

Response returned by onEventsCreated.

Fields for AddEventsOutput

address (String!)

The contract address of the pair.

events ([Event]!)

A list of transactions for the token.

id (String!)

The ID of the event (address:networkId). For example, 0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2:1.

networkId (Int!)

The network ID that the token is deployed on.

quoteToken (QuoteToken)

The token of interest within the pair. Can be token0 or token1.


Response returned by onNftEventsCreated.

Fields for AddNftEventsOutput

address (String!)

The contract address of the NFT collection.

events ([NftEvent]!)

A list of NFT transactions streaming real-time.

id (String!)

The id of the collection (address:networkId).

networkId (Int!)

The network ID the collection is deployed on.


Response returned by onNftPoolEventsCreated.

Fields for AddNftPoolEventsOutput

collectionAddress (String!)

events ([NftPoolEvent]!)

exchangeAddress (String!)

id (String!)

networkId (Int!)

poolAddress (String!)


Response returned by onTokenEventsCreated.

Fields for AddTokenEventsOutput

events ([Event!]!)

A list of transactions for the token.

id (String!)

The ID of the event (address:networkId). For example, 0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2:1.


Response returned by onTokenLifecycleEventsCreated.

Fields for AddTokenLifecycleEventsOutput

events ([TokenLifecycleEvent!]!)

id (String!)


Fields for AddTrackedWalletEventsOutput

events ([TrackedWalletEvent!]!)

userId (String!)


Response returned by onUnconfirmedEventsCreated.

Fields for AddUnconfirmedEventsOutput

address (String!)

The contract address of the pair.

events ([UnconfirmedEvent]!)

A list of transactions for the token.

id (String!)

The ID of the event (address:networkId). For example, 0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2:1.

networkId (Int!)

The network ID that the token is deployed on.

quoteToken (QuoteToken)

The token of interest within the pair. Can be token0 or token1.


Fields for ApiToken

expiresTimeString (String!)

ISO time string for the expiry of the token

id (String!)

Unique identifier for the token

remaining (String)

Approximate number of remaining resolutions before this token is rate limited

requestLimit (String!)

Number of root fields this api token is allowed to resolve before it's rate limited

token (String!)

JWT to be passed into the Authorization header for API requests


Wallet balance of a token.

Fields for Balance

balance (String!)

The balance held by the wallet.

firstHeldTimestamp (Int)

The time that this address first held a token

shiftedBalance (Float!)

The balance held by the wallet, adjusted by the number of decimals in the token.

tokenId (String!)

The ID of the token (tokenAddress:networkId).

walletId (String!)

The ID of the wallet (walletAddress:networkId).


Fields for BalancesResponse

cursor (String)

A cursor for use in pagination.

items ([Balance!]!)

The list of token balances that a wallet has.


Bar chart data to track price changes over time.

Fields for BarsResponse

buyers ([Int]!)

The number of unique buyers

buys ([Int]!)

The number of buys

buyVolume ([String]!)

The buy volume in USD

c ([Float]!)

The closing price.

h ([Float]!)

The high price.

l ([Float]!)

The low price.

liquidity ([String]!)

Liquidity in USD

o ([Float]!)

The opening price.

pair (Pair!)

The pair that is being returned

s (String!)

The status code for the batch: ok for successful data retrieval and no_data for empty responses signaling the end of server data.

sellers ([Int]!)

The number of unique sellers

sells ([Int]!)

The number of sells

sellVolume ([String]!)

The sell volume in USD

t ([Int!]!)

The timestamp for the bar.

traders ([Int]!)

The number of traders

transactions ([Int]!)

The number of transactions

v ([Int]!)

The volume.

volume ([String])

The volume with higher precision.

volumeNativeToken ([String])

The volume in the native token for the network


Event data for a token burn event.

Fields for BurnEventData

amount0 (String)

The amount of token0 removed from the pair.

amount0Shifted (String)

The amount of token0 removed from the pair, adjusted by the number of decimals in the token. For example, if amount0 is in WEI, amount0Shifted will be in ETH.

amount1 (String)

The amount of token1 removed from the pair.

amount1Shifted (String)

The amount of token1 removed from the pair, adjusted by the number of decimals in the token. For example, USDC amount1Shifted will be by 6 decimals.

tickLower (String)

The lower tick boundary of the position. Only applicable for UniswapV3 events.

tickUpper (String)

The upper tick boundary of the position. Only applicable for UniswapV3 events.

type (EventType!)

The type of token event, Burn.


The chart url.

Fields for ChartUrl

url (String!)

The chart url.


The response type for a chart url query.

Fields for ChartUrlsResponse

pair (ChartUrl!)

The pair chart url.


Community gathered proposals for an asset.

Fields for CommunityNote

address (String!)

The contract address of the contract.

contractType (ContractType!)

currentContract (EnhancedContract)

currentData (JSON)

The contract after the community note was applied.

id (String!)

The ID of the contract (address:id).

moderatedAt (Int)

The unix timestamp of when the community note was moderated.

networkId (Int!)

The network ID the contract is deployed on.

previousData (JSON)

The contract before the community note was applied.

proposalData (JSON!)

The data of the community note.

proposalNum (Int!)

The ordinal number of the community note.

proposalType (CommunityNoteType!)

The type of the community note.

proposedAt (Int!)

The unix timestamp of when the community note was created.

sortKey (String!)

status (ContractProposalStatus!)

The status of the community note.


Community notes data

Fields for CommunityNotesResponse

count (Int!)

The number of community notes returned.

cursor (String)

A cursor for use in pagination.

items ([CommunityNote!]!)

The list of community notes matching the filter parameters.


Comparison operators.

Fields for ComparisonOperator

eq (String)

Equal to.

gt (String)

Greater than.

gte (String)

Greater than or equal to.

lt (String)

Less than.

lte (String)

Less than or equal to.


Metadata for a contract label.

Fields for ContractLabel

createdAt (Int!)

The unix timestamp for when the contract label was created.

subType (ContractLabelSubType!)

The contract label sub-type. Can be Generic, HighTax, HoneyPot or Imitator.

type (ContractLabelType!)

The contract label type. Can be Scam.


Result returned by createWebhooks.

Fields for CreateWebhooksOutput

nftEventWebhooks ([Webhook]!)

The list of NFT event webhooks that were created.

priceWebhooks ([Webhook]!)

The list of price webhooks that were created.

rawTransactionWebhooks ([Webhook]!)

The list of raw transaction webhooks that were created.

tokenPairEventWebhooks ([Webhook]!)

The list of token pair event webhooks that were created.


Price data for a bar at a specific resolution.

Fields for CurrencyBarData

t (Int!)

The timestamp for the bar.

token (IndividualBarData!)

Bar chart data in the network's base token.

usd (IndividualBarData!)

Bar chart data in USD.


Result returned by deleteWebhooks.

Fields for DeleteWebhooksOutput

deletedIds ([String])

The list of webhook IDs that were deleted.


Detailed stats for an NFT collection.

Fields for DetailedNftStats

collectionAddress (String!)

The contract address of the NFT collection.

grouping (String)

The marketplace address or all. Can be used to get marketplace-specific metrics.

networkId (Int!)

The network ID the NFT collection is deployed on.

stats_day1 (WindowedDetailedNftStats)

The breakdown of stats over a 24 hour window.

stats_day30 (WindowedDetailedNftStats)

The breakdown of stats over a 30 day window.

stats_hour1 (WindowedDetailedNftStats)

The breakdown of stats over an hour window.

stats_hour4 (WindowedDetailedNftStats)

The breakdown of stats over a 4 hour window.

stats_hour12 (WindowedDetailedNftStats)

The breakdown of stats over a 12 hour window.

stats_week1 (WindowedDetailedNftStats)

The breakdown of stats over a 7 day window.


The start/end timestamp for a given bucket within the window.

Fields for DetailedNftStatsBucketTimestamp

end (Int!)

The unix timestamp for the end of the window.

start (Int!)

The unix timestamp for the start of the window.


Number metrics for detailed NFT stats.

Fields for DetailedNftStatsNumberMetrics

buckets ([Int]!)

The list of aggregated values for each bucket.

change (Float)

The percent change between the currentValue and previousValue.

currentValue (Int)

The total value for the most recent duration.

previousValue (Int)

The total value for the previous duration.


String metrics for detailed NFT stats.

Fields for DetailedNftStatsStringMetrics

buckets ([String]!)

The list of aggregated values for each bucket.

change (Float)

The percent change between the currentValue and previousValue.

currentValue (String)

The total value for the most recent duration.

previousValue (String)

The total value for the previous duration.


Detailed stats for a token within a pair.

Fields for DetailedPairStats

bucketCount (Int)

Number of aggregated buckets specified in input

lastTransaction (Int)

The unix timestamp for the last transaction to happen on the pair.

networkId (Int!)

The network ID the pair is deployed on.

pair (Pair)

pairAddress (String!)

The contract address of the pair.

queryTimestamp (Int)

The timestamp specified as input to the query

stats_day1 (WindowedDetailedPairStats)

The breakdown of stats over a 24 hour window.

stats_day30 (WindowedDetailedPairStats)

The breakdown of stats over a 30 day window.

stats_hour1 (WindowedDetailedPairStats)

The breakdown of stats over an hour window.

stats_hour4 (WindowedDetailedPairStats)

The breakdown of stats over a 4 hour window.

stats_hour12 (WindowedDetailedPairStats)

The breakdown of stats over a 12 hour window.

stats_min5 (WindowedDetailedPairStats)

The breakdown of stats over a 5 minute window.

stats_min15 (WindowedDetailedPairStats)

The breakdown of stats over a 15 minute window.

stats_week1 (WindowedDetailedPairStats)

The breakdown of stats over a 7 day window.

statsType (TokenPairStatisticsType!)

The type of statistics returned. Can be FILTERED or UNFILTERED

tokenOfInterest (TokenOfInterest)

The token of interest used to calculate token-specific stats.


The start/end timestamp for a given bucket within the window.

Fields for DetailedPairStatsBucketTimestamp

end (Int!)

The unix timestamp for the start of the bucket.

start (Int!)

The unix timestamp for the start of the bucket.


Number metrics for detailed pair stats.

Fields for DetailedPairStatsNumberMetrics

buckets ([Int]!)

The list of aggregated values for each bucket.

change (Float)

The percent change between the currentValue and previousValue. Decimal format.

currentValue (Int)

The total value for the most recent duration.

previousValue (Int)

The total value for the previous duration.


String metrics for detailed pair stats.

Fields for DetailedPairStatsStringMetrics

buckets ([String]!)

The list of aggregated values for each bucket.

change (Float)

The percent change between the currentValue and previousValue. Decimal format.

currentValue (String)

The total value for the most recent duration.

previousValue (String)

The total value for the previous duration.


Detailed stats for a token within a pair.

Fields for DetailedStats

bucketCount (Int)

Number of aggregated buckets specified in input

pairId (String!)

The ID of the pair (pairAddress:networkId).

queryTimestamp (Int)

The timestamp specified as input to the query

stats_day1 (WindowedDetailedStats)

The breakdown of stats over a 24 hour window.

stats_hour1 (WindowedDetailedStats)

The breakdown of stats over an hour window.

stats_hour4 (WindowedDetailedStats)

The breakdown of stats over a 4 hour window.

stats_hour12 (WindowedDetailedStats)

The breakdown of stats over a 12 hour window.

stats_min5 (WindowedDetailedStats)

The breakdown of stats over a 5 minute window.

statsType (TokenPairStatisticsType!)

The type of statistics returned. Can be FILTERED or UNFILTERED

tokenOfInterest (TokenOfInterest!)

The token of interest used to calculate token-specific stats.


The start/end timestamp for a given bucket within the window.

Fields for DetailedStatsBucketTimestamp

end (Int!)

The unix timestamp for the start of the bucket.

start (Int!)

The unix timestamp for the start of the bucket.


Number metrics for detailed stats.

Fields for DetailedStatsNumberMetrics

buckets ([Int]!)

The list of aggregated values for each bucket.

change (Float!)

The percent change between the currentValue and previousValue. Decimal format.

currentValue (Int!)

The total value for the most recent window.

previousValue (Int!)

The total value for the previous window.


String metrics for detailed stats.

Fields for DetailedStatsStringMetrics

buckets ([String]!)

The list of aggregated values for each bucket.

change (Float!)

The percent change between the currentValue and previousValue. Decimal format.

currentValue (String!)

The total value for the most recent window.

previousValue (String!)

The total value for the previous window.


Metadata for an NFT collection.

Fields for EnhancedNftContract

address (String!)

The contract address of the NFT collection.

description (String)

The description of the NFT collection.

ercType (String!)

The token standard. Can be a variation of ERC-721 or ERC-1155.

id (String!)

The ID of the NFT collection (address:networkId).

image (String)

The URL for an image of the NFT collection.

labels ([ContractLabel])

A list of labels for the NFT collection.

name (String)

The name of the NFT collection.

networkId (Int!)

The network ID the NFT collection is deployed on.

socialLinks (SocialLinks)

Community gathered links for the socials of this NFT collection.

symbol (String)

The symbol of the NFT collection.

totalSupply (String)

The total supply of the NFT collection.


Metadata for a token.

Fields for EnhancedToken

address (String!)

The contract address of the token.

circulatingSupply (String)

The circulating supply of the token.

Use the TokenInfo type

cmcId (Int)

The token ID on CoinMarketCap.

createBlockNumber (Int)

The block height the token was created at.

createdAt (Int)

The unix timestamp for the creation of the token.

createTransactionHash (String)

The transaction hash of the token's creation.

creatorAddress (String)

The token creator's wallet address.

decimals (Int!)

The precision to which the token can be divided. For example, the smallest unit for USDC is 0.000001 (6 decimals).

exchanges ([Exchange!])

A list of exchanges where the token has been traded.

explorerData (ExplorerTokenData)

Information about the token from 3rd party sources.

Use the TokenInfo type

freezable (String)

Whether or not the token is freezable

id (String!)

The ID of the token (address:networkId).

imageLargeUrl (String)

The large token logo URL.

Use the TokenInfo type

imageSmallUrl (String)

The small token logo URL.

Use the TokenInfo type

imageThumbUrl (String)

The thumbnail token logo URL.

Use the TokenInfo type

info (TokenInfo)

More metadata about the token.

isScam (Boolean)

Whether the token has been flagged as a scam.

launchpad (LaunchpadData)

Launchpad data for the token

mintable (String)

Whether or not the token is mintable

name (String)

The token name. For example, ApeCoin.

networkId (Int!)

The network ID the token is deployed on.

pooled (String)

The amount of this token in the pair.

Pooled can be found on the pair instead

socialLinks (SocialLinks)

Community gathered links for the socials of this token.

symbol (String)

The token symbol. For example, APE.

totalSupply (String)

The total supply of the token.

Use the TokenInfo type


A token transaction.

Fields for Event

address (String!)

The contract address of the token's top pair.

baseTokenPrice (String)

The price of the network's base token.

blockHash (String!)

The hash of the block where the transaction occurred.

blockNumber (Int!)

The block number for the transaction.

data (EventData)

The event-specific data for the transaction. Can be BurnEventData or MintEventData or SwapEventData.

eventDisplayType (EventDisplayType)

A more specific breakdown of eventType. Splits Swap into Buy or Sell.

eventType (EventType!)

The type of transaction event. Can be Burn, Mint, Swap, Sync, Collect, or CollectProtocol.

id (String!)

The ID of the event (address:networkId). For example, 0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2:1.

labels (LabelsForEvent)

Labels attributed to the event.

liquidityToken (String)

The contract address of the token with higher liquidity in the token's top pair.

logIndex (Int!)

The index of the log in the block.

maker (String)

The wallet address that performed the transaction.

networkId (Int!)

The network ID that the token is deployed on.

quoteToken (QuoteToken)

The token of interest within the token's top pair. Can be token0 or token1.

timestamp (Int!)

The unix timestamp for when the transaction occurred.

token0Address (String)

The address of the event's token0.

token0PoolValueUsd (String)

The updated price of token0 in USD, calculated after the transaction.

token0SwapValueUsd (String)

The price of token0 paid/received in USD, including any fees.

token0ValueBase (String)

The price of token0 paid/received in the network's base token, including fees.

token1Address (String)

The address of the event's token1.

token1PoolValueUsd (String)

The updated price of token1 in USD, calculated after the transaction.

token1SwapValueUsd (String)

The price of token1 paid/received in USD, including any fees.

token1ValueBase (String)

The price of token1 paid/received in the network's base token, including fees.

transactionHash (String!)

The unique hash for the transaction.

transactionIndex (Int!)

The index of the transaction within the block.


Response returned by getTokenEvents.

Fields for EventConnection

cursor (String)

A cursor for use in pagination.

items ([Event])

A list of transactions for a token's top pair.


Metadata for an event label.

Fields for EventLabel

data (EventLabelData!)

Specific data for the event label type.

id (String!)

The ID of the pair (address:networkId).

label (EventLabelType!)

The event label type.

logIndex (Int!)

The index of the log in the block.

networkId (Int!)

The network ID the pair is deployed on.

timestamp (Int!)

The unix timestamp for the transaction.

transactionHash (String!)

The unique hash for the transaction.

transactionIndex (Int!)

The index of the transaction within the block.


Response returned by getEventLabels.

Fields for EventLabelConnection

cursor (String)

The cursor to use for pagination.

items ([EventLabel])

A list of event labels for a pair.


Metadata for a decentralized exchange.

Fields for Exchange

address (String!)

The contract address of the exchange.

color (String)

The hex string for the exchange color.

exchangeVersion (String)

The version of the exchange, if applicable.

iconUrl (String)

The exchange logo URL.

id (String!)

The ID of the exchange (address:id).

name (String)

The name of the exchange.

networkId (Int!)

The network ID the exchange is deployed on.

tradeUrl (String)

The URL for the exchange.


Response returned by filterExchanges.

