

Type: ApiToken!

Arguments for apiToken

token (String!)


Type: [ApiToken!]!

Arguments for apiTokens



Type: BalancesResponse!

Arguments for balances

input (BalancesInput!)


Type: ChartUrlsResponse

Arguments for chartUrls

input (ChartInput!)

Input required to fetch a pair chart.


Type: ExchangeFilterConnection

Arguments for filterExchanges

filters (ExchangeFilters)

A set of filters to apply.

limit (Int)

The maximum number of exchanges to return.

offset (Int)

Where in the list the server should start when returning items. Use count+offset from the previous query to request the next page of results.

phrase (String)

A phrase to search for. Can match an exchange address or ID (address:networkId), or partially match an exchange name.

rankings ([ExchangeRanking])

A list of ranking attributes to apply.


Type: NftCollectionFilterConnection

Arguments for filterNftCollections

collections ([String])

A list of collection contract addresses or IDs (address:networkId) to filter by.

filters (NftCollectionFilters)

A set of filters to apply.

limit (Int)

The maximum number of NFT collections to return.

offset (Int)

Where in the list the server should start when returning items. Use count+offset from the previous query to request the next page of results.

phrase (String)

A phrase to search for. Can match a collection contract address or ID (address:networkId).

rankings ([NftCollectionRanking])

A list of ranking attributes to apply.


Type: ParallelAssetFilterConnection

Arguments for filterNftParallelAssets

filters (ParallelAssetFilters)

A set of filters to apply.

limit (Int)

The maximum number of Parallel assets to return.

match (ParallelAssetMatchers)

A set of parameters to match.

offset (Int)

Where in the list the server should start when returning items. Use count+offset from the previous query to request the next page of results.

phrase (String)

A phrase to search for. Can match a Parallel asset ID (address:tokenId) or partially match a name.

rankings ([ParallelAssetRanking])

A list of ranking attributes to apply.


Type: NftPoolCollectionFilterConnection

Arguments for filterNftPoolCollections

filters (NftPoolCollectionFilters)

A set of filters to apply.

limit (Int)

The maximum number of NFT collections to return.

offset (Int)

Where in the list the server should start when returning items. Use count+page from the previous query to request the next page of results.

phrase (String)

A phrase to search for. Can partially match an NFT collection name.

rankings ([NftPoolCollectionRanking])

A list of ranking attributes to apply.


Type: NftPoolFilterConnection

Arguments for filterNftPools

filters (NftPoolFilters)

A set of filters to apply.

limit (Int)

The maximum number of NFT pools to return.

offset (Int)

Where in the list the server should start when returning items. Use count+page from the previous query to request the next page of results.

phrase (String)

rankings ([NftPoolRanking])

A list of ranking attributes to apply.


Type: PairFilterConnection

Arguments for filterPairs

filters (PairFilters)

A set of filters to apply.

limit (Int)

The maximum number of pairs to return.

matchTokens (PairFilterMatchTokens)

A set of token contract addresses that make up a pair. Can be used in place of a pair contract address.

offset (Int)

Where in the list the server should start when returning items. Use count+offset from the previous query to request the next page of results.

pairs ([String])

A list of pair or token contract addresses or IDs (address:networkId) to filter by.

phrase (String)

A phrase to search for. Can match a token or pair contract address or ID (address:networkId), or partially match a token name or symbol.

rankings ([PairRanking])

A list of ranking attributes to apply.

statsType (TokenPairStatisticsType)

The type of statistics returned. Can be FILTERED or UNFILTERED


Type: TokenFilterConnection

Arguments for filterTokens

excludeTokens ([String])

A list of token IDs to exclude from results (address:networkId)

filters (TokenFilters)

A set of filters to apply.

limit (Int)

The maximum number of tokens to return.

offset (Int)

Where in the list the server should start when returning items. Use count+page from the previous query to request the next page of results.

phrase (String)

A phrase to search for. Can match a token contract address or partially match a token's name or symbol.

rankings ([TokenRanking])

A list of ranking attributes to apply.

statsType (TokenPairStatisticsType)

The type of statistics returned. Can be FILTERED or UNFILTERED

tokens ([String])

A list of token IDs (address:networkId) or addresses. Can be left blank to discover new tokens.


Type: BarsResponse

Arguments for getBars

countback (Int)

guarantees number of bars returned is at most this number

currencyCode (String)

The currency to use for the response. Can be USD (default) or TOKEN.

from (Int!)

