Input Objects


Input fields for AddUserAchievementInput

achievementId (AchievementId!)
pointsSeason (PointsSeason!)
quantity (Int!)
userId (String!)


Input fields for BalancesInput

cursor (String)A cursor for use in pagination.
filterToken (String)Optional token specifically request the balance for
includeNative (Boolean)If set to true, native tokens in the response, they will have the id: native:
walletId (String!)The ID of the wallet (walletAddress:networkId).


Input options for the chart image.

Input fields for ChartImageOptions

expirationSeconds (Int)The expiry time of the image in seconds. Max: 172800 (2 days). Default: 900 (15 minutes).
height (Int)The height of the image in pixels. Max: 1200. Default: 450.
width (Int)The width of the image in pixels. Max: 1200. Default: 800.


Input type of chartUrls.

Input fields for ChartInput

pair (PairChartInput)The input required to fetch a pair chart.


Filters for community notes.

Input fields for CommunityNotesFilter

address (String)The contract address of the contract.
contractType (ContractType)
networkId ([Int])The network ID the contract is deployed on.
proposalType (CommunityNoteType)The type of the proposal.


Input type of getCommunityNotes.

Input fields for CommunityNotesInput

cursor (String)The cursor to use for pagination.
filter (CommunityNotesFilter)A set of filters to apply
limit (Int)The maximum number of community notes to return.


Input for comparison operators.

Input fields for ComparisonOperatorInput

eq (String)Equal to.
gt (String)Greater than.
gte (String)Greater than or equal.
lt (String)Less than.
lte (String)Less than or equal.


Input fields for CreateApiTokensInput

count (Int)Number of tokens to create, default is 1
expiresIn (Int)Number of seconds until the token expires, defaults to 1 hour (3600)
requestLimit (String)Number of requests allowed per token, represented as a string, default is 5000


Input for creating an NFT event webhook.

Input fields for CreateNftEventWebhookArgs

alertRecurrence (AlertRecurrence!)The recurrence of the webhook. Can be INDEFINITE or ONCE.
bucketId (String)An optional bucket ID (max 64 characters). Can be used to query for subgroups of webhooks (useful if you have a large number of webhooks).
bucketSortkey (String)An optional bucket sort key (max 64 characters). Can be used to query for subgroups of webhooks (useful if you have a large number of webhooks).
callbackUrl (String!)The url to which the webhook message should be sent.
conditions (NftEventWebhookConditionInput!)The conditions which must be met in order for the webhook to send a message.
deduplicate (Boolean)If enabled, new webhooks won't be created if a webhook with the same parameters already exists. If callbackUrl, conditions, publishingType, and alertRecurrence all match, then we return the existing webhook.
groupId (String)A webhook group ID (max 64 characters). Can be used to group webhooks so that their messages are kept in order as a group rather than by individual webhook.
name (String!)The name of the webhook (max 128 characters).
publishingType (PublishingType)The type of publishing for the webhook. If not set, it defaults to SINGLE.
retrySettings (RetrySettingsInput)The settings for retrying failed webhook messages.
securityToken (String!)A string value to hash along with deduplicationId using SHA-256. Included in the webhook message for added security.


Input for creating NFT event webhooks.

Input fields for CreateNftEventWebhooksInput

webhooks ([CreateNftEventWebhookArgs!]!)A list of NFT event webhooks to create.


Input for creating a price webhook.

Input fields for CreatePriceWebhookArgs

alertRecurrence (AlertRecurrence!)The recurrence of the webhook. Can be INDEFINITE or ONCE.
bucketId (String)An optional bucket ID (max 64 characters). Can be used to query for subgroups of webhooks (useful if you have a large number of webhooks).
bucketSortkey (String)An optional bucket sort key (max 64 characters). Can be used to query for subgroups of webhooks (useful if you have a large number of webhooks).
callbackUrl (String!)The url to which the webhook message should be sent.
conditions (PriceEventWebhookConditionInput!)The conditions which must be met in order for the webhook to send a message.
deduplicate (Boolean)If enabled, new webhooks won't be created if a webhook with the same parameters already exists. If callbackUrl, conditions, publishingType, and alertRecurrence all match, then we return the existing webhook.
groupId (String)A webhook group ID (max 64 characters). Can be used to group webhooks so that their messages are kept in order as a group rather than by individual webhook.
name (String!)The name of the webhook (max 128 characters).
publishingType (PublishingType)The type of publishing for the webhook. If not set, it defaults to SINGLE.
retrySettings (RetrySettingsInput)The settings for retrying failed webhook messages.
securityToken (String!)A string value to hash along with deduplicationId using SHA-256. Included in the webhook message for added security.


Input for creating price webhooks.

Input fields for CreatePriceWebhooksInput

webhooks ([CreatePriceWebhookArgs!]!)A list of price webhooks to create.


Input for creating a Raw Transaction webhook.

Input fields for CreateRawTransactionWebhookArgs

alertRecurrence (AlertRecurrence!)The recurrence of the webhook. Can be INDEFINITE or ONCE.
bucketId (String)An optional bucket ID (max 64 characters). Can be used to query for subgroups of webhooks (useful if you have a large number of webhooks).
bucketSortkey (String)An optional bucket sort key (max 64 characters). Can be used to query for subgroups of webhooks (useful if you have a large number of webhooks).
callbackUrl (String!)The url to which the webhook message should be sent.
conditions (RawTransactionWebhookConditionInput!)The conditions which must be met in order for the webhook to send a message.
deduplicate (Boolean)If enabled, new webhooks won't be created if a webhook with the same parameters already exists. If callbackUrl, conditions, publishingType, and alertRecurrence all match, then we return the existing webhook.
groupId (String)A webhook group ID (max 64 characters). Can be used to group webhooks so that their messages are kept in order as a group rather than by individual webhook.
name (String!)The name of the webhook (max 128 characters).
publishingType (PublishingType)The type of publishing for the webhook. If not set, it defaults to SINGLE.
retrySettings (RetrySettingsInput)The settings for retrying failed webhook messages.
securityToken (String!)A string value to hash along with deduplicationId using SHA-256. Included in the webhook message for added security.