Fields for ExchangeFilterConnection

count (Int)

The number of exchanges returned.

offset (Int)

Where in the list the server started when returning items.

results ([ExchangeFilterResult])

The list of exchanges matching the filter parameters.


An exchange matching a set of filter parameters.

Fields for ExchangeFilterResult

dailyActiveUsers (Int)

The total unique daily active users.

exchange (FilterExchange)

Exchange metadata.

monthlyActiveUsers (Int)

The total unique monthly active users (30 days).

txnCount1 (String)

The number of transactions on the exchange in the past hour.

txnCount4 (String)

The number of transactions on the exchange in the past 4 hours.

txnCount12 (String)

The number of transactions on the exchange in the past 12 hours.

txnCount24 (String)

The number of transactions on the exchange in the past 24 hours.

volumeNBT1 (String)

The trade volume in the network's base token in the past hour.

volumeNBT4 (String)

The trade volume in the network's base token in the past 4 hours.

volumeNBT12 (String)

The trade volume in the network's base token in the past 12 hours.

volumeNBT24 (String)

The trade volume in the network's base token in the past 24 hours.

volumeUSD1 (String)

The trade volume in USD in the past hour.

volumeUSD4 (String)

The trade volume in USD in the past 4 hours.

volumeUSD12 (String)

The trade volume in USD in the past 12 hours.

volumeUSD24 (String)

The trade volume in USD in the past 24 hours.


Third party token data sourced from off chain.

Fields for ExplorerTokenData

blueCheckmark (Boolean)

Whether the token has been verified on CoinGecko.

description (String)

A description of the token.

divisor (String)

The precision to which the token can be divided.

id (String!)

The ID of the token (address:networkId).

tokenPriceUSD (String)

The token price in USD.

tokenType (String)

The token type.


Fields for Feature

enabled (Boolean!)

name (String!)


Metadata for an exchange.

Fields for FilterExchange

address (String!)

The address for the exchange factory contract.

exchangeVersion (String)

The version of the exchange. For example, 3 for UniswapV3.

iconUrl (String)

The URL for the exchange's icon.

id (String!)

The ID of the exchange (address:networkId).

name (String)

The name of the exchange.

networkId (Int!)

The network ID the factory is deployed on.

tradeUrl (String)

The URL for the exchange's trading platform.


Metadata for a front-run label.

Fields for FrontRunLabelData

index (Int)

The index of the front-run label. Can be 0 or 1.

token0DrainedAmount (String!)

The amount of token0 drained in the attack.

token1DrainedAmount (String!)

The amount of token1 drained in the attack.


Fields for GasEstimate

error (String)

errorReason (String)

gasLimitEstimate (String)

gasPrice (String)

totalFee (String)


Fields for GasFee

confirmationTime (Float!)

gasPrice (String!)


Fields for GasFees

high (GasFee)

low (GasFee)

medium (GasFee)


Response returned by getNetworkStats.

Fields for GetNetworkStatsResponse

liquidity (Float!)

The network liquidity in USD.

transactions1 (Int!)

The unique number of transactions in the past hour.

transactions4 (Int!)

The unique number of transactions in the past 4 hours.

transactions12 (Int!)

The unique number of transactions in the past 12 hours.

transactions24 (Int!)

The unique number of transactions in the past 24 hours.

volume1 (Float!)

The network trade volume in USD over the past hour.

volume4 (Float!)

The network trade volume in USD over the past 4 hours.

volume12 (Float!)

The network trade volume in USD over the past 12 hours.

volume24 (Float!)

The network trade volume in USD over the past 24 hours.


Response returned by getNftPoolCollectionsByExchange.

Fields for GetNftPoolCollectionsResponse

cursor (String)

A cursor for use in pagination.

items ([NftPoolCollectionResponse])

A list of NFT collections.


Response returned by getNftPoolsByCollectionAndExchange and getNftPoolsByOwner.

Fields for GetNftPoolsResponse

cursor (String)

A cursor for use in pagination.

items ([NftPoolResponse]!)

A list of NFT pools.


Fields for GetSimulateTokenContractResultsConnection

cursor (String)

results ([SimulateTokenContractResult!]!)


Response returned by getWebhooks.

Fields for GetWebhooksResponse

cursor (String)

A cursor for use in pagination.

items ([Webhook])

A list of webhooks belonging to a user.


Response returned by holders.

Fields for HoldersResponse

count (Int!)

The unique count of holders for the token.

cursor (String)

A cursor for use in pagination.

items ([Balance!]!)

The list of wallets holding the token.

status (HoldersStatus!)

Status of holder. Disabled if on unsupported network or there is insufficient holder data.

top10HoldersPercent (Float)

What percentage of the total supply do the top 10 holders hold.


Response returned by onHoldersUpdated.

Fields for HoldersUpdate

balances ([Balance!]!)

The list of wallets holding the token.

holders (Int!)

The number of different wallets holding the token.

networkId (Int!)

The network ID that the token is deployed on.

tokenAddress (String!)

The token's contract address.

tokenId (String!)

The ID of the token (tokenAddress:networkId).


Bar chart data.

Fields for IndividualBarData

buyers (Int!)

The number of unique buyers

buys (Int!)

The number of buys

buyVolume (String!)

The buy volume in USD

c (Float!)

The closing price.

h (Float!)

The high price.

l (Float!)

The low price.

liquidity (String!)

Liquidity in USD

o (Float!)

The opening price.

sellers (Int!)

The number of unique sellers

sells (Int!)

The number of sells

sellVolume (String!)

The sell volume in USD

t (Int!)

The timestamp for the bar.

traders (Int!)

The number of traders

transactions (Int!)

The number of transactions

v (Int)

The volume.

volume (String!)

The volume with higher precision.

volumeNativeToken (String!)

The volume in the network's base token


Integer equals condition.

Fields for IntEqualsCondition

eq (Int!)

The integer to equal.


Event labels. Can be sandwich or washtrade.

Fields for LabelsForEvent

sandwich (SandwichLabelForEvent)

washtrade (WashtradeLabelForEvent)


Metadata for a newly listed pair.

Fields for LatestPair

address (String!)

The contract address for the pair.

exchangeHash (String!)

The contract address for the exchange.

id (String!)

The ID of the pair (address:networkId).

initialPriceUsd (String!)

The listing price, or first known price for the pair, in USD.

liquidAt (Int)

The unix timestamp for when liquidity was added to the pair.

liquidity (String!)

The total liquidity in the pair.

liquidityToken (String)

The token with higher liquidity within the pair. Can be token0 or token1.

networkId (Int!)

The network ID the pair is deployed on.

newToken (String!)

The newly added token within the pair. Can be token0 or token1.

nonLiquidityToken (String)

The token with lower liquidity within the pair. Can be token0 or token1.

oldToken (String!)

The pre-existing token within the pair. Can be token0 or token1.

priceChange (Float!)

The percent price change between the listing price and the current price.

priceUsd (String!)

The newly added token price in USD.

token0 (LatestPairToken!)

Metadata for token0.

token1 (LatestPairToken!)

Metadata for token1.

transactionHash (String!)

The unique hash for the transaction that added liquidity, if applicable, otherwise the transaction that added the pair.


Response returned by getLatestPairs.

Fields for LatestPairConnection

cursor (String)

A cursor for use in pagination.

items ([LatestPair!]!)

A list of newly listed pairs.


Metadata for a token within a newly listed pair.

Fields for LatestPairToken

address (String!)

The contract address for the token.

currentPoolAmount (String!)

The amount of token currently in the pair.

decimals (Int!)

The precision to which the token can be divided. For example, the smallest unit for USDC is 0.000001 (6 decimals).

id (String!)

The ID of the token (address:networkId).

initialPoolAmount (String!)

The initial amount of token added to the pair.

name (String!)

The name of the token.

networkId (Int!)

The network ID the token is deployed on.

pairId (String!)

The ID of the pair (pairAddress:networkId).

poolVariation (Float!)

The percent change token remaining in the pair since the initial add.

symbol (String!)

The symbol for the token.


Metadata for a newly created token.

Fields for LatestToken

blockHash (String!)

The unique hash for the token contract's creation block.

blockNumber (Int!)

The block number of the token contract's creation.

creatorAddress (String!)

The address of the token creator.

creatorBalance (String!)

The token creator's network token balance.

decimals (Int!)

The token's number of decimals.

id (String!)

The id of the new token. (tokenAddress:networkId)

networkId (Int!)

The network ID the token is deployed on.

simulationResults ([LatestTokenSimResults!]!)

Simulated token contract results, if available.

timeCreated (Int!)

The unix timestamp for the creation of the token.

tokenAddress (String!)

The contract address of the new token.

tokenName (String!)

The name of the token.

tokenSymbol (String!)

The symbol of the token.

totalSupply (String!)

The total supply of the token.

traceIndex (Int!)

The index of the trace within the token contract's creation transaction.

transactionHash (String!)

The unique hash for the token contract's creation transaction.

transactionIndex (Int!)

The index of the transaction within the block.


Response returned by getLatestTokens.

Fields for LatestTokenConnection

items ([LatestToken!]!)

A list of newly created tokens.


Fields for LatestTokenSimResults

buyGasUsed (String)

Gas used for a buy transaction during simulation.

buySuccess (Boolean)

Whether or not a token was able to be succesfully bought during simulation.

buyTax (String)

Tax paid for a buy transaction during simulation.

canRenounceOwnership (Boolean)

Whether or not the contract ownership was able to be renounced during simulation.

canTransferOwnership (Boolean)

Whether or not the contract ownership was able to be transferred during simulation.

isOwnerRenounced (Boolean)

Whether or not the contract ownership is already renounced during simulation (owner is 0x0).

maxBuyAmount (String)

The maximum token amount an address can buy during simulation.

maxSellAmount (String)

The maximum token amount an address can sell during simulation.

openTradingCall (String)

If a call was found to trigger liquidity & trading, this is the call name.

sellGasUsed (String)

Gas used for a sell transaction during simulation.

sellSuccess (Boolean)

Whether or not a token was able to be succesfully sold during simulation.

sellTax (String)

Tax paid for a sell transaction during simulation.


Launchpad data for the token

Fields for LaunchpadData

completed (Boolean)

Indicates if the launchpad is completed.

completedAt (Int)

The unix timestamp when the launchpad was completed.

completedSlot (Int)

The slot number when the launchpad was completed.

migrated (Boolean)

Indicates if the launchpad was migrated.

migratedAt (Int)

The unix timestamp when the launchpad was migrated.

migratedPoolAddress (String)

The pool address after the launchpad was migrated.

migratedSlot (Int)

The slot number when the launchpad was migrated.


Fields for LiquidityData

active (String!)

The active liquidity in the pair.

inactive (String!)

The inactive liquidity in the pair.


A record of locked liquidity

Fields for LiquidityLock

createdAt (Int!)

The unix timestamp for when the lock was created.

initialAmountToken0 (String!)

The inital amount of token0 locked.

initialAmountToken1 (String!)

The inital amount of token1 locked.

liquidityAmount (String!)

The amount of liquidity locked.

liquidityNftData (LiquidityNftData)

If the liquidity position is represented by an NFT, this will contain the NFT data.

liquidityProtocol (LiquidityProtocol!)

The protocol that created the pair

lockerAddress (String!)

The address of the locker contract.

lockProtocol (LiquidityLockProtocol!)

The protocol with which the liquidity is locked.

networkId (Int!)

The network ID the pair is deployed on.

ownerAddress (String!)

The wallet address of the owner.

pairAddress (String!)

The pair address.

unlockAt (Int)

The unix timestamp for when the lock expires.


Fields for LiquidityLockConnection

cursor (String)

A cursor for use in pagination.

items ([LiquidityLock!]!)

A list of liquidity locks.


Metadata about a pair's liquidity. Includes locked liquidity data.

Fields for LiquidityMetadata

liquidity (LiquidityData!)

Data about unlocked liquidity.

lockedLiquidity (LockedLiquidityData!)

Data about locked liquidity.


Liquidity NFT position data

Fields for LiquidityNftData

nftPositionManagerAddress (String!)

The address of the nft position manager contract.

nftTokenId (String!)

The tokenId of the liquidity position nft.


Response returned by listPairsWithMetadataForToken.

Fields for ListPairsForTokenResponse

results ([ListPairsForTokenValue!]!)

A list of pairs containing a given token.


Metadata for a pair containing a given token.

Fields for ListPairsForTokenValue

backingToken (EnhancedToken!)

Metadata for token with lower liquidity within the pair.

exchange (Exchange!)

Exchange metadata for the pair.

liquidity (String!)

The total liquidity in the pair.

pair (Pair!)

Metadata for the pair.

quoteToken (QuoteToken)

The token of interest within the pair. Can be token0 or token1.

token (EnhancedToken!)

Metadata for token with higher liquidity within the pair.

volume (String!)

The volume for the pair in USD.


Breakdown of how much and where liquidity is locked.

Fields for LockBreakdown

active (String!)

The amount of active liquidity locked.

inactive (String!)

The amount of inactive liquidity locked.

lockProtocol (LiquidityLockProtocol!)

The protocol with which the liquidity is locked.


Data about locked liquidity.

Fields for LockedLiquidityData

active (String!)

The amount of active liquidity locked.

inactive (String!)

The amount of inactive liquidity locked.

lockBreakdown ([LockBreakdown]!)

A breakdown of how much and where liquidity is locked.


Response returned by getTokenEventsForMaker.

Fields for MakerEventConnection

cursor (String)

A cursor for use in pagination.

items ([Event])

A list of transactions for a token's top pair.


The status for a network supported on Defined.

Fields for MetadataResponse

lastProcessedBlock (Int)

The last processed block on the network.

lastProcessedTimestamp (Int)

The unix timestamp for the last processed block on the network.

networkId (Int!)

The network ID.

networkName (String!)

The name of the network.


Fields for MigrateTrackedWalletsOutput

fromUserId (String!)

status (String!)

toUserId (String!)


Event data for a token mint event.

Fields for MintEventData

amount0 (String)

The amount of token0 added to the pair.

amount0Shifted (String)

The amount of token0 added to the pair, adjusted by the number of decimals in the token. For example, if amount0 is in WEI, amount0Shifted will be in ETH.

amount1 (String)

The amount of token1 added to the pair.

amount1Shifted (String)

The amount of token1 added to the pair, adjusted by the number of decimals in the token. For example, USDC amount1Shifted will be by 6 decimals.

tickLower (String)

The lower tick boundary of the position. Only applicable for UniswapV3 events.

tickUpper (String)

The upper tick boundary of the position. Only applicable for UniswapV3 events.

type (EventType!)

The type of token event, Mint.


A network supported on Defined.

Fields for Network

id (Int!)

The network ID. For example, 42161 for arbitrum.

name (String!)

The name of the network. For example, arbitrum.

networkShortName (String)


Event data for creating a new NFT pool.

Fields for NewPoolEventData

assetRecipientAddress (String!)

The wallet address that will receive the tokens or NFT sent to the pair during swaps.

bondingCurveAddress (String!)

The contract address of the bonding curve.

bondingCurveType (BondingCurveType!)

The bonding curve type that defines how the prices of NFTs change after each buy or sell within a pool.

buyPriceT (String!)

The initial price at which the pool is willing to buy an NFT in the pool's liquidity token.

collectionAddress (String!)

The contract address of the NFT collection.

createdAt (Int!)

The unix timestamp for the time the pool was created.

delta (String!)

The initial delta used in the bonding curve.

feeAmountT (String!)

The pool fee amount in the pool's liquidity token.

nbtRatio (String!)

The ratio of the transaction token to the network's base token.

networkId (Int!)

The network ID the NFT collection is deployed on.

nftTokenBalance (String!)

The number of NFTs in the contract after the block has processed.

ownerAddress (String!)

The wallet address of the pool owner.

poolAddress (String!)

The contract address of the NFT pool.

sellPriceT (String!)

The initial price at which the pool is willing to sell an NFT in the pool's liquidity token.

startPriceT (String!)

The initial spot price in the pool's liquidity token.

tokenAddress (String!)

The contract address of the liquidity token of the pool (usually WETH).

tokenBalanceT (String!)

The amount of token in the contract after the block has processed in the pool's liquidity token.

type (NftPoolEventType!)

The type of NFT pool event, NEW_POOL.

usdRatio (String!)

The ratio of the transaction token to USD.


Event data for creating a new NFT pool.

Fields for NewPoolEventDataV2

assetRecipientAddress (String!)

The wallet address that will receive the tokens or NFT sent to the pair during swaps.

bondingCurveAddress (String!)

The contract address of the bonding curve.

bondingCurveType (BondingCurveType!)

The bonding curve type that defines how the prices of NFTs change after each buy or sell within a pool.

buyPriceT (String!)

The initial price at which the pool is willing to buy an NFT in the pool's liquidity token.

collectionAddress (String!)

The contract address of the NFT collection.

createdAt (Int!)

The unix timestamp for the time the pool was created.

delta (String!)

The initial delta used in the bonding curve.

feeAmountT (String!)

The pool fee amount in the pool's liquidity token.

nbtRatio (String!)

The ratio of the transaction token to the network's base token.

networkId (Int!)

The network ID the NFT collection is deployed on.

nftAssets ([NftAsset])

New Param: The list of NFT assets withdrawn. More extensive info than nftTokenIds.

nftTokenIds ([String!]!)

The list of NFT token IDs initially deposited.

nftTokenQuantities ([String]!)

The amount of each NFT token initially deposited.

ownerAddress (String!)

The wallet address of the pool owner.

poolAddress (String!)

The contract address of the NFT pool.

poolNftType (PoolNftType!)

The type of NFT in the pool.

propertyChecker (String)

The property checker contract address for the pool.

royalties ([NftPoolRoyalty])

The list of royalties for the pool. Only applicable for SUDOSWAP_V2 pools.

sellPriceT (String!)

The initial price at which the pool is willing to sell an NFT in the pool's liquidity token.

startPriceT (String!)

