection | NftEventOrderDirection | The direction of the order. One of 'BUY', 'SELL', or 'OFFER_ACCEPTED'. |
paymentTokenAddress | String! | The contract address of the purchasing token. |
poolAddress | String | The contract address of the NFT pool, if applicable. |
priceError | String | The reason for the price error, if applicable. Can be NO_TOKEN_DATA , NO_TOKEN_PRICE , or LOW_LIQUIDITY_PAIR . |
sortKey | String! | The sortKey for the event (blockNumber #transactionIndex #logIndex (+ #marketplaceEventLogIndex if applicable), zero padded). For example, 0000000016414564#00000224#00000413#00000414 . |
taker | String! | The wallet address of the seller. |
timestamp | Int! | The unix timestamp for the transaction. |
tokenId | String! | The token ID of the NFT asset involved in the transaction. |
totalPriceNetworkBaseToken | String | The total trade price for the transaction in the network's base token. (The transaction can include more than 1 token). |
totalPriceUsd | String | The total trade price for the transaction in USD. (The transaction can include more than 1 token). |
totalTradePrice | String | The total trade price for the transaction in the purchasing token. (The transaction can include more than 1 token). |
tradeOffer | [NftEventTradeItem!] | The tokens/NFTs that were offered to make this transaction occur. |
tradeReceived | [NftEventTradeItem!] | The tokens/NFTs that were received in this transaction. |
transactionHash | String! | The unique hash for the transaction. |
transactionIndex | Int! | The index of the transaction within the block. |
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