Input for creating Raw Transaction webhooks.

Input fields for CreateRawTransactionWebhooksInput

webhooks ([CreateRawTransactionWebhookArgs!]!)A list of Raw Transaction webhooks to create.


Input for creating a token pair event webhook.

Input fields for CreateTokenPairEventWebhookArgs

alertRecurrence (AlertRecurrence!)The recurrence of the webhook. Can be INDEFINITE or ONCE.
bucketId (String)An optional bucket ID (max 64 characters). Can be used to query for subgroups of webhooks (useful if you have a large number of webhooks).
bucketSortkey (String)An optional bucket sort key (max 64 characters). Can be used to query for subgroups of webhooks (useful if you have a large number of webhooks).
callbackUrl (String!)The url to which the webhook message should be sent.
conditions (TokenPairEventWebhookConditionInput!)The conditions which must be met in order for the webhook to send a message.
deduplicate (Boolean)If enabled, new webhooks won't be created if a webhook with the same parameters already exists. If callbackUrl, conditions, publishingType, and alertRecurrence all match, then we return the existing webhook.
groupId (String)A webhook group ID (max 64 characters). Can be used to group webhooks so that their messages are kept in order as a group rather than by individual webhook.
name (String!)The name of the webhook (max 128 characters).
publishingType (PublishingType)The type of publishing for the webhook. If not set, it defaults to SINGLE.
retrySettings (RetrySettingsInput)The settings for retrying failed webhook messages.
securityToken (String!)A string value to hash along with deduplicationId using SHA-256. Included in the webhook message for added security.


Input for creating token pair event webhooks.

Input fields for CreateTokenPairEventWebhooksInput

webhooks ([CreateTokenPairEventWebhookArgs!]!)A list of token pair event webhooks to create.


Input for creating webhooks.

Input fields for CreateWebhooksInput

nftEventWebhooksInput (CreateNftEventWebhooksInput)Input for creating NFT event webhooks.
priceWebhooksInput (CreatePriceWebhooksInput)Input for creating price webhooks.
rawTransactionWebhooksInput (CreateRawTransactionWebhooksInput)Input for creating raw transaction webhooks.
tokenPairEventWebhooksInput (CreateTokenPairEventWebhooksInput)Input for creating token pair event webhooks.


Input for deleting webhooks.

Input fields for DeleteWebhooksInput

webhookIds ([String!]!)A list of webhook IDs to delete.


Input type of EventQueryTimestamp.

Input fields for EventQueryTimestampInput

from (Int!)The unix timestamp for the start of the requested range.
to (Int!)The unix timestamp for the end of the requested range.


Input type of EventsQuery.

Input fields for EventsQueryInput

address (String!)The pair contract address to filter by. If you pass a token address in here, it will instead find the top pair for that token and use that.
amountNonLiquidityToken (NumberFilter)The amount of quoteToken involved in the swap.
eventDisplayType ([EventDisplayType])The list of event display types to filter by.
eventType (EventType)The specific event type to filter by.
maker (String)The specific wallet address to filter by.
networkId (Int!)The network ID to filter by.
priceBaseToken (NumberFilter)The price per quoteToken at the time of the swap in the network's base token.
priceBaseTokenTotal (NumberFilter)The total amount of quoteToken involved in the swap in the network's base token (amountNonLiquidityToken x priceBaseToken).
priceUsd (NumberFilter)The price per quoteToken at the time of the swap in USD.
priceUsdTotal (NumberFilter)The total amount of quoteToken involved in the swap in USD (amountNonLiquidityToken x priceUsd).
quoteToken (QuoteToken)The token of interest. Can be token0 or token1.
timestamp (EventQueryTimestampInput)The time range to filter by.


Input type of ExchangeFilters.

Input fields for ExchangeFilters

address ([String])The list of exchange contract addresses to filter by.
dailyActiveUsers (NumberFilter)The total unique daily active users.
monthlyActiveUsers (NumberFilter)The total unique monthly active users (30 days).
network ([Int])The list of network IDs to filter by.
txnCount1 (StringFilter)The number of transactions on the exchange in the past hour.
txnCount4 (StringFilter)The number of transactions on the exchange in the past 4 hours.
txnCount12 (StringFilter)The number of transactions on the exchange in the past 12 hours.
txnCount24 (StringFilter)The number of transactions on the exchange in the past 24 hours.
volumeNBT1 (StringFilter)The trade volume in the network's base token in the past hour.
volumeNBT4 (StringFilter)The trade volume in the network's base token in the past 4 hours.
volumeNBT12 (StringFilter)The trade volume in the network's base token in the past 12 hours.
volumeNBT24 (StringFilter)The trade volume in the network's base token in the past 24 hours.
volumeUSD1 (StringFilter)The trade volume in USD in the past hour.
volumeUSD4 (StringFilter)The trade volume in USD in the past 4 hours.
volumeUSD12 (StringFilter)The trade volume in USD in the past 12 hours.
volumeUSD24 (StringFilter)The trade volume in USD in the past 24 hours.


Input type of ExchangeRanking.

Input fields for ExchangeRanking

attribute (ExchangeRankingAttribute)The attribute to rank exchanges by.
direction (RankingDirection)The direction to apply to the ranking attribute.


Filter for fillsource based NFT stats.

Input fields for FillsourceStatsFilter

change (NumberFilter)The percent change between the current and previous.
current (NumberFilter)The total value for the current window.
fillsource (String!)The fillsource to target for the current window.
previous (NumberFilter)The total value for the previous window.


Input type of getDetailedPairsStats.