The initial spot price in the pool's liquidity token.

tokenAddress (String!)

The contract address of the liquidity token of the pool (usually WETH).

tokenBalanceT (String!)

The amount of token in the contract after the block has processed in the pool's liquidity token.

type (NftPoolEventType!)

The type of NFT pool event, NEW_POOL.

usdRatio (String!)

The ratio of the transaction token to USD.


An NFT asset.

Fields for NftAsset

address (String!)

The contract address of the NFT collection.

attributes ([NftAssetAttribute!])

The attributes for the NFT asset.

description (String)

The description of the NFT asset.

id (String!)

The ID of the NFT asset (address:networkId).

media (NftAssetMedia)

The NFT asset media.

name (String)

The name of the NFT asset.

networkId (Int!)

The network ID the NFT collection is deployed on.

originalImage (String)

The source image URI linked by smart contract metadata.

quantity (String)

The number of NFT assets with the same NFT token ID. Only applicable for ERC1155 tokens.

rawAssetData (RawNftAssetData)

Raw NFT metadata from the smart contract.

tokenId (String!)

The token ID of the NFT asset.

uri (String)

The URI provided by the smart contract. Typically JSON that contains metadata.


Attributes for an NFT asset.

Fields for NftAssetAttribute

class (String)

Suggested class name to use for css styling. An optional attribute of ERC-1155 assets.

css (String)

Suggested CSS styling. An optional attribute of ERC-1155 assets.

displayType (NftAssetAttributeDisplayType!)

The attribute display type. Can be Trait, Stat, Ranking, BoostNumber, BoostPercentage or Date.

maxValue (String)

The max value, if applicable.

name (String!)

The name of the attribute.

value (String!)

The value of the attribute.

valueType (NftAssetAttributeType!)

The type for the value field. Can be String, Number or Array.


Fields for NftAssetError

address (String!)

The contract address of the NFT collection.

id (String!)

The ID of the NFT asset (address:networkId).

message (String!)

The message of the asset error.

networkId (Int!)

The network ID the NFT collection is deployed on.

status (NftAssetErrorStatus!)

The status of the asset error.

tokenId (String!)

The token ID of the NFT asset.


NFT asset media.

Fields for NftAssetMedia

image (String!)

The URL for a full size image of the NFT asset.

processed (Boolean)

Whether the NFT asset media has finished processing.

thumbLg (String!)

The URL for large generated thumbnail of the NFT asset.

thumbSm (String!)

The URL for small generated thumbnail of the NFT asset.


Response returned by getNftAssets.

Fields for NftAssetsConnection

cursor (String)

A cursor for use in pagination.

itemErrors ([NftAssetError])

A list of errors encountered while fetching the NFT assets. Errors correspond to null values in items by array index.

items ([NftAsset])

A list of NFT assets.


Wallet balance of an Nft Collection.

Fields for NftBalance

balance (String!)

The number of items held by the wallet.

collectionId (String!)

The ID of the collection (collectionAddress:networkId).

walletAddress (String!)

The address of the wallet.


Price stats for an NFT collection over a time frame. Either in USD or the network's base token.

Fields for NftCollectionCurrencyStats

average (NftStatsStringMetrics)

The average sale price in the time frame.

close (NftStatsStringMetrics)

The closing price for the time frame.

highestSale (NftStatsStringMetrics)

The highest sale price in the time frame.

lowestSale (NftStatsStringMetrics)

The lowest sale price in the time frame.

open (NftStatsStringMetrics)

The opening price for the time frame.

volume (NftStatsStringMetrics)

The volume over the time frame.

volumeByFillsource ([NftFillsourceStatsStringMetrics])

The volume partitioned by fillsource over the time frame

volumePercentByFillsource ([NftFillsourceStatsNumberMetrics])

The percentages of total volume partitioned by fillsource over the time frame


Stat and change for a string based fillsource amount.

Fields for NftCollectionFillsourceNumberStat

amount (Float!)

The amount of the stat traded in the current time frame.

change (Float)

The change in fillsource volume between the previous and current time frame.

fillsource (String!)

The marketplace that filled the NFT order volume. (ex. OPENSEA, BLUR, etc.)


Stat and change for a string based fillsource amount.

Fields for NftCollectionFillsourceStringStat

amount (String!)

The amount of the stat traded in the current time frame.

change (Float)

The change in fillsource volume between the previous and current time frame.

fillsource (String!)

The marketplace that filled the NFT order volume. (ex. OPENSEA, BLUR, etc.)


Response returned by filterNftCollections.

Fields for NftCollectionFilterConnection

count (Int)

The number of NFT collections returned.

offset (Int)

Where in the list the server started when returning items.

results ([NftCollectionFilterResult])

The list of NFT collections matching the filter parameters.


An NFT collection matching a set of filter parameters.

Fields for NftCollectionFilterResult

address (String)

The contract address of the NFT collection.

ercType (String)

The token standard. Can be a variation of ERC-721 or ERC-1155.

grouping (String)

The marketplace address or all. Can be used to get marketplace-specific metrics.

id (String)

The ID of the NFT collection (address:networkId).

imageUrl (String)

The image URL for the collection or one of the assets within the collection.

lastEventTimestamp (Int)

The unix timestamp for the last event.

name (String)

The name of the NFT collection.

networkId (Int)

The network ID the NFT collection is deployed on.

stats1h (NftStatsWindowWithChange)

Stats for the past hour.

stats4h (NftStatsWindowWithChange)

Stats for the past 4 hours.

stats12h (NftStatsWindowWithChange)

Stats for the past 12 hours.

stats24h (NftStatsWindowWithChange)

Stats for the past 24 hours.

symbol (String)

The symbol of the NFT collection.

timestamp (Int)

The unix timestamp indicating the last time the data was updated. Updates daily.

totalSupply (String)

The total supply of the NFT collection.


Response returned by getNftCollectionMetadata.

Fields for NftCollectionMetadataResponse

contract (NftContract!)

Metadata for the NFT collection.

id (String!)

The ID of the NFT collection (address:networkId).

media (NftAssetMedia)

The media for one of the assets within the NFT collection.

stats ([NftCollectionWindowStats])

A list of stats for the NFT collection across different time frames.


Numerical stats for an NFT collection over a time frame.

Fields for NftCollectionNonCurrencyStats

mints (NftStatsNumberMetrics)

The number of mints over the time frame.

sales (NftStatsNumberMetrics)

The number of sales over the time frame.

tokensSold (NftStatsStringMetrics)

The number of tokens sold over the time frame.

transfers (NftStatsNumberMetrics)

The number of transfers over the time frame.

uniqueBuyers (NftStatsNumberMetrics)

The number of unique buyers over the time frame.

uniqueMinters (NftStatsNumberMetrics)

The number of unique minters over the time frame.

uniqueSalesWallets (NftStatsNumberMetrics)

The number of unique wallets (buyers or sellers) over the time frame.

uniqueSellers (NftStatsNumberMetrics)

The number of unique sellers over the time frame.


Price stats for an NFT collection over a time frame. Either in USD or the network's base token.

Fields for NftCollectionPriceStats

average (String!)

The average sale price.

averageChange (Float)

The change in average price between the previous and current time frame.

ceiling (String!)

The highest sale price.

ceilingChange (Float)

The change in ceiling price between the previous and current time frame.

floor (String!)

The lowest sale price.

floorChange (Float)

The change in floor price between the previous and current time frame.

volume (String!)

The trade volume.

volumeByFillsource ([NftCollectionFillsourceStringStat])

The volume partitioned by fillsource over the time frame

volumeChange (Float)

The change in volume between the previous and current time frame.

volumePercentByFillsource ([NftCollectionFillsourceNumberStat])

The percentages of total volume partitioned by fillsource over the time frame


Stats for an NFT collection for a time frame.

Fields for NftCollectionWindowStats

networkBaseTokenPriceStats (NftCollectionPriceStats!)

The price stats for the NFT collection in the network's base token.

tradeCount (String!)

The trade count over the window.

tradeCountChange (Float!)

The change in trade count between the previous and current window.

usdPriceStats (NftCollectionPriceStats!)

The price stats for the NFT collection in USD.

window (String!)

The time frame used to calculate the stats.


Metadata for an NFT collection.

Fields for NftContract

address (String!)

The contract address of the NFT collection.

description (String)

The description of the NFT collection.

ercType (String!)

The token standard. Can be a variation of ERC-721 or ERC-1155.

id (String!)

The ID of the NFT collection (address:networkId).

image (String)

The URL for an image of the NFT collection.

name (String)

The name of the NFT collection.

networkId (Int!)

The network ID the NFT collection is deployed on.

symbol (String)

The symbol for the NFT collection.

totalSupply (String)

The total supply of the NFT collection.


An NFT collection transaction.

Fields for NftEvent

aggregatorAddress (String)

The contract address of the marketplace aggregator that routed the transaction.

baseTokenAddress (String!)

No longer supported

baseTokenPrice (String)

No longer supported

blockNumber (Int!)

The block number for the transaction.

contractAddress (String!)

The contract address of the NFT collection.

eventType (String!)

The event type of the transaction.

exchangeAddress (String!)

The NFT marketplace address of the transaction.

fillSource (String)

The name of the marketplace that processed the transaction.

id (String!)

The ID of the NFT event (contractAddress:tokenId:networkId).

individualBaseTokenPrice (String)

No longer supported

individualNetworkBaseTokenPrice (String)

No longer supported

individualPrice (String)

Some events may lack this value - use the nullable individualTradePrice. individualPrice will return null values as an empty string.

individualPriceNetworkBaseToken (String)

The price of each individual NFT in the network's base token.

individualPriceUsd (String)

The price of each individual NFT in USD.

individualTokenPrice (String)

Some events may lack this value - use the nullable individualTradePrice. individualTokenPrice will return null values as an empty string.

individualTradePrice (String)

The price of each individual NFT in the purchasing token.

logIndex (Int!)

The index of the log in the block.

maker (String!)

The wallet address of the buyer.

networkBaseTokenPrice (String)

No longer supported

networkId (Int!)

The network ID the NFT collection is deployed on.

numberOfTokens (String)

The number of assets involved in the transaction.

orderDirection (NftEventOrderDirection)

The direction of the order. One of 'BUY', 'SELL', or 'OFFER_ACCEPTED'.

paymentTokenAddress (String!)

The contract address of the purchasing token.

poolAddress (String)

The contract address of the NFT pool, if applicable.

priceError (String)

The reason for the price error, if applicable. Can be NO_TOKEN_DATA, NO_TOKEN_PRICE, or LOW_LIQUIDITY_PAIR.

sortKey (String!)

The sortKey for the event (blockNumber#transactionIndex#logIndex (+ #marketplaceEventLogIndex if applicable), zero padded). For example, 0000000016414564#00000224#00000413#00000414.

taker (String!)

The wallet address of the seller.

timestamp (Int!)

The unix timestamp for the transaction.

tokenId (String!)

The token ID of the NFT asset involved in the transaction.

tokenPrice (String!)

Some events may lack this value - use the nullable totalTradePrice. tokenPrice will return null values as an empty string.

totalPrice (String!)

Some events may lack this value - use the nullable totalTradePrice. totalPrice will return null values as an empty string.

totalPriceNetworkBaseToken (String)

The total trade price for the transaction in the network's base token. (The transaction can include more than 1 token).

totalPriceUsd (String)

The total trade price for the transaction in USD. (The transaction can include more than 1 token).

totalTradePrice (String)

The total trade price for the transaction in the purchasing token. (The transaction can include more than 1 token).

tradeOffer ([NftEventTradeItem!])

The tokens/NFTs that were offered to make this transaction occur.

tradeReceived ([NftEventTradeItem!])

The tokens/NFTs that were received in this transaction.

transactionHash (String!)

The unique hash for the transaction.

transactionIndex (Int!)

The index of the transaction within the block.


NFT marketplaces for a webhook to listen on.

Fields for NftEventFillSourceCondition

oneOf ([WebhookNftEventFillSource!]!)

The list of NFT marketplaces.


Details for an NFT offered or received as part of an nft trade.

Fields for NftEventNftTradeItem

address (String!)

The contract address for the NFT.

amount (String!)

The number of tokens transferred. (Always 1 for ERC721 NFTs)

recipient (String)

The recipient of the NFT.

tokenId (String!)

The token ID of the exchanged NFT

type (NftEventTradeItemType!)

The type of item involved in the trade. (Always NFT)


Response returned by getNftEvents.

Fields for NftEventsConnection

cursor (String)

A cursor for use in pagination.

items ([NftEvent])

A list of transactions for an NFT collection.


Details for a token(s) offered or received as part of an nft trade.

Fields for NftEventTokenTradeItem

address (String!)

The contract address for the token.

amount (String!)

The number of tokens transferred.

individualPriceNetworkBaseToken (String)

The price of each individual NFT in the network's base token.

individualPriceUsd (String)

The price of each individual NFT in USD.

individualTradePrice (String)

The price of each individual NFT in the purchasing token.

isPrice (Boolean!)

Whether this should be summed to calculate the price of the NFT received in the base event. Tokens that are payment fees or involved with other sales in the transaction are often represented in sales and would have a value of false.

priceError (String)

The reason for the price error, if applicable. Can be NO_TOKEN_DATA, NO_TOKEN_PRICE, or LOW_LIQUIDITY_PAIR.

recipient (String)

The recipient of the tokens.

totalPriceNetworkBaseToken (String)

The total trade price for the transaction in the network's base token. (The transaction can include more than 1 token).

totalPriceUsd (String)

The total trade price for the transaction in USD. (The transaction can include more than 1 token).

totalTradePrice (String)

The total trade price for the transaction in the purchasing token. (The transaction can include more than 1 token).

type (NftEventTradeItemType!)

The type of item involved in the trade. (Always TOKEN)


An NFT event type for a webhook to listen for.

Fields for NftEventTypeCondition

eq (WebhookNftEventType!)

The NFT event type.


Webhook conditions for an NFT event.

Fields for NftEventWebhookCondition

contractAddress (StringEqualsCondition)

The NFT collection contract address the webhook is listening for.

eventType (NftEventTypeCondition)

The NFT event type the webhook is listening for.

exchangeAddress (StringEqualsCondition)

The exchange contract address the webhook is listening for.

fillSource (NftEventFillSourceCondition)

The NFT marketplaces the webhook is listening on.

ignoreTransfers (Boolean)

Option to ignore all nft transfer events

individualBaseTokenPrice (ComparisonOperator)

The base token price the webhook is listening for.

maker (StringEqualsCondition)

The maker wallet address the webhook is listening for.

networkId (OneOfNumberCondition)

The list of network IDs the webhook is listening on.

tokenAddress (StringEqualsCondition)

The token contract address the webhook is listening for.

tokenId (StringEqualsCondition)

The token ID the webhook is listening for.


Number metrics for NFT fillsource stats.

Fields for NftFillsourceStatsNumberMetrics

change (Float)

The percent change between the current and previous.

current (Float)

The total value for the current window.

fillsource (String)

Marketplace that filled the NFT order volume. (ex. OPENSEA, BLUR, etc.)

previous (Float)

The total value for the previous window.


String metrics for NFT stats.

Fields for NftFillsourceStatsStringMetrics

change (Float)

The percent change between the current and previous.

current (String)

The total value for the current window.

fillsource (String)

Marketplace that filled the NFT order volume. (ex. OPENSEA, BLUR, etc.)

previous (String)

The total value for the previous window.


Fields for NftHoldersResponse

count (Int!)

the unique count of holders for the collection.

cursor (String)

A cursor for use in pagination.

items ([NftBalance!]!)

The list wallets for a collection.

status (HoldersStatus!)

Status of holder. Disabled if on unsupported network or there is insufficient holder data.


Event data for updating the asset recipient of a pool.

Fields for NftPoolAssetRecipientUpdateEventData

newAssetRecipient (String!)

The updated wallet address that will receive the tokens or NFT sent to the pair during swaps.

type (NftPoolEventType!)

The type of NFT pool event, ASSET_RECIPIENT_CHANGE.


Response returned by filterNftPoolCollections.

Fields for NftPoolCollectionFilterConnection

count (Int)

The number of NFT collections returned.

page (Int)

Where in the list the server started when returning items.

results ([NftPoolCollectionFilterResult])

The list of NFT collections matching the filter parameters.


An NFT pool collection.

Fields for NftPoolCollectionFilterResult

balanceNBT (String)

The total liquidity of the collection in the network's base token.

balanceUSD (String)

The total liquidity of the collection in USD.

collectionAddress (String)

The contract address of the NFT collection.

ercType (String)

The token standard. Can be a variation of ERC-721 or ERC-1155.

exchangeAddress (String)

The contract address of the NFT AMM marketplace.

expenseNBT24 (String)

The total sell volume of the collection in the network's base token over the past 24 hours.

expenseNBTAll (String)

The total sell volume of the collection in the network's base token over the collection's lifetime.

expenseUSD24 (String)

The total sell volume of the collection in USD over the past 24 hours.

expenseUSDAll (String)

The total sell volume of the collection in USD over the collection's lifetime.

floorNBT (String)

The lowest price at which any of the collection's pools are willing to sell an NFT in the network's base token.

floorUSD (String)

The lowest price at which any of the collection's pools are willing to sell an NFT in USD.

highPriceNBT24 (String)

The highest sale price within the collection in the network's base token in the past 24 hours.

highPriceNBTAll (String)

The highest sale price within the collection in the network's base token in the collection's lifetime.

highPriceUSD24 (String)

The highest sale price within the collection in USD in the past 24 hours.

highPriceUSDAll (String)

The highest sale price within the collection in USD in the collection's lifetime.

id (String!)

