Pair Metadata

Live-streamed stat updates for a given token within a pair.


This endpoint is available on Codex Growth and Enterprise Plans

Endpoint: onPairMetadataUpdated

Method: POST



The ID of the pair (address:networkId).


The token of interest within the pair. Can be token0 or token1.


createdAtIntThe unix timestamp for the creation of the pair.
enhancedToken0EnhancedTokenToken metadata for the first token in the pair.
enhancedToken1EnhancedTokenToken metadata for the second token in the pair.
exchangeIdStringThe exchange contract ID.
feeIntThe exchange fee for swaps.
highPrice1StringThe highest price in USD in the past hour.
highPrice1wStringThe highest price in USD in the past week.
highPrice4StringThe highest price in USD in the past 4 hours.
highPrice5mStringThe highest price in USD in the past 5 minutes.
highPrice12StringThe highest price in USD in the past 12 hours.
highPrice24StringThe highest price in USD in the past 24 hours.
idString!The ID for the pair (address:networkId).
liquidityString!The total liquidity in the pair.
liquidityTokenStringThe token with higher liquidity within the pair. Can be token0 or token1.
lowPrice1StringThe lowest price in USD in the past hour.
lowPrice1wStringThe lowest price in USD in the past week.
lowPrice4StringThe lowest price in USD in the past 4 hours.
lowPrice5mStringThe lowest price in USD in the past 5 minutes.
lowPrice12StringThe lowest price in USD in the past 12 hours.
lowPrice24StringThe lowest price in USD in the past 24 hours.
networkIdIntThe network ID the pair is deployed on.
nonLiquidityTokenStringThe token with lower liquidity within the pair. Can be token0 or token1.
pairAddressString!The contract address of the pair.
priceString!The quote token price in USD.
priceChange1FloatThe percent price change in the past hour. Decimal format.
priceChange1wFloatThe percent price change in the past week. Decimal format.
priceChange4FloatThe percent price change in the past 4 hours. Decimal format.
priceChange5mFloatThe percent price change in the past 5 minutes. Decimal format.
priceChange12FloatThe percent price change in the past 12 hours. Decimal format.
priceChange24FloatThe percent price change in the past 24 hours. Decimal format.
quoteTokenQuoteTokenThe token of interest within the pair. Can be token0 or token1.
statsTypeTokenPairStatisticsType!The type of statistics returned. Can be FILTERED or UNFILTERED
tickSpacingIntThe amount of required tick separation. Only applicable for pairs on UniswapV3.
token0PairMetadataToken!Pair metadata for the first token in the pair.
token1PairMetadataToken!Pair metadata for the second token in the pair.
volume1StringThe trade volume in USD in the past hour.
volume1wStringThe trade trade volume in USD in the past week.
volume4StringThe trade volume in USD in the past 4 hours.
volume5mStringThe trade volume in USD in the past 5 minutes.
volume12StringThe trade volume in USD in the past 12 hours.
volume24StringThe trade volume in USD in the past 24 hours.



subscription OnPairMetadataUpdated($id: String) {
  onPairMetadataUpdated(id: $id) {



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