The unix timestamp for the start of the requested range.

quoteToken (QuoteToken)

The token of interest within the token's top pair. Can be token0 or token1.

removeEmptyBars (Boolean)

Whether to remove empty bars from the response. Default is false.

removeLeadingNullValues (Boolean)

Whether to remove leading null values from the response. To fetch a token's entire history, set resolution to 1D, from value to 0 and removeLeadingNullValues to true. Default is false.

resolution (String!)

The time frame for each candle. Available options are 1, 5, 15, 30, 60, 240, 720, 1D, 7D.

statsType (TokenPairStatisticsType)

The type of statistics returned. Can be FILTERED or UNFILTERED

symbol (String!)

The ID of the pair or token (pairAddress:networkId or tokenAddress:networkId). If a token contract address is provided, the token's top pair is used. For example, 0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2:1 returns WETH's top pair on Ethereum.

symbolType (SymbolType)

specify the type of symbol you want to fetch values for (TOKEN

to (Int!)

The unix timestamp for the end of the requested range.


Type: CommunityNotesResponse!

Arguments for getCommunityNotes

input (CommunityNotesInput)


Type: DetailedNftStats

Arguments for getDetailedNftStats

bucketCount (Int)

The number of aggregated values to receive.
Note: Each duration has predetermined bucket sizes.
The first n-1 buckets are historical. The last bucket is a snapshot of current data.
duration day1: 6 buckets (4 hours each) plus 1 partial bucket
duration hour12: 12 buckets (1 hour each) plus 1 partial bucket
duration hour4: 8 buckets (30 min each) plus 1 partial bucket
duration hour1: 12 buckets (5 min each) plus 1 partial bucket
duration min5: 5 buckets (1 min each) plus 1 partial bucket
For example, requesting 11 buckets for a min5 duration will return the last 10 minutes worth of data plus a snapshot for the current minute.

collectionAddress (String!)

The contract address of the NFT collection.

durations ([DetailedNftStatsDuration])

The list of durations to get detailed pair stats for.

grouping (String)

The marketplace address to filter by. Can be used to get marketplace-specific metrics, otherwise uses all.

networkId (Int!)

The network ID the NFT collection is deployed on.

timestamp (Int)

The unix timestamp for the stats. Defaults to current.


Type: [DetailedPairStats]

Arguments for getDetailedPairsStats

input ([GetDetailedPairsStatsInput!]!)


Type: DetailedPairStats

Arguments for getDetailedPairStats

bucketCount (Int)

The number of aggregated values to receive. Note: Each duration has predetermined bucket sizes.
The first n-1 buckets are historical. The last bucket is a snapshot of current data.
duration day1: 6 buckets (4 hours each) plus 1 partial bucket
duration hour12: 12 buckets (1 hour each) plus 1 partial bucket
duration hour4: 8 buckets (30 min each) plus 1 partial bucket
duration hour1: 12 buckets (5 min each) plus 1 partial bucket
duration min5: 5 buckets (1 min each) plus 1 partial bucket
For example, requesting 11 buckets for a min5 duration will return the last 10 minutes worth of data plus a snapshot for the current minute.

durations ([DetailedPairStatsDuration])

The list of durations to get detailed pair stats for.

networkId (Int!)

The network ID the pair is deployed on.

pairAddress (String!)

The contract address of the pair.

statsType (TokenPairStatisticsType)

The type of statistics returned. Can be FILTERED or UNFILTERED

timestamp (Int)

The unix timestamp for the stats. Defaults to current.

tokenOfInterest (TokenOfInterest)

The token of interest used to calculate token-specific stats for the pair. Can be token0 or token1.


Use getDetailedPairStats instead, it has more resolutions and better support

Type: DetailedStats

Arguments for getDetailedStats

bucketCount (Int)

The number of aggregated values to receive. Note: Each duration has predetermined bucket sizes.
The first n-1 buckets are historical. The last bucket is a snapshot of current data.
duration day1: 6 buckets (4 hours each) plus 1 partial bucket
duration hour12: 12 buckets (1 hour each) plus 1 partial bucket
duration hour4: 8 buckets (30 min each) plus 1 partial bucket
duration hour1: 12 buckets (5 min each) plus 1 partial bucket
duration min5: 5 buckets (1 min each) plus 1 partial bucket
For example, requesting 11 buckets for a min5 duration will return the last 10 minutes worth of data plus a snapshot for the current minute.

pairId (String!)