Input fields for GetDetailedPairsStatsInput

bucketCount (Int)The number of aggregated values to receive. Note: Each duration has predetermined bucket sizes.
The first n-1 buckets are historical. The last bucket is a snapshot of current data.
duration day1: 6 buckets (4 hours each) plus 1 partial bucket
duration hour12: 12 buckets (1 hour each) plus 1 partial bucket
duration hour4: 8 buckets (30 min each) plus 1 partial bucket
duration hour1: 12 buckets (5 min each) plus 1 partial bucket
duration min5: 5 buckets (1 min each) plus 1 partial bucket
For example, requesting 11 buckets for a min5 duration will return the last 10 minutes worth of data plus a snapshot for the current minute.
durations ([DetailedPairStatsDuration])The list of durations to get detailed pair stats for.
networkId (Int!)The network ID the pair is deployed on.
pairAddress (String!)The contract address of the pair.
statsType (TokenPairStatisticsType)The type of statistics returned. Can be FILTERED or UNFILTERED
timestamp (Int)The unix timestamp for the stats. Defaults to current.
tokenOfInterest (TokenOfInterest)The token of interest used to calculate token-specific stats for the pair. Can be token0 or token1.


Input fields for GetGasEstimateInput

customGas (String)
direction (OrderDirection!)
exchangeAddress (String)
gasPrice (GasPrice)
inputTokenAddress (String!)
inputTokenAmount (String!)
networkId (Int!)
outputTokenAddress (String!)
poolAddress (String)
sendWithPrivateRpc (Boolean)
slippage (Float)
userId (Int)
walletId (Int)


Input type of getTokenPrices.

Input fields for GetPriceInput

address (String!)The contract address of the token.
maxDeviations (Float)The maximum number of deviations from the token's Liquidity-Weighted Mean Price. This is used to mitigate low liquidity pairs producing prices that are not representative of reality. Default is 1.
networkId (Int!)The network ID the token is deployed on.
poolAddress (String)The address of the pool, when omitted the top pool is used.
timestamp (Int)The unix timestamp for the price.


Input fields for GetQuoteInput

customGas (String)
direction (OrderDirection!)
exchangeAddress (String)
inputTokenAddress (String!)
inputTokenAmount (String!)
networkId (Int!)
outputTokenAddress (String!)
poolAddress (String)
slippage (Float)
userId (Int)


Input type of getTokensInfo.

Input fields for GetTokensInfoInput

address (String!)The contract address of the token.
networkId (Int!)The network ID the token is deployed on.


Input fields for HoldersInput

cursor (String)A cursor for use in pagination.
sort (HoldersInputSort)The attribute to sort the list on
tokenId (String!)The ID of the token (tokenAddress:networkId).


Input fields for HoldersInputSort

attribute (HoldersSortAttribute)The attribute to sort the list on
direction (RankingDirection)The direction to apply to the ranking attribute.


Input for integer equals condition.

Input fields for IntEqualsConditionInput

eq (Int!)The integer to equal.


Input fields for MakerEventsQueryInput

eventType (EventType)The specific event type to filter by.
maker (String!)The specific wallet address to filter by.
networkId (Int)The network ID to filter by.
priceUsdTotal (NumberFilter)The total amount of quoteToken involved in the swap in USD (amountNonLiquidityToken x priceUsd).
timestamp (EventQueryTimestampInput)The time range to filter by.
tokenAddress (String)The token involved in the event.


Input fields for MigrateTrackedWalletsInput

fromUserId (String!)
toUserId (String!)


Input filters for filterNftCollections.

Input fields for NftCollectionFilters

ercType ([NftContractErcType])The list of token standards to filter by.
lastEventTimestamp (NumberFilter)The unix timestamp for the last event.
network ([Int])The list of network IDs to filter by.
stats1h (NftStatsWindowFilter)Stats for the past hour.
stats4h (NftStatsWindowFilter)Stats for the past 4 hours.
stats12h (NftStatsWindowFilter)Stats for the past 12 hours.
stats24h (NftStatsWindowFilter)Stats for the past 24 hours.
totalSupply (NumberFilter)The total supply of the NFT collection.


Input type of NftCollectionRanking.

Input fields for NftCollectionRanking

attribute (NftCollectionRankingAttribute)The attribute to rank NFT collections by.
direction (RankingDirection)The direction to apply to the ranking attribute.


Input type of getNftContracts.

Input fields for NftContractInput

address (String!)The NFT contract address.
networkId (Int!)The network ID the NFT collection is deployed on.


Input for NFT event fill source condition.

Input fields for NftEventFillSourceConditionInput

oneOf ([WebhookNftEventFillSource!]!)The list of NFT marketplace to equal.


Input for NFT event type.

Input fields for NftEventTypeConditionInput

eq (WebhookNftEventType!)The NFT event type to equal.


Input conditions for an NFT event webhook.

Input fields for NftEventWebhookConditionInput

contractAddress (StringEqualsConditionInput)The NFT collection contract address to listen for.
eventType (NftEventTypeConditionInput)The NFT event type to listen for.
exchangeAddress (StringEqualsConditionInput)The exchange contract address to listen for.
fillSource (NftEventFillSourceConditionInput)The NFT marketplaces to listen for.
ignoreTransfers (Boolean)Option to ignore all nft transfer events
maker (StringEqualsConditionInput)The maker wallet address to listen for.
networkId (OneOfNumberConditionInput)A list of network IDs to listen on.
tokenId (StringEqualsConditionInput)The token ID to listen for.


Input fields for NftHoldersInput

collectionAddress (String!)The address of the collection contract.
cursor (String)A cursor for use in pagination.
networkId (Int!)The network ID the collection is deployed on.


Input type of NftPoolCollectionFilters.