The ID of the NFT collection (collectionAddress:exchangeAddress:networkId).

imageUrl (String)

The image URL for the collection or one of the assets within the collection.

lowPriceNBT24 (String)

The lowest sale price within the collection in the network's base token in the past 24 hours.

lowPriceNBTAll (String)

The lowest sale price within the collection in the network's base token in the collection's lifetime.

lowPriceUSD24 (String)

The lowest sale price within the collection in USD in the past 24 hours.

lowPriceUSDAll (String)

The lowest sale price within the collection in USD in the collection's lifetime.

name (String)

The name of the NFT collection.

networkId (Int)

The network ID the NFT collection is deployed on.

nftBalance (Int)

The number of NFTs in all of the collection's pools.

nftBalance is changing from Int to String - use nftBalanceV2 instead.

nftBalanceV2 (String)

The number of NFTs in all of the collection's pools.

nftsBought24 (Int)

The number of NFTs bought in any of the collection's pools over the past 24 hours.

nftsBought24 is changing from Int to String - use nftsBought24V2 instead.

nftsBought24V2 (String)

The number of NFTs bought in any of the collection's pools over the past 24 hours.

nftsBoughtAll (Int)

The number of NFTs bought in any of the collection's pools over the collection's lifetime.

nftsBoughtAll is changing from Int to String - use nftsBoughtAllV2 instead.

nftsBoughtAllV2 (String)

The number of NFTs bought in any of the collection's pools over the collection's lifetime.

nftsSold24 (Int)

The number of NFTs sold in any of the collection's pools over the past 24 hours.

nftsSold24 is changing from Int to String - use nftsSold24V2 instead.

nftsSold24V2 (String)

The number of NFTs sold in any of the collection's pools over the past 24 hours.

nftsSoldAll (Int)

The number of NFTs sold in any of the collection's pools over the collection's lifetime.

nftsSoldAll is changing from Int to String - use nftsSoldAllV2 instead.

nftsSoldAllV2 (String)

The number of NFTs sold in any of the collection's pools over the collection's lifetime.

nftVolume24 (Int)

The number of NFTs bought and sold in any of the collection's pools over the past 24 hours.

nftVolume24 is changing from Int to String - use nftVolume24V2 instead.

nftVolume24V2 (String)

The number of NFTs bought and sold in any of the collection's pools over the past 24 hours.

nftVolumeAll (Int)

The number of NFTs bought or sold in any of the collection's pools over the collection's lifetime.

nftVolumeAll is changing from Int to String - use nftVolumeAllV2 instead.

nftVolumeAllV2 (String)

The number of NFTs bought or sold in any of the collection's pools over the collection's lifetime.

offerNBT (String)

The highest price at which any of the collection's pools are willing to buy an NFT in the network's base token.

offerUSD (String)

The highest price at which any of the collection's pools are willing to buy an NFT in USD.

poolFeesNBT24 (String)

The sum of pool fees generated by the collection in the network's base token over the past 24 hours.

poolFeesNBTAll (String)

The sum of pool fees generated by the collection in the network's base token over the collection's lifetime.

poolFeesUSD24 (String)

The sum of pool fees generated by the collection in USD over the past 24 hours.

poolFeesUSDAll (String)

The sum of pool fees generated by the collection in USD over the collection's lifetime.

protocolFeesNBT24 (String)

The sum of protocol fees generated by the collection in the network's base token over the past 24 hours.

protocolFeesNBTAll (String)

The sum of protocol fees generated by the collection in the network's base token over the collection's lifetime.

protocolFeesUSD24 (String)

The sum of protocol fees generated by the collection in USD over the past 24 hours.

protocolFeesUSDAll (String)

The sum of protocol fees generated by the collection in USD over the collection's lifetime.

revenueNBT24 (String)

The total buy volume of the collection in the network's base token over the past 24 hours.

revenueNBTAll (String)

The total buy volume of the collection in the network's base token over the collection's lifetime.

revenueUSD24 (String)

The total buy volume of the collection in USD over the past 24 hours.

revenueUSDAll (String)

The total buy volume of the collection in USD over the collection's lifetime.

symbol (String)

The symbol for the NFT collection.

timestamp (Int)

The unix timestamp indicating the last time the data was updated. Updates every 2 hours.

totalSupply (Int)

The total supply of the collection.

totalSupply is changing from Int to String - use totalSupplyV2 instead.

totalSupplyV2 (String)

volumeNBT24 (String)

The total volume of the collection in the network's base token over the past 24 hours.

volumeNBTAll (String)

The total volume of the collection in the network's base token over the collection's lifetime.

volumeUSD24 (String)

The total volume of the collection in USD over the past 24 hours.

volumeUSDAll (String)

The total volume of the collection in USD over the collection's lifetime.


An NFT collection in an NFT pool.

Fields for NftPoolCollectionResponse

balanceNBT (String!)

The total liquidity of the collection in the network's base token.

collectionAddress (String!)

The contract address of the NFT collection.

collectionId (String!)

The ID of the NFT collection (collectionAddress:networkId).

collectionSymbol (String!)

The symbol of the NFT collection.

exchangeAddress (String!)

The contract address of the NFT AMM marketplace.

exchangeId (String!)

The ID of the exchange (exchangeAddress:networkId).

floorNBT (String)

The lowest price at which any of the NFT collection's pools are willing to sell an NFT in the network's base token.

image (String)

An image associated with the NFT collection.

media (NftAssetMedia)

The media for one of the assets within the NFT collection.

Use image from NftContract instead.

name (String)

The name of the NFT collection.

networkId (Int!)

The network ID the NFT collection is deployed on.

nftBalance (Int!)

The current number of NFTs in all the NFT collection's pools.

nftBalance is changing from Int to String - use nftBalanceV2 instead.

nftBalanceV2 (String!)

The current number of NFTs in all the NFT collection's pools.

nftVolumeAllTime (Int)

The total number of NFTs bought and sold over the collection's lifetime.

nftVolumeAllTime is changing from Int to String - use nftVolumeAllTimeV2 instead.

nftVolumeAllTimeV2 (String)

The total number of NFTs bought and sold over the collection's lifetime.

offerNBT (String)

The highest price at which any of the NFT collection's pools are willing to buy an NFT in the network's base token.

poolFeesNBTAll (String)

The sum of pool fees generated by the collection in the network's base token over the collection's lifetime.

poolFeesUSDAll (String)

The sum of pool fees generated by the collection in USD over the collection's lifetime.

protocolFeesNBTAll (String)

The sum of protocol fees generated by the collection in the network's base token over the collection's lifetime.

protocolFeesUSDAll (String)

The sum of protocol fees generated by the collection in USD over the collection's lifetime.

royaltiesNBTAllEstimate (String)

As estimated sum in the network's base token of the collection's royalties paid to creators by pool swaps over the collection's lifetime.

royaltiesUSDAllEstimate (String)

An estimated sum in USD of the collection's royalties paid to creators by pool swaps over the collection's lifetime.

volumeAllTimeNBT (String)

The total volume of the collection in the network's base token over the collection's lifetime.

volumeAllTimeUSD (String)

The total volume of the collection in USD over the collection's lifetime.


Event data for updating the delta of a pool.

Fields for NftPoolDeltaUpdateEventData

newDelta (String!)

The updated delta used in the bonding curve.

type (NftPoolEventType!)

The type of NFT pool event, DELTA_UPDATE.


An NFT pool transaction.

Fields for NftPoolEvent

blockHash (String!)

The hash of the block where the transaction occurred.

blockNumber (Int!)

The block number for the transaction.

collectionAddress (String!)

The contract address of the NFT collection.

collectionId (String!)

The ID of the NFT collection (collectionAddress:networkId).

data (NftPoolEventData!)

The event-specific data for the transaction.

eventType (NftPoolEventType!)

The event type of the transaction.

exchangeAddress (String!)

The contract address of the NFT AMM marketplace.

id (String!)

The ID of the NFT pool (poolAddress:networkId). For example, 0xdbea289dcc10eed8431e78753414a3d81b8e7201:1.

logIndex (Int!)

The index of the log in the block.

maker (String!)

The wallet address that transacted.

networkId (Int!)

The network ID the NFT collection is deployed on.

poolAddress (String!)

The contract address of the NFT pool.

poolType (NftPoolType!)

The type of liquidity pool.

timestamp (Int!)

The unix timestamp for the transaction.

tokenAddress (String!)

The contract address of the liquidity token of the pool (usually WETH).

transactionHash (String!)

The unique hash for the transaction.

transactionIndex (Int!)

The index of the transaction within the block.


Metadata for an NFT transfer.

Fields for NftPoolEventNftTransfer

amountT (String!)

The value of the NFT at the time of transfer.

nftTokenId (String!)

The NFT token ID involved in the transfer.


Metadata for an NFT transfer.

Fields for NftPoolEventNftTransferV2

amountT (String!)

The value of the token at the time of transfer.

nftQuantity (String!)

The number of tokens involved in the transfer.

nftTokenId (String!)

The NFT token ID involved in the transfer.

nftTokenQuantity (String!)

The number of tokens involved in the transfer.

nftTokenQuantity is no longer supported - use nftQuantity instead.


Response returned by getNftPoolEvents.

Fields for NftPoolEventsResponse

cursor (String)

A cursor for use in pagination.

items ([NftPoolEvent])

A list of transactions for an NFT pool.


Event data for updating the fee of a pool.

Fields for NftPoolFeeUpdateEventData

nbtRatio (String!)

The ratio of the transaction token to the network's base token.

newFeeT (String!)

The updated pool fee in the pool's liquidity token.

type (NftPoolEventType!)

The type of NFT pool event, FEE_UPDATE.

usdRatio (String!)

The ratio of the transaction token to USD.


Response returned by filterNftPools.

Fields for NftPoolFilterConnection

count (Int)

The number of NFT pools returned.

page (Int)

Where in the list the server started when returning items.

results ([NftPoolFilterResult])

The list of NFT pools matching the filter parameters.


An NFT pool matching a set of filter parameters.

Fields for NftPoolFilterResult

acceptedNftTokenIds ([String])

For ERC1155 pools, the list of NFT token IDs that are accepted by the pool.

assetRecipientAddress (String)

The wallet address that will receive the tokens or NFT sent to the pair during swaps.

balanceNBT (String)

The current pool liquidity in the network's base token.

balanceT (String)

The current value of the collection in the pool's liquidity token.

balanceUSD (String)

The current pool liquidity in USD.

bondingCurveAddress (String!)

The contract address of the bonding curve.

collectionAddress (String!)

The contract address of the NFT collection.

collectionName (String!)

The name of the NFT collection.

collectionSymbol (String!)

The symbol of the NFT collection.

delta (String!)

The delta used in the pool's bonding curve.

exchangeAddress (String!)

The contract address of the NFT AMM marketplace.

expenseNBT24 (String)

The total sell volume of the pool in the network's base token over the past 24 hours.

expenseNBTAll (String)

The total sell volume of the pool in the network's base token over the pool's lifetime.

expenseT24 (String)

The total sell volume of the pool in the pool's liquidity token over the past 24 hours.

expenseTAll (String)

The total sell volume of the pool in the pool's liquidity token over the pool's lifetime.

expenseUSD24 (String)

The total sell volume of the pool in USD over the past 24 hours.

expenseUSDAll (String)

The total sell volume of the pool in USD over the pool's lifetime.

feeAmount (String!)

The fee amount for the pool.

id (String!)

The ID of the NFT pool (poolAddress:networkId).

networkId (Int!)

The network ID the NFT collection is deployed on.

nftAssets ([NftAsset])

The list of NFT assets in the pool.

nftBalance (Int)

The current number of NFTs in the pool.

nftBalance is changing from Int to String - use nftBalanceV2 instead.

nftBalanceV2 (String)

The current number of NFTs in the pool.

nftsBought24 (Int)

The total number of NFTs bought by the pool over the past 24 hours.

nftsBought24 is changing from Int to String - use nftsBought24V2 instead.

nftsBought24V2 (String)

The total number of NFTs bought by the pool over the past 24 hours.

nftsBoughtAll (Int)

The total number of NFTs bought over the pool's lifetime.

nftsBoughtAll is changing from Int to String - use nftsBoughtAllV2 instead.

nftsBoughtAllV2 (String)

The total number of NFTs bought over the pool's lifetime.

nftsSold24 (Int)

The total number of NFTs sold by the pool over the past 24 hours.

nftsSold24 is changing from Int to String - use nftsSold24V2 instead.

nftsSold24V2 (String)

The total number of NFTs sold by the pool over the past 24 hours.

nftsSoldAll (Int)

The total number of NFTs sold over the pool's lifetime.

nftsSoldAll is changing from Int to String - use nftsSoldAllV2 instead.

nftsSoldAllV2 (String)

The total number of NFTs sold over the pool's lifetime.

nftVolume24 (Int)

The total number of NFTs bought and sold over the past 24 hours.

nftVolume24 is changing from Int to String - use nftVolume24V2 instead.

nftVolume24V2 (String)

The total number of NFTs bought and sold over the past 24 hours.

nftVolumeAll (Int)

The total number of NFTs bought and sold over the pool's lifetime.

nftVolumeAll is changing from Int to String - use nftVolumeAllV2 instead.

nftVolumeAllV2 (String)

The total number of NFTs bought and sold over the pool's lifetime.

offerNBT (String)

The current price at which the pool is willing to buy an NFT in the network's base token.

offerT (String)

The current price at which the pool is willing to buy an NFT in the pool's liquidity token.

offerUSD (String)

The current price at which the pool is willing to buy an NFT in USD.

ownerAddress (String!)

The wallet address of the pool owner.

poolAddress (String!)

The contract address of the NFT pool.

poolFeesNBT24 (String)

The sum of pool fees generated by the pool in the network's base token over the past 24 hours.

poolFeesNBTAll (String)

The sum of pool fees generated by the pool in the network's base token over the pool's lifetime.

poolFeesT24 (String)

The sum of pool fees generated by the pool in the pool's liquidity token over the past 24 hours.

poolFeesTAll (String)

The sum of pool fees generated by the pool in the pool's liquidity token over the pool's lifetime.

poolFeesUSD24 (String)

The sum of pool fees generated by the pool in USD over the past 24 hours.

poolFeesUSDAll (String)

The sum of pool fees generated by the pool in USD over the pool's lifetime.

poolNftType (PoolNftType)

The type of NFT in the pool.

poolType (NftPoolType!)

The type of liquidity pool.

poolVariant (GraphQlNftPoolVariant!)

The pool variant. Can be ERC20 or NATIVE.

propertyChecker (String)

The property checker contract address for the pool.

protocolFeesNBT24 (String)

The sum of protocol fees generated by the pool in the network's base token over the past 24 hours.

protocolFeesNBTAll (String)

The sum of protocol fees generated by the pool in the network's base token over the pool's lifetime.

protocolFeesT24 (String)

The sum of protocol fees generated by the pool in the pool's liquidity token over the past 24 hours.

protocolFeesTAll (String)

The sum of protocol fees generated by the pool in the pool's liquidity token over the pool's lifetime.

protocolFeesUSD24 (String)

The sum of protocol fees generated by the pool in USD over the past 24 hours.

protocolFeesUSDAll (String)

The sum of protocol fees generated by the pool in USD over the pool's lifetime.

revenueNBT24 (String)

The total buy volume of the pool in the network's base token over the past 24 hours.

revenueNBTAll (String)

The total buy volume of the pool in the network's base token over the pool's lifetime.

revenueT24 (String)

The total buy volume of the pool in the pool's liquidity token over the past 24 hours.

revenueTAll (String)

The total buy volume of the pool in the pool's liquidity token over the pool's lifetime.

revenueUSD24 (String)

The total buy volume of the pool in USD over the past 24 hours.

revenueUSDAll (String)

The total buy volume of the pool in USD over the pool's lifetime.

royalties ([NftPoolRoyalty])

The list of royalties for the pool. Only applicable for SUDOSWAP_V2 pools.

sellNBT (String)

The current price at which the pool is willing to sell an NFT.

sellT (String)

The current price at which the pool is willing to sell an NFT in the network's base token.

sellUSD (String)

The current price at which the pool is willing to sell an NFT in USD.

spotNBT (String)

The current spot price for the pool in the network's base token.

spotT (String)

The current spot price for the pool in the pool's liquidity token.

timestamp (Int!)

The unix timestamp indicating the last time the data was updated. Updates every 2 hours.

tokenAddress (String!)

The contract address of the liquidity token of the pool.

version (NftPoolContractVersion)

The NFT pool contract version. Can be SUDOSWAP_V1 or SUDOSWAP_V2.

volumeNBT24 (String)

The total volume of the pool in the network's base token over the past 24 hours.

volumeNBTAll (String)

The total volume of the pool in the network's base token over the pool's lifetime.

volumeT24 (String)

The total volume of the pool in the pool's liquidity token over the past 24 hours.

volumeTAll (String)

The total volume of the pool in the pool's liquidity token over the pool's lifetime.

volumeUSD24 (String)

The total volume of the pool in USD over the past 24 hours.

volumeUSDAll (String)

The total volume of the pool in USD over the pool's lifetime.


Event data for depositing an NFT into a pool.

Fields for NftPoolNftDepositEventData

nftTokenBalance (String!)

The number of NFTs in the contract after the block has processed.

nftTokenIds ([String!]!)

The list of NFT token IDs deposited.

tokenBalanceT (String!)

The amount of token in the contract after the block has processed in the pool's liquidity token.

type (NftPoolEventType!)

The type of NFT pool event, NFT_DEPOSIT.


Event data for depositing an NFT into a pool.

Fields for NftPoolNftDepositEventDataV2

nftAssets ([NftAsset])

New Param: The list of NFT assets withdrawn. More extensive info than nftTokenIds.

nftTokenAmounts ([String!]!)

The amount of each NFT token deposited.

nftTokenIds ([String!]!)

The list of NFT token IDs deposited.

tokenBalanceT (String!)

The amount of token in the contract after the block has processed in the pool's liquidity token.

type (NftPoolEventType!)

The type of NFT pool event, NFT_DEPOSIT.


Event data for withdrawing an NFT from a pool.