The ID of the pair (address:networkId).

statsType (TokenPairStatisticsType)

The type of statistics returned. Can be FILTERED or UNFILTERED

timestamp (Int)

The unix timestamp for the stats. Defaults to current.

tokenOfInterest (TokenOfInterest)

The token of interest used to calculate token-specific stats for the pair. Can be token0 or token1.

windowSizes ([DetailedStatsWindowSize])

The list of window sizes to get detailed stats for.


Type: EventLabelConnection

Arguments for getEventLabels

cursor (String)

The cursor to use for pagination.

direction (RankingDirection)

The order to receive the token event labels. Can be DESC (default) or ASC.

id (String!)

The ID of the pair (address:networkId).

limit (Int)

The maximum number of event labels to return.


Type: [Exchange!]!

Arguments for getExchanges

showNameless (Boolean)

Get exchanges with missing fields. Default is false.


This query is longer supported. Instead use filterPairs with sort order on createdAt DESC

Type: LatestPairConnection

Arguments for getLatestPairs

cursor (String)

The cursor to use for pagination.

exchangeFilter ([String!])

The list of exchanges to filter by.

limit (Int)

The maximum number of tokens to return.

minLiquidityFilter (Int)

The minimum amount of liquidity to filter by.

networkFilter ([Int!])

The list of network IDs to filter by.


Type: LatestTokenConnection

Arguments for getLatestTokens

limit (Int)

The maximum number of tokens to return. Maximum number of tokens is 50.

networkFilter ([Int!])

The list of network IDs to filter by.

offset (Int)

The offset to use for pagination.


Type: [Network!]!

Arguments for getNetworks



Type: GetNetworkStatsResponse

Arguments for getNetworkStats

exchangeAddress (String)

The exchange address to filter by (optional).

networkId (Int!)

The network Id to filter by.


Type: [MetadataResponse!]

Arguments for getNetworkStatus

networkIds ([Int!]!)

The list of network IDs.


Type: NftAssetsConnection

Arguments for getNftAssets

address (String!)

The contract address of the NFT collection.

cursor (String)

The cursor to use for pagination.

fetchMissingAssets (Boolean)

Whether to trigger fetching onchain metadata for missing assets. Defaults to false. Fetch results are delayed and can be ingested realtime via onNftAssetsCreated subscription. Free tier API users are limited to 1 missing asset fetch per request, and may only retry fetching a missing asset once per week. To remove these limitations, please upgrade your API plan at https://www.dashboard.defined.fi/plan.

limit (Int)

The maximum number of NFT assets to return.

networkId (Int!)

The network ID the NFT collection is deployed on.

tokenIds ([String])

An optional list of token IDs to filter by.


Type: NftCollectionMetadataResponse

Arguments for getNftCollectionMetadata

address (String)

The contract address of the NFT collection.

collectionId (String)

The ID of the NFT collection (address:networkId). For example, 0xbc4ca0eda7647a8ab7c2061c2e118a18a936f13d:1.

Use address & networkId instead.

networkId (Int)

The network ID the NFT collection is deployed on.


Type: [EnhancedNftContract]

Arguments for getNftContracts

contracts ([NftContractInput])

A list of NFT contract address and network IDs.


Type: NftEventsConnection

Arguments for getNftEvents

address (String)

The contract address of the NFT collection.

cursor (String)

The cursor to use for pagination.

exchangeAddress (String)

The NFT marketplace address to filter by.

includeTransfers (Boolean)

limit (Int)

The maximum number of NFT events to return.

networkId (Int!)

The network ID the NFT collection is deployed on.

poolAddress (String)

The NFT pool address to filter by.

timestamp (EventQueryTimestampInput)

The time range to filter by.

tokenId (String)

The token ID to filter by.


Type: NftPoolResponse

Arguments for getNftPool

address (String!)

The contract address of the NFT pool.

networkId (Int!)

The network ID the NFT collection is deployed on.


Type: NftPoolCollectionResponse

Arguments for getNftPoolCollection

collectionAddress (String!)

The contract address of the NFT collection.

exchangeAddress (String!)

The NFT AMM marketplace address to filter by.

networkId (Int!)

The network ID the NFT collection is deployed on.


Type: GetNftPoolCollectionsResponse

Arguments for getNftPoolCollectionsByExchange

cursor (String)

The cursor to use for pagination.

exchangeAddress (String!)

The NFT AMM marketplace address to filter by.

limit (Int)

The maximum number of NFT collections to return.

networkId (Int!)

The network ID the NFT collection is deployed on.