Input fields for NftPoolCollectionFilters

balanceNBT (NumberFilter)The total liquidity of the collection in the network's base token.
balanceUSD (NumberFilter)The total liquidity of the collection in USD.
ercType ([String])The list of token standards to filter by. Can be a variation of ERC-721 or ERC-1155.
exchange ([String])The list of NFT AMM marketplace addresses to filter by.
expenseNBT24 (NumberFilter)The total sell volume of the collection in the network's base token over the past 24 hours.
expenseNBTAll (NumberFilter)The total sell volume of the collection in the network's base token over the collection's lifetime.
expenseUSD24 (NumberFilter)The total sell volume of the collection in USD over the past 24 hours.
expenseUSDAll (NumberFilter)The total sell volume of the collection in USD over the collection's lifetime.
floorNBT (NumberFilter)The lowest price at which any of the collection's pools are willing to sell an NFT in the network's base token.
floorUSD (NumberFilter)The lowest price at which any of the collection's pools are willing to sell an NFT in USD.
highPriceNBT24 (NumberFilter)The highest sale price within the collection in the network's base token in the past 24 hours.
highPriceNBTAll (NumberFilter)The highest sale price within the collection in the network's base token in the collection's lifetime.
highPriceUSD24 (NumberFilter)The highest sale price within the collection in USD in the past 24 hours.
highPriceUSDAll (NumberFilter)The highest sale price within the collection in USD in the collection's lifetime.
lowPriceNBT24 (NumberFilter)The lowest sale price within the collection in the network's base token in the past 24 hours.
lowPriceNBTAll (NumberFilter)The lowest sale price within the collection in the network's base token in the collection's lifetime.
lowPriceUSD24 (NumberFilter)The lowest sale price within the collection in USD in the past 24 hours.
lowPriceUSDAll (NumberFilter)The lowest sale price within the collection in USD in the collection's lifetime.
network ([Int])The list of network IDs to filter by.
nftBalance (NumberFilter)The number of NFTs in all of the collection's pools.
nftsBought24 (NumberFilter)The number of NFTs bought in any of the collection's pools over the past 24 hours.
nftsBoughtAll (NumberFilter)The number of NFTs bought in any of the collection's pools over the collection's lifetime.
nftsSold24 (NumberFilter)The number of NFTs sold in any of the collection's pools over the past 24 hours.
nftsSoldAll (NumberFilter)The number of NFTs sold in any of the collection's pools over the collection's lifetime.
nftVolume24 (NumberFilter)The number of NFTs bought in any of the collection's pools over the past 24 hours.
nftVolumeAll (NumberFilter)The number of NFTs bought or sold in any of the collection's pools over the collection's lifetime.
offerNBT (NumberFilter)The highest price at which any of the collection's pools are willing to buy an NFT in the network's base token.
offerUSD (NumberFilter)The highest price at which any of the collection's pools are willing to buy an NFT in USD.
poolFeesNBT24 (NumberFilter)The sum of pool fees generated by the collection in the network's base token over the past 24 hours.
poolFeesNBTAll (NumberFilter)The sum of pool fees generated by the collection in the network's base token over the collection's lifetime.
poolFeesUSD24 (NumberFilter)The sum of pool fees generated by the collection in USD over the past 24 hours.
poolFeesUSDAll (NumberFilter)The sum of pool fees generated by the collection in USD over the collection's lifetime.
protocolFeesNBT24 (NumberFilter)The sum of protocol fees generated by the collection in the network's base token over the past 24 hours.
protocolFeesNBTAll (NumberFilter)The sum of protocol fees generated by the collection in the network's base token over the collection's lifetime.
protocolFeesUSD24 (NumberFilter)The sum of protocol fees generated by the collection in USD over the past 24 hours.
protocolFeesUSDAll (NumberFilter)The sum of protocol fees generated by the collection in USD over the collection's lifetime.
revenueNBT24 (NumberFilter)The total buy volume of the collection in the network's base token over the past 24 hours.
revenueNBTAll (NumberFilter)The total buy volume of the collection in the network's base token over the collection's lifetime.
revenueUSD24 (NumberFilter)The total buy volume of the collection in USD over the past 24 hours.
revenueUSDAll (NumberFilter)The total buy volume of the collection in USD over the collection's lifetime.
totalSupply (NumberFilter)The total supply of the collection.
volumeNBT24 (NumberFilter)The total volume of the collection in the network's base token over the past 24 hours.
volumeNBTAll (NumberFilter)The total volume of the collection in the network's base token over the collection's lifetime.
volumeUSD24 (NumberFilter)The total volume of the collection in USD over the past 24 hours.
volumeUSDAll (NumberFilter)The total volume of the collection in USD over the collection's lifetime.


Input type of NftPoolCollectionRanking.

Input fields for NftPoolCollectionRanking

attribute (NftPoolCollectionRankingAttribute)The attribute to rank NFT collections by.
direction (RankingDirection)The direction to apply to the ranking attribute.


Input type of NftPoolFilters.