Fields for NftPoolNftWithdrawalEventData

nftTokenBalance (String!)

The number of NFTs in the contract after the block has processed.

nftTokenIds ([String!]!)

The NFT token IDs withdrawn.

tokenBalanceT (String!)

The amount of token in the contract after the block has processed in the pool's liquidity token.

type (NftPoolEventType!)

The type of NFT pool event, NFT_WITHDRAWAL.


Event data for withdrawing an NFT from a pool.

Fields for NftPoolNftWithdrawalEventDataV2

nftAssets ([NftAsset])

New Param: The list of NFT assets withdrawn. More extensive info than nftTokenIds.

nftTokenAmounts ([String!]!)

The amount of each NFT token withdrawn.

nftTokenIds ([String!]!)

The list of NFT token IDs withdrawn.

tokenBalanceT (String!)

The amount of token in the contract after the block has processed in the pool's liquidity token.

type (NftPoolEventType!)

The type of NFT pool event, NFT_WITHDRAWAL.


Fields for NftPoolOwnershipTransferredEventDataV2

newOwner (String!)

The new owner of the pool.

type (NftPoolEventType!)

The type of NFT pool event, OWNERSHIP_TRANSFERRED.


An NFT pool.

Fields for NftPoolResponse

acceptedNftTokenIds ([String])

For ERC1155 pools, the list of NFT token IDs that are accepted by the pool.

assetRecipientAddress (String!)

The wallet address that will receive the tokens or NFT sent to the pair during swaps.

balanceNBT (String!)

The current pool liquidity in the network's base token.

balanceT (String!)

The current pool liquidity in the pool's liquidity token.

bondingCurveAddress (String!)

The contract address of the bonding curve.

bondingCurveType (BondingCurveType!)

The bonding curve type that defines how the prices of NFTs change after each buy or sell within a pool.

collectionAddress (String!)

The contract address of the NFT collection.

collectionName (String!)

The contract name of the NFT collection.

collectionSymbol (String)

The symbol of the NFT collection.

delta (String!)

The current delta used in the bonding curve.

exchangeAddress (String!)

The contract address of the NFT AMM marketplace.

fee (String!)

The current fee for pool.

floorNBT (String)

The current price at which the pool is willing to sell an NFT in the network's base token. Only applicable for SELL and BUY_AND_SELL pool types.

floorT (String)

The current price at which the pool is willing to sell an NFT in the pool's liquidity token. Only applicable for SELL and BUY_AND_SELL pool types.

networkId (Int!)

The network ID the NFT collection is deployed on.

nftAssets ([NftAsset])

The list of NFT assets in the pool.

nftBalance (Int)

The current number of NFTs in the pool.

nftBalance is changing from Int to String - use nftBalanceV2 instead.

nftBalanceV2 (String!)

The current number of NFTs in the pool.

nftVolumeAllTime (Int!)

The total number of NFTs bought and sold over the pool's lifetime.

nftVolumeAllTime is changing from Int to String - use nftVolumeAllTimeV2 instead.

nftVolumeAllTimeV2 (String!)

The total number of NFTs bought and sold over the pool's lifetime.

offerNBT (String)

The current price at which the pool is willing to buy an NFT in the network's base token. Only applicable for BUY and BUY_AND_SELL pool types.

offerT (String)

The current price at which the pool is willing to buy an NFT in the pool's liquidity token. Only applicable for BUY and BUY_AND_SELL pool types.

owner (String!)

The wallet address of the pool owner.

poolAddress (String!)

The contract address of the NFT pool.

poolFeesAllTimeNBT (String)

poolFeesAllTimeT (String)

poolId (String!)

The ID of the NFT pool (poolAddress:networkId). For example, 0xdbea289dcc10eed8431e78753414a3d81b8e7201:1.

poolNftType (PoolNftType)

The type of NFT in the pool.

poolType (NftPoolType!)

The type of liquidity pool.

poolVariant (GraphQlNftPoolVariant!)

The pool variant. Can be ERC20 or NATIVE.

propertyChecker (String)

The property checker contract address for the pool.

royalties ([NftPoolRoyalty])

The list of royalties for the pool. Only applicable for SUDOSWAP_V2 pools.

spotPriceNBT (String!)

The spot price in the network's base token.

spotPriceT (String!)

The instantaneous price for selling 1 NFT to the pool in the pool's liquidity token.

tokenAddress (String!)

The contract address of the liquidity token of the pool (usually WETH).

version (NftPoolContractVersion)

The NFT pool contract version. Can be SUDOSWAP_V1 or SUDOSWAP_V2.

volumeAllTimeNBT (String!)

The total volume of the pool in the network's base token over the pool's lifetime.

volumeAllTimeT (String!)

The total volume of the pool in the pool's liquidity token over the pool's lifetime.


The royalty for a SUDOSWAP_V2 pool.

Fields for NftPoolRoyalty

percent (String)

The royalty percent.

recipient (String)

The wallet address of recipient.


Event data for updating the spot price of a pool.

Fields for NftPoolSpotPriceUpdateEventData

nbtRatio (String!)

The ratio of the transaction token to the network's base token.

newBuyPriceT (String!)

The updated price at which the pool is willing to buy an NFT in the pool's liquidity token.

newSellPriceT (String!)

The updated price at which the pool is willing to sell an NFT in the pool's liquidity token.

newSpotPriceT (String!)

The updated spot price in the pool's liquidity token.

type (NftPoolEventType!)

The type of NFT pool event, SPOT_PRICE_UPDATE.

usdRatio (String!)

The ratio of the transaction token to USD.


Event data for updating the spot price of a pool.

Fields for NftPoolSpotPriceUpdateEventDataV2

nbtRatio (String!)

The ratio of the transaction token to the network's base token.

newBuyPriceT (String!)

The updated price at which the pool is willing to buy an NFT in the pool's liquidity token.

newSellPriceT (String!)

The updated price at which the pool is willing to sell an NFT in the pool's liquidity token.

newSpotPriceT (String!)

The updated spot price in the pool's liquidity token.

type (NftPoolEventType!)

The type of NFT pool event, SPOT_PRICE_UPDATE.

usdRatio (String!)

The ratio of the transaction token to USD.


Stats for an NFT pool.

Fields for NftPoolStatsResponse

closeBalanceNBT (String)

The pool liquidity in the network's base token at the end of the time frame.

closeNftBalanceV2 (String)

The number of NFTs in the pool at the end of the time frame.

collectionAddress (String!)

The contract address of the NFT collection.

endTime (Int!)

The unix timestamp for the end of the time frame.

exchangeAddress (String!)

The contract address of the NFT AMM marketplace.

expenseNBT (String)

The total sell volume of the pool in the network's base token over the time frame.

highFloorNBT (String)

The highest price at which the pool was willing to sell an NFT in the network's base token over the time frame.

highOfferNBT (String)

The highest price at which the pool was willing to buy an NFT in the network's base token over the time frame.

lowFloorNBT (String)

The lowest price at which the pool was willing to sell an NFT in the network's base token over the time frame.

lowOfferNBT (String)

The lowest price at which the pool was willing to buy an NFT in the network's base token over the time frame.

networkId (Int!)

The network ID the NFT collection is deployed on.

nftsBoughtV2 (String)

The total number of NFTs bought over the time frame.

nftsSoldV2 (String)

The total number of NFTs sold over the time frame.

nftVolumeV2 (String)

The total number of NFTs bought and sold over the time frame.

openBalanceNBT (String)

The pool liquidity in the network's base token at the start of the time frame.

openNftBalanceV2 (String)

The number of NFTs in the pool at the start of the time frame.

poolAddress (String)

The contract address of the NFT pool.

poolFeesNBT (String)

The sum of pool fees generated by the pool in the network's base token over the time frame.

protocolFeesNBT (String)

The sum of protocol fees generated by the pool in the network's base token over the time frame.

revenueNBT (String)

The total buy volume of the pool in the network's base token over the time frame.

startTime (Int!)

The unix timestamp for the start of the time frame.

volumeNBT (String)

The total volume of the pool in the network's base token over the time frame.


Event data for depositing a token into a pool.

Fields for NftPoolTokenDepositEventData

amountT (String!)

The total value of token deposited in the pool's liquidity token.

nbtRatio (String!)

The ratio of the transaction token to the network's base token.

nftTokenBalance (String!)

The number of NFTs in the contract after the block has processed.

tokenBalanceT (String!)

The amount of token in the contract after the block has processed in the pool's liquidity token.

type (NftPoolEventType!)

The type of NFT pool event, TOKEN_DEPOSIT.

usdRatio (String!)

The ratio of the transaction token to USD.


Event data for depositing a token into a pool.

Fields for NftPoolTokenDepositEventDataV2

amountT (String!)

The total value of token deposited in the pool's liquidity token.

nbtRatio (String!)

The ratio of the transaction token to the network's base token.

tokenBalanceT (String!)

The amount of token in the contract after the block has processed in the pool's liquidity token.

type (NftPoolEventType!)

The type of NFT pool event, TOKEN_DEPOSIT.

usdRatio (String!)

The ratio of the transaction token to USD.


Event data for withdrawing a token from a pool.

Fields for NftPoolTokenWithdrawalEventData

amountT (String!)

The total value of token withdrawn in the pool's liquidity token.

nbtRatio (String!)

The ratio of the transaction token to the network's base token.

nftTokenBalance (String!)

The number of NFTs in the contract after the block has processed.

tokenBalanceT (String!)

The amount of token in the contract after the block has processed in the pool's liquidity token.

type (NftPoolEventType!)

The type of NFT pool event, TOKEN_WITHDRAWAL.

usdRatio (String!)

The ratio of the transaction token to USD.


Event data for withdrawing a token from a pool.

Fields for NftPoolTokenWithdrawalEventDataV2

amountT (String!)

The total value of token withdrawn in the pool's liquidity token.

nbtRatio (String!)

The ratio of the transaction token to the network's base token.

tokenBalanceT (String!)

The amount of token in the contract after the block has processed in the pool's liquidity token.

type (NftPoolEventType!)

The type of NFT pool event, TOKEN_WITHDRAWAL.

usdRatio (String!)

The ratio of the transaction token to USD.


Response returned by searchNfts.

Fields for NftSearchResponse

hasMore (Int!)

The number of additional results found.

items ([NftSearchResponseCollection])

A list of NFT collections matching a given query string.


An NFT collection matching a given query string.

Fields for NftSearchResponseCollection

address (String!)

The contract address of the NFT collection.

average (String!)

The average sale price over the window.

ceiling (String!)

The highest sale price over the window.

floor (String!)

The lowest sale price over the window.

id (String!)

The ID of the NFT collection (address:networkId).

imageUrl (String)

The image URL for the collection or one of the assets within the collection.

name (String)

The name of the NFT collection. For example, Bored Ape Yacht Club.

networkId (Int!)

The network ID the NFT collection is deployed on.

symbol (String)

The symbol of the NFT collection. For example, BAYC.

tradeCount (String!)

The trade count over the window.

tradeCountChange (Float!)

The change in trade count between the previous and current window.

volume (String!)

The trade volume in USD over the window.

volumeChange (Float!)

The change in volume between the previous and current window.

window (String!)

The time frame used for calculating stats.


Number metrics for NFT stats.

Fields for NftStatsNumberMetrics

change (Float)

The percent change between the current and previous.

current (Float)

The total value for the current window.

previous (Float)

The total value for the previous window.


String metrics for NFT stats.

Fields for NftStatsStringMetrics

change (Float)

The percent change between the current and previous.

current (String)

The total value for the current window.

previous (String)

The total value for the previous window.


NFT stats over a time frame.

Fields for NftStatsWindowWithChange

endTime (Int)

The unix timestamp for the end of the window.

networkBaseToken (NftCollectionCurrencyStats)

The currency stats in the network's base token, such as volume.

nonCurrency (NftCollectionNonCurrencyStats)

The numerical stats, such as number of sales.

startTime (Int)

The unix timestamp for the start of the window.

usd (NftCollectionCurrencyStats)

The currency stats in USD, such as volume.


Response returned by onBarsUpdated.

Fields for OnBarsUpdatedResponse

aggregates (ResolutionBarData!)

Price data broken down by resolution.

eventSortKey (String!)

The sortKey for the bar (blockNumber#transactionIndex#logIndex, zero padded).
For example, 0000000016414564#00000224#00000413.

networkId (Int!)

The network ID the pair is deployed on.

pairAddress (String!)

The contract address for the pair.

pairId (String!)

The ID for the pair (pairAddress:networkId).

quoteToken (QuoteToken)

The quote token within the pair.

quoteTokenAddress (String!)

The address of the token being quoted

statsType (TokenPairStatisticsType!)

The type of statistics used. Can be Filtered or Unfiltered.

timestamp (Int!)

The unix timestamp for the new bar.


Integer list condition.

Fields for OneOfNumberCondition

oneOf ([Int!]!)

The list of integers.


Response returned by onBarsUpdated.

Fields for OnTokenBarsUpdatedResponse

aggregates (ResolutionBarData!)

Price data broken down by resolution.

eventSortKey (String!)

The sortKey for the bar (blockNumber#transactionIndex#logIndex, zero padded).
For example, 0000000016414564#00000224#00000413.

networkId (Int!)

The network ID the pair is deployed on.

pairAddress (String!)

The contract address for the pair.

pairId (String!)

The ID for the pair (pairAddress:networkId).

quoteToken (QuoteToken)

The quote token within the pair.

statsType (TokenPairStatisticsType!)

The type of statistics used. Can be Filtered or Unfiltered.

timestamp (Int!)

The unix timestamp for the new bar.

tokenAddress (String!)

The address of the token being quoted

tokenId (String!)

The address of the token being quoted


Response returned by onUnconfirmedBarsUpdated.

Fields for OnUnconfirmedBarsUpdated

aggregates (UnconfirmedResolutionBarData!)

Price data broken down by resolution.

eventSortKey (String!)

The sortKey for the bar (blockNumber#transactionIndex#logIndex, zero padded).
For example, 0000000016414564#00000224#00000413.

networkId (Int!)

The network ID the pair is deployed on.

pairAddress (String!)

The contract address for the pair.

pairId (String!)

The ID for the pair (pairAddress:networkId).

quoteToken (QuoteToken)

The quote token within the pair.

quoteTokenAddress (String!)

The address of the token being quoted

timestamp (Int!)

The unix timestamp for the new bar.


Metadata for a token pair.

Fields for Pair

address (String!)

The contract address of the pair.

createdAt (Int)

The unix timestamp for the creation of the pair.

exchangeHash (String!)

The address for the exchange factory contract.

fee (Int)

The exchange fee for swaps.

id (String!)

The ID for the pair (address:networkId).

networkId (Int!)

The network ID the pair is deployed on.

pooled (PooledTokenValues)

The pooled amounts of each token in the pair.

tickSpacing (Int)

The amount of required tick separation. Only applicable for pairs on UniswapV3.

token0 (String!)

The contract address of token0.

token0Data (EnhancedToken)

Metadata for the first token in the pair.

token1 (String!)

The contract address of token1.

token1Data (EnhancedToken)

Metadata for the second token in the pair.


Response returned by filterPairs.

Fields for PairFilterConnection

count (Int)

The number of pairs returned.

offset (Int)

Where in the list the server started when returning items.

results ([PairFilterResult])

The list of pairs matching the filter parameters.


A pair matching a set of filter parameters.

Fields for PairFilterResult

buyCount1 (Int)

The number of buys in the past hour.

buyCount4 (Int)

The number of buys in the past 4 hours.

buyCount12 (Int)

The number of buys in the past 12 hours.

buyCount24 (Int)

The number of buys in the past 24 hours.

createdAt (Int)

The unix timestamp for the creation of the pair.

exchange (FilterExchange)

Exchange metadata for the pair.

highPrice1 (String)

The highest price in USD in the past hour.

highPrice4 (String)

The highest price in USD in the past 4 hours.

highPrice12 (String)

The highest price in USD in the past 12 hours.

highPrice24 (String)

The highest price in USD in the past 24 hours.

lastTransaction (Int)

The unix timestamp for the last transaction to happen on the pair.

liquidity (String)

Amount of liquidity in the pair.

liquidityToken (String)

The token with higher liquidity in the pair. Can be token0 or token1.

lockedLiquidityPercentage (Float!)

The locked liquidity percentage.

lowPrice1 (String)

The lowest price in USD in the past hour.

lowPrice4 (String)

The lowest price in USD in the past 4 hours.

lowPrice12 (String)

The lowest price in USD in the past 12 hours.

lowPrice24 (String)

The lowest price in USD in the past 24 hours.

marketCap (String)

The fully diluted market cap.

pair (Pair)

Metadata for the pair.

price (String)

The token price in USD.

priceChange1 (String)

The percent price change in the past hour. Decimal format.

priceChange4 (String)

The percent price change in the past 4 hours. Decimal format.

priceChange12 (String)

The percent price change in the past 12 hours. Decimal format.

priceChange24 (String)

The percent price change in the past 24 hours. Decimal format.

priceScale (String)

10^n, where n is the number of decimal places the price has. Max 16. Used for TradingView settings.

quoteToken (String)

The token of interest. Can be token0 or token1.

sellCount1 (Int)

The number of sells in the past hour.

sellCount4 (Int)

The number of sells in the past 4 hours.

sellCount12 (Int)

The number of sells in the past 12 hours.

sellCount24 (Int)

The number of sells in the past 24 hours.

token0 (EnhancedToken)

Metadata for the first token in the pair.

token1 (EnhancedToken)

Metadata for the second token in the pair.

txnCount1 (Int)

The number of transactions in the past hour.

txnCount4 (Int)

The number of transactions in the past 4 hours.

txnCount12 (Int)

The number of transactions in the past 12 hours.

txnCount24 (Int)

The number of transactions in the past 24 hours.

uniqueBuys1 (Int)

The unique number of buys in the past hour.

uniqueBuys4 (Int)

The unique number of buys in the past 4 hours.

uniqueBuys12 (Int)

The unique number of buys in the past 12 hours.

uniqueBuys24 (Int)

The unique number of buys in the past 24 hours.

uniqueSells1 (Int)

The unique number of sells in the past hour.

uniqueSells4 (Int)

The unique number of sells in the past 4 hours.

uniqueSells12 (Int)

The unique number of sells in the past 12 hours.

uniqueSells24 (Int)

The unique number of sells in the past 24 hours.

uniqueTransactions1 (Int)

The unique number of transactions in the past hour.

uniqueTransactions4 (Int)

The unique number of transactions in the past 4 hours.

uniqueTransactions12 (Int)

The unique number of transactions in the past 12 hours.

uniqueTransactions24 (Int)

The unique number of transactions in the past 24 hours.

volumeChange1 (String)

The percent volume change in the past hour. Decimal format.

volumeChange4 (String)

The percent volume change in the past 4 hours. Decimal format.

volumeChange12 (String)

The percent volume change in the past 12 hours. Decimal format.

volumeChange24 (String)

The percent volume change in the past 24 hours. Decimal format.

volumeUSD1 (String)

The trade volume in USD in the past hour.

volumeUSD4 (String)

The trade volume in USD in the past 4 hours.

volumeUSD12 (String)

The trade volume in USD in the past 12 hours.

volumeUSD24 (String)

The trade volume in USD in the past 24 hours.