Type: NftPoolEventsResponse

Arguments for getNftPoolEvents

collectionAddress (String)

The contract address of the NFT collection.

cursor (String)

The cursor to use for pagination.

eventTypes ([NftPoolEventType!])

The event types to filter by.

exchangeAddress (String)

The NFT AMM marketplace address to filter by.

limit (Int)

The maximum number of NFT pool events to return.

networkId (Int!)

The network ID the NFT collection is deployed on.

poolAddress (String)

The NFT pool address to filter by.

timestamp (EventQueryTimestampInput)

The time range to filter by.


Type: GetNftPoolsResponse

Arguments for getNftPoolsByCollectionAndExchange

collectionAddress (String!)

The contract address of the NFT collection.

cursor (String)

The cursor to use for pagination.

exchangeAddress (String!)

The NFT AMM marketplace address to filter by.

limit (Int)

The maximum number of NFT pools to return.

networkId (Int!)

The network ID the NFT collection is deployed on.


Type: GetNftPoolsResponse

Arguments for getNftPoolsByOwner

cursor (String)

The cursor to use for pagination.

exchangeAddress (String)

The NFT AMM marketplace address to filter by.

limit (Int)

The maximum number of NFT pools to return.

networkId (Int!)

The network ID the NFT collection is deployed on.

ownerAddress (String!)

The contract address of the pool owner.


Type: NftPoolStatsResponse

Arguments for getNftPoolStats

collectionAddress (String!)

The contract address of the NFT collection.

endTime (Int!)

The unix timestamp for the end of the requested range.

exchangeAddress (String!)

The NFT AMM marketplace address to filter by.

networkId (Int!)

The network ID the NFT collection is deployed on.

poolAddress (String)

The NFT pool address to filter by.

startTime (Int!)

The unix timestamp for the start of the requested range.


Type: ParallelCardChangesConnection

Arguments for getParallelCardChanges

cursor (String)

The cursor to use for pagination.

limit (Int)

The maximum number of Parallel card changes to return.

timestamp (ParallelCardChangeQueryTimestampInput)

The time frame to request card changes.

tokenId (String)

The token ID for a Parallel asset.


Type: PrimePoolAssetConnection

Arguments for getPrimePoolAssets

cursor (String)

The cursor to use for pagination.

limit (Int)

The maximum number of Prime Pool assets to return.

networkId (Int!)

The network ID the Prime pool is deployed on.

poolContractAddress (String)

The contract address of the Prime pool.

poolId (String)

The pool ID for the Prime pool, within the contract.

walletAddress (String)

The owner wallet address to filter assets by.


Type: PrimePoolEventConnection

Arguments for getPrimePoolEvents

cursor (String)

The cursor to use for pagination.

eventTypes ([PrimePoolEventType])

The event types to query for.

limit (Int)

The maximum number of Prime Pool events to return.

networkId (Int!)

The network ID the Prime pool is deployed on.

poolContractAddress (String)

The contract address of the Prime pool.

poolId (String)

The pool ID for the Prime pool, within the contract.

walletAddress (String)

The calling wallet address to filter events by.


Type: PrimePoolConnection

Arguments for getPrimePools

address (String!)

The contract address for the prime pool.

cursor (String)

The cursor to use for pagination.

limit (Int)

The maximum number of Prime pools to return.

networkId (Int!)

The network ID the prime pool is deployed on.

poolIds ([String])

An optional list of pool IDs to filter by.


Type: GetSimulateTokenContractResultsConnection!

Arguments for getSimulateTokenContractResults

contractAddress (String!)

cursor (String)

limit (Int)

networkId (Int!)

simulationId (String)


Type: SymbolResponse

Arguments for getSymbol

currencyCode (String)

The currency to use for the response. Can be USD (default) or TOKEN.

symbol (String!)

The ID of the pair (address:networkId).


Type: EventConnection

Arguments for getTokenEvents

cursor (String)

The cursor to use for pagination.

direction (RankingDirection)

The order to receive the token events. Can be DESC (default) or ASC.

limit (Int)

The maximum number of transactions to return.

query (EventsQueryInput!)

The query filters to apply to the results.


Type: MakerEventConnection

Arguments for getTokenEventsForMaker

cursor (String)

The cursor to use for pagination.

direction (RankingDirection)

The order to receive the token events. Can be DESC (default) or ASC.

limit (Int)

The maximum number of events to return.

query (MakerEventsQueryInput!)

The query filters to apply to the results.