Input fields for NftPoolFilters

acceptedNftTokenIds ([String])For ERC1155 pools, the list of NFT token IDs that are accepted by the pool.
balanceNBT (NftPoolNumberFilter)The pool liquidity in the network's base token.
balanceUSD (NftPoolNumberFilter)The pool liquidity in USD.
collectionAddress ([String])The contract address of the NFT collection.
exchangeAddress ([String])The list of NFT AMM marketplace addresses to filter by.
expenseNBT24 (NftPoolNumberFilter)The total sell volume of the pool in the network's base token over the past 24 hours.
expenseNBTAll (NftPoolNumberFilter)The total sell volume of the pool in the network's base token over the pool's lifetime.
expenseUSD24 (NftPoolNumberFilter)The total sell volume of the pool in USD over the past 24 hours.
expenseUSDAll (NftPoolNumberFilter)The total sell volume of the pool in USD over the pool's lifetime.
network ([Int])The list of network IDs to filter by.
nftBalance (NftPoolNumberFilter)The number of NFTs in the pool.
nftsBought24 (NftPoolNumberFilter)The number of NFTs bought over the past 24 hours.
nftsBoughtAll (NftPoolNumberFilter)The number of NFTs bought over the pool's lifetime.
nftsSold24 (NftPoolNumberFilter)The number of NFTs sold over the past 24 hours.
nftsSoldAll (NftPoolNumberFilter)The number of NFTs sold over the pool's lifetime.
nftVolume24 (NftPoolNumberFilter)The number of NFTs bought or sold over the past 24 hours.
nftVolumeAll (NftPoolNumberFilter)The number of NFTs bought or sold over the pool's lifetime.
offerNBT (NftPoolNumberFilter)The price at which the pool is willing to buy an NFT in the network's base token.
offerUSD (NftPoolNumberFilter)The price at which the pool is willing to buy an NFT in USD.
ownerAddress ([String])The wallet address of the pool owner.
poolFeesNBT24 (NftPoolNumberFilter)The sum of fees generated by the pool in the network's base token in the past 24 hours.
poolFeesNBTAll (NftPoolNumberFilter)The sum of fees generated by the pool in the network's base token over the pool's lifetime.
poolFeesUSD24 (NftPoolNumberFilter)The sum of fees generated by the pool in USD in the past 24 hours.
poolFeesUSDAll (NftPoolNumberFilter)The sum of fees generated by the pool in USD over the pool's lifetime.
protocolFeesNBT24 (NftPoolNumberFilter)The sum of protocol fees generated by the pool in the network's base token over the past 24 hours.
protocolFeesNBTAll (NftPoolNumberFilter)The sum of protocol fees generated by the pool in the network's base token over the pool's lifetime.
protocolFeesUSD24 (NftPoolNumberFilter)The sum of protocol fees generated by the pool in USD over the past 24 hours.
protocolFeesUSDAll (NftPoolNumberFilter)The sum of protocol fees generated by the pool in USD over the pool's lifetime.
revenueNBT24 (NftPoolNumberFilter)The total buy volume of the pool in the network's base token over the past 24 hours.
revenueNBTAll (NftPoolNumberFilter)The total buy volume of the pool in the network's base token over the pool's lifetime.
revenueUSD24 (NftPoolNumberFilter)The total buy volume of the pool in USD over the past 24 hours.
revenueUSDAll (NftPoolNumberFilter)The total buy volume of the pool in USD over the pool's lifetime.
sellNBT (NftPoolNumberFilter)The current sell price of the pool in the network's base token.
sellUSD (NftPoolNumberFilter)The current sell price of the pool in USD.
volumeNBT24 (NftPoolNumberFilter)The total volume of the pool in the network's base token over the past 24 hours.
volumeNBTAll (NftPoolNumberFilter)The total volume of the pool in the network's base token over the pool's lifetime.
volumeUSD24 (NftPoolNumberFilter)The total volume of the pool in USD over the past 24 hours.
volumeUSDAll (NftPoolNumberFilter)The total volume of the pool in USD over the pool's lifetime.


Input type of NftPoolNumberFilter.

Input fields for NftPoolNumberFilter

gt (String)Greater than.
gte (String)Greater than or equal to.
lt (String)Less than.
lte (String)Less than or equal to.


Input type of NftPoolRanking.

Input fields for NftPoolRanking

attribute (NftPoolRankingAttribute)The attribute to rank NFT pools by.
direction (RankingDirection)The direction to apply to the ranking attribute.


NFT stats for a given time frame.

Input fields for NftStatsWindowFilter

networkBaseToken (statsCurrency)The currency stats in the network's base token, such as volume.
nonCurrency (statsNonCurrency)The numerical stats, such as number of sales.
usd (statsCurrency)The currency stats in USD, such as volume.


Input type of NumberFilter.

Input fields for NumberFilter

gt (Float)Greater than.
gte (Float)Greater than or equal to.
lt (Float)Less than.
lte (Float)Less than or equal to.


Input for integer list condition.

Input fields for OneOfNumberConditionInput

oneOf ([Int!]!)The list of integers.


Input fields for OnLaunchpadTokenUpdatedInput

address (String)
networkId (Int)
protocol (LaunchpadTokenProtocol)


Input fields for OnPricesUpdatedInput

address (String!)
networkId (Int!)
sourcePairAddress (String)


Input fields for OnTokenEventsCreatedInput

networkId (Int!)
tokenAddress (String!)


Input type of PairChartInput.

Input fields for PairChartInput

chartSettings (PairChartSettings!)Settings that pertain to the chart.
imageOptions (ChartImageOptions)Options that pertain to the image itself.


Input options for the chart.

Input fields for PairChartSettings

from (Int)The unix timestamp for the start of the requested range.
networkId (Int!)The network ID the pair is deployed on.
pairAddress (String!)The contract address of the pair.
quoteToken (QuoteToken)The token of interest within the token's top pair. Can be token0 or token1.
resolution (String)The time frame for each candle. Available options are 1, 5, 15, 30, 60, 240, 720, 1D, 7D.
theme (ChartTheme)The color theme of the chart.
to (Int)The unix timestamp for the end of the requested range.


Input type of PairFilterMatchTokens.

Input fields for PairFilterMatchTokens

token0 (String)The contract address of token0 to filter by.
token1 (String)The contract address of token1 to filter by.


Input type of PairFilters.