Fields for PairMetadata

createdAt (Int)

The unix timestamp for the creation of the pair.

enhancedToken0 (EnhancedToken)

Token metadata for the first token in the pair.

enhancedToken1 (EnhancedToken)

Token metadata for the second token in the pair.

exchangeId (String)

The exchange contract ID.

fee (Int)

The exchange fee for swaps.

highPrice1 (String)

The highest price in USD in the past hour.

highPrice1w (String)

The highest price in USD in the past week.

highPrice4 (String)

The highest price in USD in the past 4 hours.

highPrice12 (String)

The highest price in USD in the past 12 hours.

highPrice24 (String)

The highest price in USD in the past 24 hours.

id (String!)

The ID for the pair (address:networkId).

liquidity (String!)

The total liquidity in the pair.

liquidityToken (String)

The token with higher liquidity within the pair. Can be token0 or token1.

lowPrice1 (String)

The lowest price in USD in the past hour.

lowPrice1w (String)

The lowest price in USD in the past week.

lowPrice4 (String)

The lowest price in USD in the past 4 hours.

lowPrice12 (String)

The lowest price in USD in the past 12 hours.

lowPrice24 (String)

The lowest price in USD in the past 24 hours.

networkId (Int)

The network ID the pair is deployed on.

nonLiquidityToken (String)

The token with lower liquidity within the pair. Can be token0 or token1.

pairAddress (String!)

The contract address of the pair.

price (String!)

The quote token price in USD.

priceChange1 (Float)

The percent price change in the past hour. Decimal format.

priceChange1w (Float)

The percent price change in the past week. Decimal format.

priceChange4 (Float)

The percent price change in the past 4 hours. Decimal format.

priceChange5m (Float)

The percent price change in the past 5 minutes. Decimal format.

priceChange12 (Float)

The percent price change in the past 12 hours. Decimal format.

priceChange24 (Float)

The percent price change in the past 24 hours. Decimal format.

quoteToken (QuoteToken)

The token of interest within the pair. Can be token0 or token1.

statsType (TokenPairStatisticsType!)

The type of statistics returned. Can be FILTERED or UNFILTERED

tickSpacing (Int)

The amount of required tick separation. Only applicable for pairs on UniswapV3.

token0 (PairMetadataToken!)

Pair metadata for the first token in the pair.

token1 (PairMetadataToken!)

Pair metadata for the second token in the pair.

volume1 (String)

The trade volume in USD in the past hour.

volume1w (String)

The trade trade volume in USD in the past week.

volume4 (String)

The trade volume in USD in the past 4 hours.

volume12 (String)

The trade volume in USD in the past 12 hours.

volume24 (String)

The trade volume in USD in the past 24 hours.


Fields for PairMetadataToken

address (String!)

decimals (Int)

labels ([ContractLabel])

name (String!)

networkId (Int!)

pooled (String!)

price (String!)

symbol (String!)


Response returned by filterNftParallelAssets.

Fields for ParallelAssetFilterConnection

count (Int)

The number of Parallel assets returned.

offset (Int)

Where in the list the server started when returning items.

results ([ParallelAssetFilterResult])

The list of Parallel assets matching the filter parameters.


A Parallel asset matching a set of filter parameters.

Fields for ParallelAssetFilterResult

address (String!)

The contract address of the NFT collection.

description (String)

The description of the NFT asset.

gameData (ParallelAssetGameData)

The game data for the NFT asset.

id (String!)

The ID of the NFT asset (address:tokenId).

lastPriceNetworkBaseToken (String)

The last sale price in the network's base token.

lastPriceUsd (String)

The last sale price in USD.

media (NftAssetMedia)

The NFT asset media.

metadata (ParallelAssetMetadata)

Metadata for the NFT asset.

name (String)

The name of the NFT asset.

networkId (Int!)

The network ID the NFT collection is deployed on.

originalImage (String)

The source image URI linked by smart contract metadata.

parallelId (Int!)

The internal Parallel ID of the NFT asset.

timestamp (Int)

The unix timestamp for the last trade.

tokenId (String!)

The token ID of the NFT asset.

uri (String)

The URI provided by the smart contract. Typically JSON that contains metadata.


Game data for a Parallel asset.

Fields for ParallelAssetGameData

attack (String)

The damage dealt when engaged in combat.

cardType (String)

The card type. Can be Effect, Relic, Unit, Upgrade or Paragon.

cost (String)

The energy used to play in-game.

functionText (String)

The description of the card's in-game abilities.

health (String)

The possible damage received before being destroyed.

parallel (String)

The Parallel the asset belongs to.

passiveAbility (String)

The description of the card's passive ability.

rarity (String)

The rarity of the asset. Can be Common, Uncommon, Rare, Legendary, or Prime.

subtype (String)

The card subtype. Can be Pirate, Vehicle or Clone.


Fields for ParallelAssetMetadata

artist (String)

The artist name.

class (String)

The card class. Can be Art Card, Asset, Card Back, FE, Masterpiece, PL, or SE.

expansion (String)

The expansion used for naming base and expansion sets.

flavourText (String)

The asset description, sourced off-chain. Usually equal to the asset's on-chain description.

parallelId (String)

The ID used to match other cards with the same name but different class.

paraset (String)

The paraset the asset belongs to.

supply (String)

The total supply of this individual asset.


Tracked changes made to a Parallel card.

Fields for ParallelCardChange

diff (ParallelCardChangeDiff!)

The Parallel card metadata before and after the card change.

timestamp (Int!)

The unix timestamp for the card change.

tokenId (String!)

The token ID of the Parallel asset.


Parallel card metadata before and after a card change.

Fields for ParallelCardChangeDiff

new (ParallelCardChangeFields!)

Metadata for a Parallel card after the card change.

old (ParallelCardChangeFields!)

Metadata for a Parallel card before the card change.


Metadata for a Parallel card.

Fields for ParallelCardChangeFields

artist (String)

The artist name.

attack (String)

The damage dealt when engaged in combat.

cardType (String)

The card type. Can be Effect, Relic, Unit, Upgrade or Paragon.

class (String)

The card class. Can be Art Card, Asset, Card Back, FE, Masterpiece, PL, or SE.

cost (String)

The energy used to play in-game.

expansion (String)

The expansion used for naming base and expansion sets.

flavourText (String)

The asset description, sourced off-chain. Usually equal to the asset's on-chain description.

functionText (String)

The description of the card's in-game abilities.

health (String)

The possible damage received before being destroyed.

parallel (String)

The Parallel the asset belongs to.

parallelId (String)

The ID used to match other cards with the same name but different class.

paraset (String)

The paraset the asset belongs to.

passiveAbility (String)

The description of the card's passive ability.

rarity (String)

The rarity of the asset. Can be Common, Uncommon, Rare, Legendary, or Prime.

subtype (String)

The card subtype. Can be Pirate, Vehicle or Clone.

supply (String)

The total supply of this individual asset.


Response returned by getParallelCardChanges.

Fields for ParallelCardChangesConnection

cursor (String)

A cursor for use in pagination.

items ([ParallelCardChange])

A list of tracked changes made to a Parallel card.


Event data for a BalancerV2 Pool Balance Changed event.

Fields for PoolBalanceChangedEventData

amount0 (String)

The amount of token0 added or removed from the pair.

amount0Shifted (String)

The amount of token0 added or removed from the pair, adjusted by the number of decimals in the token. For example, if amount0 is in WEI, amount0Shifted will be in ETH.

amount1 (String)

The amount of token1 added or from the pair.

amount1Shifted (String)

The amount of token1 added or removed from the pair, adjusted by the number of decimals in the token. For example, USDC amount1Shifted will be by 6 decimals.

liquidity0 (String)

The amount of token0 now in the pool.

liquidity1 (String)

The amount of token1 now in the pool.

protocolFeeAmount0 (String)

The amount of token0 captured by the protocol.

protocolFeeAmount1 (String)

The amount of token1 captured by the protocol.

sender (String)

The address of account that added or removed liquidity.

token0 (String)

The address of token0 in the pair.

token1 (String)

The address of token1 in the pair.

type (EventType!)

The type of token event, Burn.


Fields for PooledTokenValues

token0 (String)

token1 (String)


Real-time or historical prices for a token.

Fields for Price

address (String!)

The contract address of the token.

confidence (Float)

Ratio of how confident we are in the price

networkId (Int!)

The network ID the token is deployed on.

poolAddress (String!)

The pool that emitted the swap generating this price

priceUsd (Float!)

The token price in USD.

timestamp (Int)

The unix timestamp for the price.


Webhook conditions for a price event.

Fields for PriceEventWebhookCondition

networkId (IntEqualsCondition!)

The network ID the webhook is listening on.

pairAddress (StringEqualsCondition)

The pair contract address the webhook is listening for.

priceUsd (ComparisonOperator!)

The price condition that must be met in order for the webhook to send.

tokenAddress (StringEqualsCondition!)

The token contract address the webhook is listening for.


Response returned by primeHolders.

Fields for PrimeHolders

count (Int!)

The number of holders returned.

cursor (String)

The cursor to use for pagination.

items ([Balance!]!)

A list of holders of PRIME. Each request returns 50 results.


An Echelon Prime Pool.

Fields for PrimePool

calcData (PrimePoolCalcData)

Values calculated by Defined using on-chain data.

chainData (PrimePoolChainData)

Values obtained directly from the chain.

createdAt (Int)

When the pool was created by Defined.

discoveryBlockNumber (Int)

The block number for when Defined discovered this pool.

discoveryTransactionHash (String)

The transaction hash of when Defined discovered this pool.

id (String)

The ID of the contract-level Prime Pool (poolContractAddress:networkId). For example, 0x89bb49d06610b4b18e355504551809be5177f3d0:1.

networkId (Int)

The network ID the Prime Pool is deployed on.

nftContractAddress (String)

The contract address for the tokens cached ib the pool.

poolContractAddress (String)

The contract address for the Prime Pool.

poolId (String)

The ID of the pool within the contract.

poolType (String)

The type of pool for this Prime Pool.

tokenIds ([String])

The Parallel tokenIds required to cache in the pool.

totalSupply (String)

The # of cached sets in the pool.


A cached Prime pool asset.

Fields for PrimePoolAsset

amount (String!)

The number of cached Prime pool assets of this type by this owner.

ethRewardDebt (String)

The amount of ETH the user is not eligible for either from having already harvesting or from not caching in the past.

from (String!)

The owner wallet address of the cached Prime pool asset.

fromHashKey (String!)

The owner wallet address of the cached Prime pool asset, and network ID (from:networkId).

fromSortKey (String!)

The Prime pool ID and Prime pool contract address (poolId:poolContractAddress).

id (String!)

The Prime pool asset ID (poolContractAddress:poolId:networkId)

networkId (Int!)

The network ID of the cached Prime pool asset.

poolContractAddress (String!)

THe contract address of the Prime pool.

poolId (String!)

The Prime pool ID.

primeRewardDebt (String)

The amount of PRIME the user is not eligible for either from having already harvesting or from not caching in the past.

sortKey (String!)

The owner wallet address of the cached Prime pool asset.


Response returned by getPrimePoolAssets.

Fields for PrimePoolAssetConnection

cursor (String)

The cursor to use for pagination.

items ([PrimePoolAsset])

The list of cached Prime pool assets returned by the query.


Event-specific data for a Prime pool Cache transaction.

Fields for PrimePoolCacheData

eventAmount (String!)

The amount of Prime pool asset(s) cached.

totalSupply (String!)

The total supply of assets cached in this Prime pool, including the amount cached in this transaction.

type (PrimePoolEventType!)

The Prime pool event type.

user (String!)

The owner wallet address of the cached Prime pool asset(s).

userCachedAmount (String!)

The total number of Prime pool asset(s) cached in this pool by this owner.

userEthRewardDebt (String!)

The amount of ETH the user is not eligible for either from having already harvesting or from not caching in the past.

userPrimeRewardDebt (String!)

The amount of PRIME the user is not eligible for either from having already harvesting or from not caching in the past.


Event-specific data for a Prime pool CachingPaused transaction.

Fields for PrimePoolCachingPausedData

cachingPaused (Boolean!)

The state of caching paused set on the pool.

type (PrimePoolEventType!)

The Prime pool event type.


Fields for PrimePoolCalcData

poolAccumulatedEth (String)

The amount of accumulated ETH rewards in total for the pool.

poolAccumulatedPrime (String)

The amount of accumulated PRIME rewards in total for the pool.

poolEthAmount (String)

The amount of ETH for the pool to pay out as caching rewards.

poolEthPerDay (String)

The amount of ETH paid out daily by the pool as caching rewards.

poolEthPerSecond (String)

The amount of ETH paid out per second by the pool as caching rewards.

poolPrimeAmount (String)

The amount of PRIME for the pool to pay out as caching rewards.

poolPrimePerDay (String)

The amount of PRIME paid out daily by the pool as caching rewards.

poolPrimePerSecond (String)

The amount of PRIME paid out per second by the pool as caching rewards.

shareAccumulatedEth (String)

The amount of accumulated ETH rewards per share for the pool.

shareAccumulatedPrime (String)

The amount of accumulated PRIME rewards per share for the pool.

shareEthPerDay (String)

The amount of ETH paid out daily by the pool, per share of the pool's total cached supply.

shareEthPerSecond (String)

The amount of ETH paid out per second by the pool, per share of the pool's total cached supply.

sharePrimePerDay (String)

The amount of PRIME paid out daily by the pool, per share of the pool's total cached supply.

sharePrimePerSecond (String)

The amount of PRIME paid out per second by the pool, per share of the pool's total cached supply.


Values obtained directly from the chain.

Fields for PrimePoolChainData

cachingPaused (Boolean)

Whether caching is paused for this pool.

ethAllocPoint (String)

The pool's allocation of the contract's per-second ETH rewards.

ethClaimed (String)

How much ETH has been claimed for this pool.

ethEndTimestamp (Int)

Caching ETH rewards period end timestamp.

ethLastRewardTimestamp (Int)

Last timestamp at which ETH rewards were assigned.

ethReward (String)

How much ETH reward has been accrued for this pool.

ethStartTimestamp (Int)

Caching ETH rewards period start timestamp.

ethTimedCachePeriod (String)

Minimum number of timed cache seconds per ETH.

ethTotalAllocPoint (String)

Total share points of the contract's per-second ETH rewards to the pool.

primeAllocPoint (String)

The pool's allocation of the contract's per second PRIME rewards.

primeEndTimestamp (Int)

Caching rewards period end timestamp.

primeLastRewardTimestamp (Int)

Last timestamp at which PRIME rewards were assigned.

primeStartTimestamp (String)

Caching rewards period start timestamp.

primeTotalAllocPoint (String)

Total share points of the contract's per second PRIME rewards to the pool.


Event-specific data for a Prime pool ClaimEth transaction.

Fields for PrimePoolClaimEthData

currency (PrimePoolCurrency!)

The currency type of the event.

ethClaimed (String)

The total amount of ETH claimed for a pool.

eventAmount (String!)

The amount of ETH claimed.

type (PrimePoolEventType!)

The Prime pool event type.

user (String!)

The wallet address claiming ETH rewards.

userEthRewardDebt (String!)

The amount of ETH the user is not eligible for either from having already harvesting or from not caching in the past.


Event-specific data for a Prime pool ClaimPrime transaction.

Fields for PrimePoolClaimPrimeData

currency (PrimePoolCurrency!)

The currency type of the event.

eventAmount (String!)

The amount of PRIME claimed.

type (PrimePoolEventType!)

The Prime pool event type.

user (String!)

The wallet address claiming PRIME rewards.

userPrimeRewardDebt (String!)

The total amount of PRIME claimed for a pool.


Response returned by getPrimePools.

Fields for PrimePoolConnection

cursor (String)

A cursor for use in pagination.

items ([PrimePool])

A list of prime pools.


Event-specific data for a Prime pool EmergencyWithdraw transaction.

Fields for PrimePoolEmergencyWithdrawData

eventAmount (String!)

The amount of Prime pool asset(s) emergency withdrawn.

totalSupply (String!)

The total supply of assets cached in this Prime pool.

type (PrimePoolEventType!)

The Prime pool event type.

user (String!)

The wallet address emergency withdrawing from the pool.

userCachedAmount (String!)

The updated total number of Prime pool asset(s) cached in this pool by this owner.

userEthRewardDebt (String!)

The amount of ETH the user is not eligible for either from having already harvesting or from not caching in the past.

userPrimeRewardDebt (String!)