Type: [Price]

Arguments for getTokenPrices

inputs ([GetPriceInput])

A list of GetPriceInputs. Accepts a maximum of 25 inputs (anything over will be truncated).


Type: GetWebhooksResponse

Arguments for getWebhooks

bucketId (String)

bucketId: The bucketId of the webhooks you want to retrieve. Note that bucketId and webhookId are mutually exclusive, do not send both.

bucketSortkey (String)

bucketSortkey: The bucketSortkey of the webhooks you want to retrieve.

cursor (String)

The cursor to use for pagination.

limit (Int)

limit: The maximum number of webhooks to return.

webhookId (String)

webhookId: The id of the webhook you want to retrieve.


Type: HoldersResponse!

Arguments for holders

input (HoldersInput!)


Type: LiquidityLockConnection

Arguments for liquidityLocks

cursor (String)

A cursor for use in pagination.

networkId (Int!)

The network id of the pair.

pairAddress (String!)

The address of the pair.


Type: LiquidityMetadata

Arguments for liquidityMetadata

networkId (Int!)

The network id of the pair.

pairAddress (String!)

The address of the pair.


Type: [Pair]!

Arguments for listPairsForToken

limit (Int)

The maximum number of pairs to return.

networkId (Int!)

The network ID the token is deployed on.

tokenAddress (String!)

The contract address of the token.


Type: ListPairsForTokenResponse!

Arguments for listPairsWithMetadataForToken

limit (Int)

The maximum number of pairs to return.

networkId (Int!)

The network ID the token is deployed on.

tokenAddress (String!)

The contract address of the token.


Type: [TokenWithMetadata!]

Arguments for listTopTokens

limit (Int)

The maximum number of tokens to return. Max is 50.

networkFilter ([Int!])

The list of network IDs to filter by.

resolution (String)

The time frame for trending results. Can be 1, 5, 15, 30, 60, 240, 720, or 1D.


Type: NftHoldersResponse!

Arguments for nftHolders

input (NftHoldersInput!)


Type: PairMetadata!

Arguments for pairMetadata

pairId (String!)

The ID of the pair (address:networkId).

quoteToken (QuoteToken)

The token of interest within the pair. Can be token0 or token1.

statsType (TokenPairStatisticsType)

The type of statistics returned. Can be FILTERED or UNFILTERED


Type: PrimeHolders!

Arguments for primeHolders

cursor (String)

Included in the results. Use the string as an argument to paginate through all the holders.


Type: NftSearchResponse

Arguments for searchNfts

filterWashTrading (Boolean)

Whether to filter collections that could be linked to wash trading

include ([NftSearchable!])

The level of NFTs to include in the search. Can be Asset or Collection.

limit (Int)

The maximum number of NFTs to return.

networkFilter ([Int!])

The list of network IDs to filter by.

search (String)

The query string to search for. Can match an NFT collection contract address or partially match a collection's name or symbol.

window (String)

The time frame to use for calculating stats. Can be 1h, 4h, 12h, or 1d (default).


This query is no longer supported and will not return up to date data. Use filterTokens instead.

Type: TokenSearchResponse

Arguments for searchTokens

limit (Int)

The maximum number of tokens to return.

lowVolumeFilter (Boolean)

Whether to filter out low volume results from the response. Low volume is less than $500 USD. This setting has no effect when only low volume results are found. Default is true.

networkFilter ([Int!])

The list of network IDs to filter by.

resolution (String)

The time frame to use for token metadata. Can be 60, 240, 720, or 1D.

search (String!)

The query string to search for. Can match a token or pair contract address or partially match a token's name or symbol. Automatically filters out tokens marked as scams.


Type: EnhancedToken!

Arguments for token

input (TokenInput!)

Input for a token ID.


Type: TokenLifecycleEventConnection

Arguments for tokenLifecycleEvents

cursor (String)

The cursor to use for pagination.

limit (Int)

The maximum number of events to return.

query (TokenLifecycleEventsQueryInput!)

The query filters to apply to the results.


Type: [EnhancedToken]!

Arguments for tokens

ids ([TokenInput!])

A list of token ID input.


Type: [TokenSparkline!]!

Arguments for tokenSparklines

input (TokenSparklineInput!)


Type: Float

Arguments for top10HoldersPercent

tokenId (String!)


Type: WalletNftCollectionAssetsResponse!

Arguments for walletNftCollectionAssets

input (WalletNftCollectionAssetsInput!)


Type: WalletNftCollectionsResponse!

Arguments for walletNftCollections

input (WalletNftCollectionsInput!)