Input fields for PairFilters

buyCount1 (NumberFilter)The number of buys in the past hour.
buyCount4 (NumberFilter)The number of buys in the past 4 hours.
buyCount12 (NumberFilter)The number of buys in the past 12 hours.
buyCount24 (NumberFilter)The number of buys in the past 24 hours.
createdAt (NumberFilter)The unix timestamp for the creation of the pair.
exchangeAddress ([String])The list of exchange contract addresses to filter by.
highPrice1 (NumberFilter)The highest price in USD in the past hour.
highPrice4 (NumberFilter)The highest price in USD in the past 4 hours.
highPrice12 (NumberFilter)The highest price in USD in the past 12 hours.
highPrice24 (NumberFilter)The highest price in USD in the past 24 hours.
lastTransaction (NumberFilter)The unix timestamp for the last transaction to happen on the pair.
liquidity (NumberFilter)The amount of liquidity in the pair.
lockedLiquidityPercentage (NumberFilter)The percent amount of liquidity that is locked
lowPrice1 (NumberFilter)The lowest price in USD in the past hour.
lowPrice4 (NumberFilter)The lowest price in USD in the past 4 hours.
lowPrice12 (NumberFilter)The lowest price in USD in the past 12 hours.
lowPrice24 (NumberFilter)The lowest price in USD in the past 24 hours.
network ([Int])The list of network IDs to filter by.
potentialScam (Boolean)Filter potential Scams
price (NumberFilter)The token price in USD.
priceChange1 (NumberFilter)The percent price change in the past hour. Decimal format.
priceChange4 (NumberFilter)The percent price change in the past 4 hours. Decimal format.
priceChange12 (NumberFilter)The percent price change in the past 12 hours. Decimal format.
priceChange24 (NumberFilter)The percent price change in the past 24 hours. Decimal format.
sellCount1 (NumberFilter)The number of sells in the past hour.
sellCount4 (NumberFilter)The number of sells in the past 4 hours.
sellCount12 (NumberFilter)The number of sells in the past 12 hours.
sellCount24 (NumberFilter)The number of sells in the past 24 hours.
tokenAddress ([String])The list of token contract addresses to filter by.
trendingIgnored (Boolean)Whether to ignore pairs/tokens not relevant to trending
txnCount1 (NumberFilter)The number of transactions in the past hour.
txnCount4 (NumberFilter)The number of transactions in the past 4 hours.
txnCount12 (NumberFilter)The number of transactions in the past 12 hours.
txnCount24 (NumberFilter)The number of transactions in the past 24 hours.
uniqueBuys1 (NumberFilter)The unique number of buys in the past hour.
uniqueBuys4 (NumberFilter)The unique number of buys in the past 4 hours.
uniqueBuys12 (NumberFilter)The unique number of buys in the past 12 hours.
uniqueBuys24 (NumberFilter)The unique number of buys in the past 24 hours.
uniqueSells1 (NumberFilter)The unique number of sells in the past hour.
uniqueSells4 (NumberFilter)The unique number of sells in the past 4 hours.
uniqueSells12 (NumberFilter)The unique number of sells in the past 12 hours.
uniqueSells24 (NumberFilter)The unique number of sells in the past 24 hours.
uniqueTransactions1 (NumberFilter)The unique number of transactions in the past hour.
uniqueTransactions4 (NumberFilter)The unique number of transactions in the past 4 hours.
uniqueTransactions12 (NumberFilter)The unique number of transactions in the past 12 hours.
uniqueTransactions24 (NumberFilter)The unique number of transactions in the past 24 hours.
volumeChange1 (NumberFilter)The percent volume change in the past hour. Decimal format.
volumeChange4 (NumberFilter)The percent volume change in the past 4 hours. Decimal format.
volumeChange12 (NumberFilter)The percent volume change in the past 12 hours. Decimal format.
volumeChange24 (NumberFilter)The percent volume change in the past 24 hours. Decimal format.
volumeUSD1 (NumberFilter)The trade volume in USD in the past hour.
volumeUSD4 (NumberFilter)The trade volume in USD in the past 4 hours.
volumeUSD12 (NumberFilter)The trade volume in USD in the past 12 hours.
volumeUSD24 (NumberFilter)The trade volume in USD in the past 24 hours.


Input type of PairRanking.

Input fields for PairRanking

attribute (PairRankingAttribute)The attribute to rank pairs by.
direction (RankingDirection)The direction to apply to the ranking attribute.


Input type of ParallelAssetFilters.

Input fields for ParallelAssetFilters

attack (NumberFilter)The damage dealt when engaged in combat.
cost (NumberFilter)The energy used to play in-game.
health (NumberFilter)The possible damage received before being destroyed.
lastPriceNetworkBaseToken (NumberFilter)The last sale price in the network's base token.
lastPriceUsd (NumberFilter)The last sale price in USD.
supply (NumberFilter)The total supply of this individual asset.


Input type of ParallelAssetMatchers.

Input fields for ParallelAssetMatchers

cardType ([ParallelAssetMatcherCardType])The card type. Can be Effect, Relic, Unit, Upgrade or Paragon.
class ([ParallelAssetMatcherClass])The card class. Can be Art Card, Asset, Card Back, FE, Masterpiece, PL, or SE.
expansion ([String])The expansion used for naming base and expansion sets.
parallel ([ParallelAssetMatcherParallel])The Parallel the asset belongs to.
paraset ([String])The paraset the asset belongs to.
rarity ([ParallelAssetMatcherRarity])The list of rarities. Can be Common, Uncommon, Rare, Legendary, or Prime.
subtype ([ParallelAssetMatcherSubtype])The card subtype. Can be Pirate, Vehicle or Clone.
tokenId ([String])


Input type of ParallelAssetRanking.

Input fields for ParallelAssetRanking

attribute (ParallelAssetRankingAttribute)The attribute to rank Parallel assets by.
direction (RankingDirection)The direction to apply to the ranking attribute.


Input type of `ParallelCardChangeQueryTimestamp.

Input fields for ParallelCardChangeQueryTimestampInput

from (Int)The unix timestamp for the start of the requested range.
to (Int)The unix timestamp for the end of the requested range.


Input conditions for a price event webhook.

Input fields for PriceEventWebhookConditionInput

networkId (IntEqualsConditionInput!)The network ID to listen on.
pairAddress (StringEqualsConditionInput)The contract address of the pair to listen for.
priceUsd (ComparisonOperatorInput!)The price conditions to listen for.
tokenAddress (StringEqualsConditionInput!)The contract address of the token to listen for.


Input Type of PrimePoolQuery

Input fields for PrimePoolInput

address (String!)The address of the pool contract.
networkId (Int!)The network that the pool is deployed on.
poolIds ([String])Optional list of pool ids to fetch.