The amount of PRIME the user is not eligible for either from having already harvesting or from not caching in the past.


Event-specific data for a Prime pool EndTimestampUpdatedEth transaction.

Fields for PrimePoolEndTimestampUpdatedEthData

currency (PrimePoolCurrency!)

The currency type of the event.

ethEndTimestamp (Int!)

The updated ETH reward end timestamp for the pool.

ethPerSecond (String!)

The updated reward per second for the pool.

ethStartTimestamp (Int!)

The updated ETH reward start timestamp for the pool.

type (PrimePoolEventType!)

The Prime pool event type.


Event-specific data for a Prime pool EndTimestampUpdatedPrime transaction.

Fields for PrimePoolEndTimestampUpdatedPrimeData

currency (PrimePoolCurrency!)

The currency type of the event.

primeEndTimestamp (Int!)

The updated PRIME reward end timestamp for the pool.

primePerSecond (String!)

The updated reward per second for the pool.

primeStartTimestamp (Int!)

The updated PRIME reward start timestamp for the pool.

type (PrimePoolEventType!)

The Prime pool event type.


Event-specific data for a Prime pool LogUpdatePool transaction.

Fields for PrimePoolEthRewardsAddedData

amount (String!)

The amount of ETH rewards added to the pool.

totalRewards (String!)

The total ETH rewards for the pool.

type (PrimePoolEventType!)

The Prime pool event type.


Event-specific data for a Prime pool EthRewardsSet transaction.

Fields for PrimePoolEthRewardsSetData

amount (String!)

The amount of ETH rewards set for the pool.

totalRewards (String!)

The total ETH rewards for the pool.

type (PrimePoolEventType!)

The Prime pool event type.


A Prime pool event.

Fields for PrimePoolEvent

blockHash (String!)

The blockHash of the Prime pool event.

blockNumber (Int!)

The blockNumber of the Prime pool event.

data (PrimePoolEventData!)

The event data for the Prime pool event.

eventType (PrimePoolEventType!)

The Prime pool event type.

from (String!)

The Prime pool event's calling address.

fromHashKey (String!)

The Prime pool event's calling address, and network ID (from:networkId).

id (String!)

The Prime pool event ID (poolContractAddress:poolId:networkId)

logIndex (Int!)

The logIndex of the Prime pool event.

networkId (Int!)

The network ID of the Prime pool event.

poolContractAddress (String!)

The Prime pool contract address.

poolId (String!)

The Prime pool ID.

poolType (PrimePoolType!)

The Prime pool type.

sortKey (String!)

The sort key of the Prime pool event (blockNumber:transactionIndex:logIndex).

timestamp (Int!)

The timestamp of the Prime pool event.

transactionHash (String!)

The transactionHash of the Prime pool event.

transactionIndex (Int!)

The transactionIndex of the Prime pool event.


Response returned by getPrimePoolEvents.

Fields for PrimePoolEventConnection

cursor (String)

The cursor to use for pagination.

items ([PrimePoolEvent])

The list of Prime pool events returned by the query.


Event-specific data for a Prime pool LogPoolAddition (new Prime pool) transaction.

Fields for PrimePoolLogPoolAdditionData

tokenIds ([String!]!)

The token ID's added to the new Prime pool.

type (PrimePoolEventType!)

The Prime pool event type.


Event-specific data for a Prime pool LogPoolSetAllocPoint transaction.

Fields for PrimePoolLogPoolSetAllocPointData

allocPoint (String!)

The updated alloc point for the pool (the pool's share of the contract's total rewards).

currency (PrimePoolCurrency!)

The currency type of the event.

totalAllocPoint (String!)

The updated total alloc point for the pool (the sum of all pools' alloc points).

type (PrimePoolEventType!)

The Prime pool event type.


Event-specific data for a Prime pool LogSetPerSecond transaction.

Fields for PrimePoolLogSetPerSecondData

amount (String!)

The updated reward per second for the pool.

currency (PrimePoolCurrency!)

The currency type of the event.

endTimestamp (Int!)

The updated reward end timestamp for the pool.

ethAmountPerSecond (String)

The updated ETH reward per second for the pool.

primeAmountPerSecond (String)

The updated PRIME reward per second for the pool.

startTimestamp (Int!)

The updated reward start timestamp for the pool.

type (PrimePoolEventType!)

The Prime pool event type.


Event-specific data for a Prime pool LogUpdatePool transaction.

Fields for PrimePoolLogUpdatePoolData

accPerShare (String!)

The amount of accumulated rewards per share.

currency (PrimePoolCurrency!)

The currency type of the event.

ethAmount (String)

The ETH amount of the pool.

lastRewardTimestamp (Int!)

The timestamp at which rewards were last assigned.

primeAmount (String)

The PRIME amount of the pool.

supply (String!)

The total amount of assets cached in the pool (emitted by the event, before the transaction).

totalSupply (String!)

The total amount of assets cached in the pool (queried from the pool after the transaction).

type (PrimePoolEventType!)

The Prime pool event type.


Event-specific data for a Prime pool RewardDecrease transaction.

Fields for PrimePoolRewardDecreaseData

currency (PrimePoolCurrency!)

The currency type of the event.

eventAmount (String!)

The amount of rewards decreased.

type (PrimePoolEventType!)

The Prime pool event type.

updatedAmount (String!)

The updated total rewards for the pool.


Event-specific data for a Prime pool RewardIncrease transaction.

Fields for PrimePoolRewardIncreaseData

currency (PrimePoolCurrency!)

The currency type of the event.

eventAmount (String!)

The amount of rewards increased.

type (PrimePoolEventType!)

The Prime pool event type.

updatedAmount (String!)

The updated total rewards for the pool.


Event-specific data for a Prime pool TimeCachePeriodUpdate transaction.

Fields for PrimePoolTimeCachePeriodUpdateData

currency (PrimePoolCurrency!)

The currency type of the event.

timedCachePeriod (String!)

The minimum number of timed cache seconds per ETH reward.

type (PrimePoolEventType!)

The Prime pool event type.


Event-specific data for a Prime pool Withdraw transaction.

Fields for PrimePoolWithdrawData

eventAmount (String!)

The amount of assets withdrawn.

totalSupply (String!)

The updated total assets for the pool after the withdrawal.

type (PrimePoolEventType!)

The Prime pool event type.

user (String!)

The address of the wallet who withdrew.

userCachedAmount (String!)

The amount of cached asset the user has in the pool, following the withdrawal.

userEthRewardDebt (String!)

The amount of ETH the user is not eligible for either from having already harvesting or from not caching in the past.

userPrimeRewardDebt (String!)

The amount of PRIME the user is not eligible for either from having already harvesting or from not caching in the past.


Fields for Quote

exchange (QuoteExchange!)

outputAmountMin (String)

poolFee (String)

poolFeeBps (Float)

quotedAmount (String!)

quoteType (QuoteType!)

tradeFee (String!)

tradeFeeBps (Float!)


Fields for QuoteExchange

factory (String!)

id (Int!)

name (String!)

networkId (Int!)

protocol (String!)

quoter (String)

quoterInterface (String)

router (String!)


Fields for RawNftAssetData

animationUrl (String)

An optional image field that may or may not be present on the requested NFT asset smart contract.

externalUrl (String)

An optional field that may or may not be present on the requested NFT asset smart contract.

imageData (String)

An optional image field that may or may not be present on the requested NFT asset smart contract.

imageUrl (String)

An optional image field that may or may not be present on the requested NFT asset smart contract.


Webhook conditions for a raw transaction.

Fields for RawTransactionWebhookCondition

from (StringEqualsCondition)

The from address to listen for.

ignoreNftEvents (Boolean)

Do not trigger the webhook if the raw transaction is handled by the NftEvent webhook.

ignoreTokenPairEvents (Boolean)

Do not trigger the webhook if the raw transaction is handled by the TokenPairEvent webhook.

input (StringContainsCondition)

Trigger the webhook if the contains or doesn't contain the specified string.

networkId (OneOfNumberCondition)

A list of network IDs to listen on.

to (StringEqualsCondition)

The to address to listen for.

toOrFrom (StringEqualsCondition)

Trigger the webhook if either the to or the from address matches.


Fields for ReferralsEventPayoutData

payouts ([ReferralsPayoutData!]!)


Fields for ReferralsEventRewardData

inputTokenAddress (String!)

networkId (Int!)

outputTokenAddress (String!)

payoutPercent (Float!)

referralUserId (String!)

rewardTokenAddress (String)

rewardTokenAmount (String)

transactionFee (String!)

transactionId (String!)

transactionTokenAddress (String!)

transactionTokenAmount (String!)


Fields for ReferralsPayoutData

tokenAddressNetworkIdPaid (String!)

tokenAmountPaid (String!)


Price data for each supported resolution.

Fields for ResolutionBarData

r1 (CurrencyBarData)

1 minute resolution.

r1D (CurrencyBarData)

1 day resolution.

r1S (CurrencyBarData)

1 second resolution.

r5 (CurrencyBarData)

5 minute resolution.

r5S (CurrencyBarData)

5 second resolution.

r7D (CurrencyBarData)

1 week resolution.

r15 (CurrencyBarData)

15 minute resolution.

r15S (CurrencyBarData)

15 second resolution.

r30 (CurrencyBarData)

30 minute resolution.

r30S (CurrencyBarData)

30 second resolution.

r60 (CurrencyBarData)

60 minute resolution.

r240 (CurrencyBarData)

4 hour resolution.

r720 (CurrencyBarData)

12 hour resolution.


Config for retrying failed webhook messages

Fields for RetrySettings

maxRetries (Int)

The maximum number of times the webhook will retry sending a message

maxRetryDelay (Int)

The maximum time in seconds that the webhook will wait before retrying a failed message

maxTimeElapsed (Int)

The maximum time in seconds that the webhook will retry sending a message

minRetryDelay (Int)

The minimum time in seconds that the webhook will wait before retrying a failed message


Metadata for a sandwich label.

Fields for SandwichedLabelData

token0DrainedAmount (String)

The amount of token0 drained in the attack.

token1DrainedAmount (String)

The amount of token1 drained in the attack.


Metadata for a sandwich label.

Fields for SandwichLabelForEvent

label (String!)

The label type, 'sandwiched'.

sandwichType (SandwichLabelForEventType!)

The sandwich event label types.

token0DrainedAmount (String!)

The amount of token0 drained in the attack.

token1DrainedAmount (String!)

The amount of token1 drained in the attack.


Fields for SimulateContractBalanceErrorsType

tokenContractEthBalanceError (String)

tokenContractTokenBalanceError (String)


Fields for SimulateContractBalanceType

tokenContractEthBalance (String)

tokenContractTokenBalance (String)


Fields for SimulateCreatorErrorsType

creatorEthBalanceError (String)

creatorTokenBalanceError (String)


Fields for SimulateCreatorType

creatorAddress (String)

creatorEthBalance (String)

creatorTokenBalance (String)


Fields for SimulateDeployErrorsType

deployError (String)

tokenMintedToDeployerError (String)


Fields for SimulateDeployType

deploySuccess (Boolean)

tokenMintedToDeployer (String)


Fields for SimulateLiquidityErrorsType

addLiquidityError (String)

lpTotalSupplyError (String)

postLiquidityEnableTradingError (String)

preLiquidityEnableTradingError (String)


Fields for SimulateLiquidityType

addLiquiditySuccess (Boolean)

liquiditySetByPreLiquidityOpenTradingCall (Boolean)

lpTotalSupply (String)

pairAddress (String)

postLiquidityEnableTradingCall (String)

postLiquidityEnableTradingSuccess (Boolean)

preLiquidityEnableTradingCall (String)

preLiquidityEnableTradingSuccess (Boolean)

preLiquidityEnableTradingSupportsTransfer (Boolean)


Fields for SimulateOwnerErrorsType

ownerAddressError (String)

ownerEthBalanceError (String)

ownerTokenBalanceError (String)


Fields for SimulateOwnerType

ownerAddress (String)

ownerEthBalance (String)

ownerTokenBalance (String)


Fields for SimulateSwapErrorsType

buyError (String)

buyErrorEnum (SimulateTokenContractBuySellErrorEnum)

sellError (String)

sellErrorEnum (SimulateTokenContractBuySellErrorEnum)


Fields for SimulateSwapType

buyGasUsed (String)

buySuccess (Boolean)

buyTax (String)

maxBuyAmount (String)

maxSellAmount (String)

sellGasUsed (String)

sellSuccess (Boolean)

sellTax (String)


Fields for SimulateTokenContractErrors

contractBalanceErrors (SimulateContractBalanceErrorsType!)

creatorErrors (SimulateCreatorErrorsType!)

deployErrors (SimulateDeployErrorsType!)

liquidityErrors (SimulateLiquidityErrorsType!)

ownerErrors (SimulateOwnerErrorsType!)

simulatorError (String)

swapErrors (SimulateSwapErrorsType!)

tokenErrors (SimulateTokenErrorsType!)

transferErrors (SimulateTransferErrorsType!)


Fields for SimulateTokenContractResponse

error (String)

result (Boolean!)

simulationId (String)


Fields for SimulateTokenContractResult

analysisType (Int!)

blockNumber (String!)

contractBalance (SimulateContractBalanceType!)

contractHashKey (String!)

creator (SimulateCreatorType!)

deploy (SimulateDeployType!)

errors (SimulateTokenContractErrors!)

id (String!)

liquidity (SimulateLiquidityType!)

networkId (Int!)

owner (SimulateOwnerType!)

sortKey (String!)

status (SimulateTokenContractResultStatusEnum!)

swap (SimulateSwapType!)

timestamp (Int!)

token (SimulateTokenType!)

transfer (SimulateTransferType!)

uuid (String!)

uuidHashKey (String!)


Fields for SimulateTokenErrorsType

canRenounceOwnershipError (String)

canTransferOwnershipError (String)

decimalsError (String)

tokenNameError (String)

tokenSymbolError (String)

totalSupplyError (String)


Fields for SimulateTokenType

canRenounceOwnership (Boolean)

canTransferOwnership (Boolean)

contractAddress (String!)

decimals (Int)

isOwnerRenounced (Boolean)

tokenName (String)

tokenSymbol (String)

totalSupply (String)


Fields for SimulateTransferErrorsType

tokenContractApprovalError (String)

tokenTransferredToContractError (String)

userApprovalError (String)


Fields for SimulateTransferType

tokenContractApprovalSuccess (Boolean)

tokenTransferredToContractSuccess (Boolean)

userApprovalSuccess (Boolean)


Community gathered social links of tokens/NFTs.

Fields for SocialLinks

bitcointalk (String)

blog (String)

coingecko (String)

coinmarketcap (String)

discord (String)

email (String)

facebook (String)

github (String)

instagram (String)

linkedin (String)

reddit (String)

slack (String)

telegram (String)

twitch (String)

twitter (String)

website (String)

wechat (String)

whitepaper (String)

youtube (String)


Fields for SparklineValue

timestamp (Int!)

value (Float!)


String contains condition.

Fields for StringContainsCondition

contains ([String!])

A list of substrings included within the string.

notContains ([String!])

A list of substrings not included within the string.


String equals condition.

Fields for StringEqualsCondition

eq (String!)

The string to equal.


Fields for SuiNetworkConfig

baseTokenAddress (String!)

baseTokenSymbol (String!)

color (String)

defaultPairAddress (String!)

defaultPairQuoteToken (QuoteToken!)

enabled (Boolean!)

explorer (ExplorerConfig!)

id (ID!)

mainnet (Boolean!)

name (String!)

networkIconUrl (String!)

networkId (Int!)

networkName (String!)

networkShortName (String!)

networkType (NetworkConfigType!)

newTokensEnabled (Boolean)

pricing ([NetworkPriceConfig!]!)

rpcs ([SuiRpcConfig!]!)

stableCoinAddresses ([String!])

wrappedBaseTokenSymbol (String!)


Event data for a token swap event.

Fields for SwapEventData

amount0 (String)

The amount of token0 involved in the swap. Only applicable for UniswapV3 events.

amount0In (String)

The amount of token0 that was sold. Only applicable for UniswapV2 events.

amount0Out (String)

The amount of token0 that was bought. Only applicable for UniswapV2 events.

amount1 (String)

The amount of token1 involved in the swap. Only applicable for UniswapV3 events.

amount1In (String)

The amount of token1 that was sold. Only applicable for UniswapV2 events.

amount1Out (String)

The amount of token1 that was bought. Only applicable for UniswapV2 events.

amountNonLiquidityToken (String)

The amount of quoteToken involved in the swap. For example, if quoteToken is USDC for a USDC/WETH pair, amountNonLiquidityToken would be the amount of USDC involved in the swap.

priceBaseToken (String)

The price per quoteToken at the time of the swap in the network's base token. For example, if quoteToken is USDC for a USDC/WETH pair on ETH network, priceBaseToken would the price of USDC in ETH.

priceBaseTokenTotal (String)

The total amount of quoteToken involved in the swap in the network's base token (amountNonLiquidityToken x priceBaseToken).

priceUsd (String)

The price per quoteToken at the time of the swap in USD. For example, if quoteToken is USDC for a USDC/WETH pair on ETH network, priceBaseToken would the price of USDC in USD ($1.00).

priceUsdTotal (String)

The total amount of quoteToken involved in the swap in USD (amountNonLiquidityToken x priceUsd).

tick (String)

The tick index that the swap occurred in. Only applicable for UniswapV3 events.

type (EventType!)

The type of token event, Swap.


Event data for swapping an NFT into a pool.

Fields for SwapNftInPoolEventData

amountT (String!)

The total value of all NFTs involved in the swap in the pool's liquidity token.

nbtRatio (String!)

The ratio of the transaction token to the network's base token.

newBuyPriceT (String!)

The updated price at which the pool is willing to buy an NFT in the pool's liquidity token.

newDelta (String!)

The updated delta used in the bonding curve.

newSellPriceT (String!)