Input conditions for a Raw Transaction webhook.

Input fields for RawTransactionWebhookConditionInput

from (StringEqualsConditionInput)The from address to listen for.
ignoreNftEvents (Boolean)Do not trigger the webhook if the raw transaction is handled by the NftEvent webhook.
ignoreTokenPairEvents (Boolean)Do not trigger the webhook if the raw transaction is handled by the TokenPairEvent webhook.
input (StringContainsConditionInput)Trigger the webhook if the input contains or doesn't contain the specified string.
networkId (OneOfNumberConditionInput)A list of network IDs to listen on.
to (StringEqualsConditionInput)The to address to listen for.
toOrFrom (StringEqualsConditionInput)Trigger the webhook if either the to or the from address matches.


Input fields for RemoveUserAchievementInput

achievementId (AchievementId!)
pointsSeason (PointsSeason!)
userId (String!)


Config input for retrying failed webhook messages

Input fields for RetrySettingsInput

maxRetries (Int)The maximum number of times the webhook will retry sending a message
maxRetryDelay (Int)The maximum time in seconds that the webhook will wait before retrying a failed message
maxTimeElapsed (Int)The maximum time in seconds that the webhook will retry sending a message
minRetryDelay (Int)The minimum time in seconds that the webhook will wait before retrying a failed message


Input fields for SessionMetadata

shouldNotify (Boolean)


Input fields for SimulateCreateTransactionInput

blockNumber (Int!)The block number to simulate the contract at.
contractAddress (String!)The contract address of the token.
createTransactionHash (String!)The contract creation transaction hash from the live network.
networkId (Int!)The network ID the token is deployed on. Currently only supports 1 (mainnet).


Input fields for SimulateDeployInput

blockNumber (Int!)The block number to simulate the contract at.
contractAddress (String!)The contract address of the token.
contractInput (String!)The contract creation transaction input to simulate.
networkId (Int!)The network ID the token is deployed on. Currently only supports 1 (mainnet).


Input fields for SimulateLiveContractInput

blockNumber (Int)The block number to simulate the contract at.
contractAddress (String!)The contract address of the token.
networkId (Int!)The network ID the token is deployed on. Currently only supports 1 (mainnet).


Input fields for SimulateTokenContractInput

simulateCreateTransactionInput (SimulateCreateTransactionInput)Input for a token contract create transaction simulation.
simulateDeployInput (SimulateDeployInput)Input for a token contract deploy simulation.
simulateLiveContractInput (SimulateLiveContractInput)Input for a live token contract simulation.


Currency stats.

Input fields for statsCurrency

average (StatsFilter)The average sale price in the time frame.
close (StatsFilter)The closing price for the time frame.
highestSale (StatsFilter)The highest sale price in the time frame.
lowestSale (StatsFilter)The lowest sale price in the time frame.
open (StatsFilter)The opening price for the time frame.
volume (StatsFilter)The volume over the time frame.
volumeByFillsource ([FillsourceStatsFilter])The volume by fillsource over the time frame.
volumePercentByFillsource ([FillsourceStatsFilter])The volume percentage by fillsource over the time frame.


Filter for NFT stats.

Input fields for StatsFilter

change (NumberFilter)The percent change between the current and previous.
current (NumberFilter)The total value for the current window.
previous (NumberFilter)The total value for the previous window.


Numerical stats for an NFT collection over a time frame.

Input fields for statsNonCurrency

mints (StatsFilter)The number of mints over the time frame.
sales (StatsFilter)The number of sales over the time frame.
tokensSold (StatsFilter)The number of tokens sold over the time frame.
transfers (StatsFilter)The number of transfers over the time frame.
uniqueBuyers (StatsFilter)The number of unique buyers over the time frame.
uniqueMinters (StatsFilter)The number of unique minters over the time frame.
uniqueSalesWallets (StatsFilter)The number of unique wallets (buyers or sellers) over the time frame.
uniqueSellers (StatsFilter)The number of unique sellers over the time frame.


Input for string contains condition.

Input fields for StringContainsConditionInput

contains ([String!])A list of substrings to be included within the string.
notContains ([String!])A list of substrings not to be included within the string.


Input for string equals condition.

Input fields for StringEqualsConditionInput

eq (String!)The string to equal.


Input type of StringFilter.

Input fields for StringFilter

gt (String)Greater than.
gte (String)Greater than or equal to.
lt (String)Less than.
lte (String)Less than or equal to.


Input type of TokenFilters.

Input fields for TokenFilters

age (NumberFilter)
buyCount1 (NumberFilter)The number of buys in the past hour.
buyCount4 (NumberFilter)The number of buys in the past 4 hours.
buyCount5m (NumberFilter)The number of buys in the past 5 minutes.
buyCount12 (NumberFilter)The number of buys in the past 12 hours.
buyCount24 (NumberFilter)The number of buys in the past 24 hours.
change1 (NumberFilter)The percent price change in the past hour. Decimal format.
change4 (NumberFilter)The percent price change in the past 4 hours. Decimal format.
change5m (NumberFilter)The percent price change in the past 5 minutes. Decimal format.
change12 (NumberFilter)The percent price change in the past 12 hours. Decimal format.
change24 (NumberFilter)The percent price change in the past 24 hours. Decimal format.
createdAt (NumberFilter)The unix timestamp for the creation of the token's first pair.
creatorAddress (String)The address of the creator of the token
exchangeAddress ([String])The list of exchange contract addresses to filter by.
exchangeId ([String])The list of exchange contract IDs to filter by. Applied in conjunction with network filter using an OR condition. When used together, the query returns results that match either the specified exchanges or the specified network.
fdv (NumberFilter)
high1 (NumberFilter)The highest price in USD in the past hour.
high4 (NumberFilter)The highest price in USD in the past 4 hours.
high5m (NumberFilter)The highest price in USD in the past 5 minutes.
high12 (NumberFilter)The highest price in USD in the past 12 hours.
high24 (NumberFilter)The highest price in USD in the past 24 hours.
holders (NumberFilter)The number of different wallets holding the token.
includeScams (Boolean)Whether to include tokens that have been flagged as scams. Default: false
isVerified (Boolean)Only include verified tokens
lastTransaction (NumberFilter)The unix timestamp for the token's last transaction.
liquidity (NumberFilter)The amount of liquidity in the token's top pair.
low1 (NumberFilter)The lowest price in USD in the past hour.
low4 (NumberFilter)The lowest price in USD in the past 4 hours.
low5m (NumberFilter)The lowest price in USD in the past 5 minutes.
low12 (NumberFilter)The lowest price in USD in the past 12 hours.
low24 (NumberFilter)The lowest price in USD in the past 24 hours.
marketCap (NumberFilter)The market cap of circulating supply.
network ([Int])The list of network IDs to filter by. Applied in conjunction with exchangeId filter using an OR condition. When used together, the query returns results that match either the specified exchanges or the specified network.
potentialScam (Boolean)Filter potential Scams
priceUSD (NumberFilter)The token price in USD.
sellCount1 (NumberFilter)The number of sells in the past hour.
sellCount4 (NumberFilter)The number of sells in the past 4 hours.
sellCount5m (NumberFilter)The number of sells in the past 5 minutes.
sellCount12 (NumberFilter)The number of sells in the past 12 hours.
sellCount24 (NumberFilter)The number of sells in the past 24 hours.
trendingIgnored (Boolean)Whether to ignore pairs/tokens not relevant to trending
txnCount1 (NumberFilter)The number of transactions in the past hour.
txnCount4 (NumberFilter)The number of transactions in the past 4 hours.
txnCount5m (NumberFilter)The number of transactions in the past 5 minutes.
txnCount12 (NumberFilter)The number of transactions in the past 12 hours.
txnCount24 (NumberFilter)The number of transactions in the past 24 hours.
uniqueBuys1 (NumberFilter)The unique number of buys in the past hour.
uniqueBuys4 (NumberFilter)The unique number of buys in the past 4 hours.
uniqueBuys5m (NumberFilter)The unique number of buys in the past 5 minutes.
uniqueBuys12 (NumberFilter)The unique number of buys in the past 12 hours.
uniqueBuys24 (NumberFilter)The unique number of buys in the past 24 hours.
uniqueSells1 (NumberFilter)The unique number of sells in the past hour.
uniqueSells4 (NumberFilter)The unique number of sells in the past 4 hours.
uniqueSells5m (NumberFilter)The unique number of sells in the past 5 minutes.
uniqueSells12 (NumberFilter)The unique number of sells in the past 12 hours.
uniqueSells24 (NumberFilter)The unique number of sells in the past 24 hours.
uniqueTransactions1 (NumberFilter)The unique number of transactions in the past hour.
uniqueTransactions4 (NumberFilter)The unique number of transactions in the past 4 hours.
uniqueTransactions5m (NumberFilter)The unique number of transactions in the past 5 minutes.
uniqueTransactions12 (NumberFilter)The unique number of transactions in the past 12 hours.
uniqueTransactions24 (NumberFilter)The unique number of transactions in the past 24 hours.
volume1 (NumberFilter)The trade volume in USD in the past hour.
volume4 (NumberFilter)The trade volume in USD in the past 4 hours.
volume5m (NumberFilter)The trade volume in USD in the past 5 minutes.
volume12 (NumberFilter)The trade volume in USD in the past 12 hours.
volume24 (NumberFilter)The trade volume in USD in the past 24 hours.
volumeChange1 (NumberFilter)The percent volume change in the past hour. Decimal format.
volumeChange4 (NumberFilter)The percent volume change in the past 4 hours. Decimal format.
volumeChange5m (NumberFilter)The percent volume change in the past 5 minutes. Decimal format.
volumeChange12 (NumberFilter)The percent volume change in the past 12 hours. Decimal format.
volumeChange24 (NumberFilter)The percent volume change in the past 24 hours. Decimal format.


Input type of token and tokens.

Input fields for TokenInput

address (String!)The contract address of the token.
networkId (Int!)The network ID the token is deployed on.


Input type of tokenLifecycleEvents query.

Input fields for TokenLifecycleEventsQueryInput

address (String!)The token contract address to filter by.
networkId (Int!)The networkId to filter by.


Input for token pair event type condition.

Input fields for TokenPairEventTypeConditionInput

oneOf ([TokenPairEventType!]!)The list of token event types to equal.


Input conditions for a token pair event webhook.

Input fields for TokenPairEventWebhookConditionInput

eventType (TokenPairEventTypeConditionInput)The token event type to listen for.
exchangeAddress (StringEqualsConditionInput)The exchange contract address to listen for.
maker (StringEqualsConditionInput)The maker wallet address to listen for.
networkId (OneOfNumberConditionInput)A list of network IDs to listen on.
pairAddress (StringEqualsConditionInput)The pair contract address to listen for.
swapValue (ComparisonOperatorInput)The swap values to listen for.
tokenAddress (StringEqualsConditionInput)The token contract address to listen for.


Input type of TokenRanking.

Input fields for TokenRanking

attribute (TokenRankingAttribute)The attribute to rank tokens by.
direction (RankingDirection)The direction to apply to the ranking attribute.


Input fields for TokenSparklineInput

ids ([String!]!)The contract address & networkId of the token, joined by a colon. ex: 0xbe042e9d09cb588331ff911c2b46fd833a3e5bd6:1


Input fields for WalletNftCollectionAssetsInput

collectionId (String!)The collection ID (collectionAddress:networkId).
cursor (String)A cursor for use in pagination.
walletAddress (String!)The address of the wallet.


Input fields for WalletNftCollectionsInput

cursor (String)A cursor for use in pagination.
walletAddress (String!)The address of the wallet.