The updated price at which the pool is willing to sell an NFT in the pool's liquidity token.

newSpotPriceT (String!)

The updated spot price in the pool's liquidity token.

nftsTransfered ([NftPoolEventNftTransfer])

Metadata for each of the NFTs involved in the swap.

nftTokenBalance (String!)

The number of NFTs in the contract after the block has processed.

poolFeeT (String!)

The fee for the pool in the pool's liquidity token.

protocolFeeT (String!)

The protocol fee in the pool's liquidity token.

tokenBalanceT (String!)

The amount of token in the contract after the block has processed in the pool's liquidity token.

tokenId (String!)

The ID of the token involved in the swap (address:networkId).

type (NftPoolEventType!)

The type of NFT pool event, SWAP_NFT_IN_POOL.

usdRatio (String!)

The ratio of the transaction token to USD.


Event data for swapping an NFT into a pool.

Fields for SwapNftInPoolEventDataV2

amountT (String!)

The total value of all NFTs involved in the swap in the pool's liquidity token.

nbtRatio (String!)

The ratio of the transaction token to the network's base token.

newBuyPriceT (String!)

The updated price at which the pool is willing to buy an NFT in the pool's liquidity token.

newDelta (String!)

The updated delta used in the bonding curve.

newSellPriceT (String!)

The updated price at which the pool is willing to sell an NFT in the pool's liquidity token.

newSpotPriceT (String!)

The updated spot price in the pool's liquidity token.

nftAssets ([NftAsset])

New Param: The list of NFT assets withdrawn. More extensive info than nftTokenIds.

nftsTransfered ([NftPoolEventNftTransferV2])

Metadata for each of the NFTs involved in the swap.

poolFeeT (String!)

The fee for the pool in the pool's liquidity token.

protocolFeeT (String!)

The protocol fee in the pool's liquidity token.

tokenBalanceT (String!)

The amount of token in the contract after the block has processed in the pool's liquidity token.

tokenId (String!)

The ID of the token involved in the swap (address:networkId).

type (NftPoolEventType!)

The type of NFT pool event, SWAP_NFT_IN_POOL.

usdRatio (String!)

The ratio of the transaction token to USD.


Event data for swapping an NFT out of a pool.

Fields for SwapNftOutPoolEventData

amountT (String!)

The total value of all NFTs involved in the swap in the pool's liquidity token.

nbtRatio (String!)

The ratio of the transaction token to the network's base token.

newBuyPriceT (String!)

The updated price at which the pool is willing to buy an NFT in the pool's liquidity token.

newDelta (String!)

The updated delta used in the bonding curve.

newSellPriceT (String!)

The updated price at which the pool is willing to sell an NFT in the pool's liquidity token.

newSpotPriceT (String!)

The updated spot price in the pool's liquidity token.

nftsTransfered ([NftPoolEventNftTransfer])

Metadata for each of the NFTs involved in the swap.

nftTokenBalance (String!)

The number of NFTs in the contract after the block has processed.

poolFeeT (String!)

The fee for the pool in the pool's liquidity token.

protocolFeeT (String!)

The protocol fee in the pool's liquidity token.

tokenBalanceT (String!)

The amount of token in the contract after the block has processed in the pool's liquidity token.

tokenId (String!)

The ID of the token involved in the swap (address:networkId).

type (NftPoolEventType!)

The type of NFT pool event, SWAP_NFT_OUT_POOL.

usdRatio (String!)

The ratio of the transaction token to USD.


Event data for swapping an NFT out of a pool.

Fields for SwapNftOutPoolEventDataV2

amountT (String!)

The total value of all NFTs involved in the swap in the pool's liquidity token.

nbtRatio (String!)

The ratio of the transaction token to the network's base token.

newBuyPriceT (String!)

The updated price at which the pool is willing to buy an NFT in the pool's liquidity token.

newDelta (String!)

The updated delta used in the bonding curve.

newSellPriceT (String!)

The updated price at which the pool is willing to sell an NFT in the pool's liquidity token.

newSpotPriceT (String!)

The updated spot price in the pool's liquidity token.

nftAssets ([NftAsset])

New Param: The list of NFT assets withdrawn. More extensive info than nftTokenIds.

nftsTransfered ([NftPoolEventNftTransferV2])

Metadata for each of the NFTs involved in the swap.

poolFeeT (String!)

The fee for the pool in the pool's liquidity token.

protocolFeeT (String!)

The protocol fee in the pool's liquidity token.

tokenBalanceT (String!)

The amount of token in the contract after the block has processed in the pool's liquidity token.

tokenId (String!)

The ID of the token involved in the swap (address:networkId).

type (NftPoolEventType!)

The type of NFT pool event, SWAP_NFT_OUT_POOL.

usdRatio (String!)

The ratio of the transaction token to USD.


Response returned by getSymbol.

Fields for SymbolResponse

currency_code (String!)

The currencyCode argument passed in (TOKEN or USD).

description (String!)

The trading pair. If currencyCode is TOKEN, the base token will be used, otherwise USD.

name (String!)

The symbols of the pair.

original_currency_code (String!)

The base token symbol.

pricescale (Float!)

10^n, where n is the number of decimal places the price has. Max 16. Used for charting.

supported_resolutions ([String!]!)

The list of time frames supported for the symbol in other charting endpoints, eg. getBars.

ticker (String!)

The ID of the pair (address:networkId).


Token burn event data.

Fields for TokenBurnEventData

amount (String!)

The amount of tokens burned.

circulatingSupply (String)

The new circulating supply for the token.

totalSupply (String)

The new total supply for the token.


Response returned by filterTokens.

Fields for TokenFilterConnection

count (Int)

The number of tokens returned.

page (Int)

Where in the list the server started when returning items.

results ([TokenFilterResult])

The list of tokens matching the filter parameters.


A token matching a set of filter parameters.

Fields for TokenFilterResult

age (Int)

Age isn't supported - use createdAt instead

buyCount1 (Int)

The number of buys in the past hour.

buyCount4 (Int)

The number of buys in the past 4 hours.

buyCount12 (Int)

The number of buys in the past 12 hours.

buyCount24 (Int)

The number of buys in the past 24 hours.

change1 (String)

The percent price change in the past hour. Decimal format.

change4 (String)

The percent price change in the past 4 hours. Decimal format.

change12 (String)

The percent price change in the past 12 hours. Decimal format.

change24 (String)

The percent price change in the past 24 hours. Decimal format.

createdAt (Int)

The unix timestamp for the creation of the token's first pair.

exchanges ([Exchange])

The exchanges the token is listed on.

fdv (String)

FDV isn't supported - use marketCap instead

high1 (String)

The highest price in USD in the past hour.

high4 (String)

The highest price in USD in the past 4 hours.

high12 (String)

The highest price in USD in the past 12 hours.

high24 (String)

The highest price in USD in the past 24 hours.

holders (Int)

The number of different wallets holding the token.

isScam (Boolean)

Whether the token has been flagged as a scam.

lastTransaction (Int)

The unix timestamp for the token's last transaction.

liquidity (String)

Amount of liquidity in the token's top pair.

low1 (String)

The lowest price in USD in the past hour.

low4 (String)

The lowest price in USD in the past 4 hours.

low12 (String)

The lowest price in USD in the past 12 hours.

low24 (String)

The lowest price in USD in the past 24 hours.

marketCap (String)

The fully diluted market cap. For circulating market cap multiply token { info { circulatingSupply } } by priceUSD.

pair (Pair)

Metadata for the token's top pair.

priceUSD (String)

The token price in USD.

quoteToken (String)

The token of interest. Can be token0 or token1.

sellCount1 (Int)

The number of sells in the past hour.

sellCount4 (Int)

The number of sells in the past 4 hours.

sellCount12 (Int)

The number of sells in the past 12 hours.

sellCount24 (Int)

The number of sells in the past 24 hours.

token (EnhancedToken)

Metadata for the token.

txnCount1 (Int)

The number of transactions in the past hour.

txnCount4 (Int)

The number of transactions in the past 4 hours.

txnCount12 (Int)

The number of transactions in the past 12 hours.

txnCount24 (Int)

The number of transactions in the past 24 hours.

uniqueBuys1 (Int)

The unique number of buys in the past hour.

uniqueBuys4 (Int)

The unique number of buys in the past 4 hours.

uniqueBuys12 (Int)

The unique number of buys in the past 12 hours.

uniqueBuys24 (Int)

The unique number of buys in the past 24 hours.

uniqueSells1 (Int)

The unique number of sells in the past hour.

uniqueSells4 (Int)

The unique number of sells in the past 4 hours.

uniqueSells12 (Int)

The unique number of sells in the past 12 hours.

uniqueSells24 (Int)

The unique number of sells in the past 24 hours.

uniqueTransactions1 (Int)

The unique number of transactions in the past hour.

uniqueTransactions4 (Int)

The unique number of transactions in the past 4 hours.

uniqueTransactions12 (Int)

The unique number of transactions in the past 12 hours.

uniqueTransactions24 (Int)

The unique number of transactions in the past 24 hours.

volume1 (String)

The trade volume in USD in the past hour.

volume4 (String)

The trade volume in USD in the past 4 hours.

volume12 (String)

The trade volume in USD in the past 12 hours.

volume24 (String)

The trade volume in USD in the past 24 hours.

volumeChange1 (String)

The percent volume change in the past hour. Decimal format.

volumeChange4 (String)

The percent volume change in the past 4 hours. Decimal format.

volumeChange12 (String)

The percent volume change in the past 12 hours. Decimal format.

volumeChange24 (String)

The percent volume change in the past 24 hours. Decimal format.


Metadata for a token.

Fields for TokenInfo

address (String!)

The contract address of the token.

circulatingSupply (String)

The circulating supply of the token.

cmcId (Int)

The token ID on CoinMarketCap.

description (String)

A description of the token.

id (String!)

Uniquely identifies the token.

imageBannerUrl (String)

The token banner URL.

imageLargeUrl (String)

The large token logo URL.

imageSmallUrl (String)

The small token logo URL.

imageThumbUrl (String)

The thumbnail token logo URL.

isScam (Boolean)

Whether the token has been flagged as a scam.

name (String)

The token name. For example, ApeCoin.

networkId (Int!)

The network ID the token is deployed on.

symbol (String!)

The token symbol. For example, APE.

totalSupply (String)

The total supply of the token.


Events that occur during a token's lifecycle. Only Mint and Burn events right now.

Fields for TokenLifecycleEvent

blockHash (String!)

The hash of the block where the transaction occurred.

blockNumber (Int!)

The block number for the transaction.

data (TokenLifecycleEventData!)

The event data, depends on the type of event

eventType (TokenLifecycleEventType!)

The type of event.

id (String!)

The ID of the event (address:networkId). For example, 0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2:1.

logIndex (Int!)

The index of the log in the block.

maker (String)

The wallet address that performed the transaction.

networkId (Int!)

The network ID that the token is deployed on.

timestamp (Int!)

The unix timestamp for when the transaction occurred.

tokenAddress (String!)

The token's contract address.

transactionHash (String!)

The unique hash for the transaction.

transactionIndex (Int!)

The index of the transaction within the block.


Response returned by tokenLifecycleEvents.

Fields for TokenLifecycleEventConnection

cursor (String)

A cursor for use in pagination.

items ([TokenLifecycleEvent]!)

A list of transactions for a token's top pair.


Token mint event data.

Fields for TokenMintEventData

amount (String!)

The amount of tokens minted.

circulatingSupply (String)

The new circulating supply for the token.

totalSupply (String)

The new total supply for the token.


Webhook condition for token pair event type.

Fields for TokenPairEventTypeCondition

oneOf ([TokenPairEventType!]!)

The list of token pair event types.


Webhook conditions for a token pair event.

Fields for TokenPairEventWebhookCondition

eventType (TokenPairEventTypeCondition)

The event type the webhook is listening for.

exchangeAddress (StringEqualsCondition)

The exchange contract address the webhook is listening for.

maker (StringEqualsCondition)

The maker wallet address the webhook is listening for.

networkId (OneOfNumberCondition)

The list of network IDs the webhook is listening on.

pairAddress (StringEqualsCondition)

The pair contract address the webhook is listening for.

swapValue (ComparisonOperator)

The swap values the webhook is listening for.

tokenAddress (StringEqualsCondition)

The token contract address the webhook is listening for.


Response returned by searchTokens.

Fields for TokenSearchResponse

hasMore (Int)

The number of additional high volume results found. Only used if lowVolumeFilter is set to true.

hasMoreLowVolume (Int)

If lowVolumeFilter is set to true, the number of additional low volume results found.
If lowVolumeFilter is set to false, the number of additional high and low volume results found.

tokens ([TokenWithMetadata!])

A list of tokens.


Fields for TokenSparkline

attribute (SparklineAttribute)

Which attribute the sparkline is charting. Defaults to PRICE

id (String!)

The token id

sparkline ([SparklineValue!]!)

List of sparkline values to chart


A token with metadata.

Fields for TokenWithMetadata

address (String!)

The contract address of the token.

createdAt (Int)

The unix timestamp for the creation of the token's first pair.

decimals (Int)

The precision to which the token can be divided. For example, the smallest unit for USDC is 0.000001 (6 decimals).

exchanges ([Exchange!]!)

The exchanges the token is listed on.

id (String!)

The ID of the token (address:networkId). For example, 0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2:1.

imageBannerUrl (String)

The token banner URL.

imageLargeUrl (String)

The token logo URL.

imageSmallUrl (String)

The token logo URL.

imageThumbUrl (String)

The token logo URL.

isScam (Boolean)

Whether the token has been flagged as a scam.

lastTransaction (Int)

The unix timestamp for the token's last transaction.

liquidity (String!)

The total liquidity of the token's top pair in USD.

marketCap (String)

The market cap of circulating supply.

name (String!)

The name of the token.

networkId (Int!)

The network ID the token is deployed on.

price (Float!)

The token price in USD.

priceChange (Float!)

The percent price change for the time frame requested. Decimal format.

priceChange1 (Float)

The percent price change in the past hour. Decimal format.

priceChange4 (Float)

The percent price change in the past 4 hours. Decimal format.

priceChange12 (Float)

The percent price change in the past 12 hours. Decimal format.

priceChange24 (Float)

The percent price change in the past 24 hours. Decimal format.

quoteToken (QuoteToken)

The token of interest. Can be token0 or token1.

resolution (String!)

The time frame for the results.

symbol (String!)

The symbol for the token.

topPairId (String!)

The ID of the token's top pair (pairAddress:networkId).

txnCount1 (Int)

The number of transactions in the past hour.

txnCount4 (Int)

The number of transactions in the past 4 hours.

txnCount12 (Int)

The number of transactions in the past 12 hours.

txnCount24 (Int)

The number of transactions in the past 24 hours.

uniqueBuys1 (Int)

The unique number of buys in the past hour.

uniqueBuys4 (Int)

The unique number of buys in the past 4 hours.

uniqueBuys12 (Int)

The unique number of buys in the past 12 hours.

uniqueBuys24 (Int)

The unique number of buys in the past 24 hours.

uniqueSells1 (Int)

The unique number of sells in the past hour.

uniqueSells4 (Int)

The unique number of sells in the past 4 hours.

uniqueSells12 (Int)

The unique number of sells in the past 12 hours.

uniqueSells24 (Int)

The unique number of sells in the past 24 hours.

volume (String!)

The volume over the time frame requested in USD.


An unconfirmed token transaction.

Fields for UnconfirmedEvent

address (String!)

The contract address of the token's top pair.

blockHash (String!)

The hash of the block where the transaction occurred.

blockNumber (Int!)

The block number for the transaction.

data (UnconfirmedEventData)

The event-specific data for the transaction.

eventDisplayType (EventDisplayType)

A more specific breakdown of eventType. Splits Swap into Buy or Sell.

eventType (EventType!)

The type of transaction event. Can be Burn, Mint, Swap, Sync, Collect, or CollectProtocol.

id (String!)

The ID of the event (address:networkId). For example, 0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2:1.

logIndex (Int!)

The index of the log in the block.

maker (String)

The wallet address that performed the transaction.

networkId (Int!)

The network ID that the token is deployed on.

quoteToken (QuoteToken)

The token of interest within the token's top pair. Can be token0 or token1.

supplementalIndex (Int)

A optional unique identifier of where the event is within the transaction.

timestamp (Int!)

The unix timestamp for when the transaction occurred.

transactionHash (String!)

The unique hash for the transaction.

transactionIndex (Int!)

The index of the transaction within the block.


Unconfirmed bar chart data.

Fields for UnconfirmedIndividualBarData

c (Float!)

The closing price.

h (Float!)

The high price.

l (Float!)

The low price.

o (Float!)

The opening price.

t (Int!)

The timestamp for the bar.

v (Int)

The volume.

volume (String!)

The volume with higher precision.


Fields for UnconfirmedLiquidityChangeEventData

amount0 (String)

The amount of token0 added or removed from the pair.

amount0Shifted (String)

The amount of token0 added or removed from the pair, adjusted by the number of decimals in the token. For example, if amount0 is in WEI, amount0Shifted will be in ETH.

amount1 (String)

The amount of token1 added or removed from the pair.

amount1Shifted (String)

The amount of token1 added or removed from the pair, adjusted by the number of decimals in the token. For example, USDC amount1Shifted will be by 6 decimals.

type (EventType!)

The type of token event, Mint or 'Burn'.


Unconfirmed price data for each supported resolution.

Fields for UnconfirmedResolutionBarData

r1 (UnconfirmedIndividualBarData)

1 minute resolution.

r1S (UnconfirmedIndividualBarData)

1 second resolution.

r5 (UnconfirmedIndividualBarData)

5 minute resolution.

r5S (UnconfirmedIndividualBarData)

5 second resolution.

r15 (UnconfirmedIndividualBarData)

15 minute resolution.

r15S (UnconfirmedIndividualBarData)

15 second resolution.


Fields for UnconfirmedSwapEventData

amountBaseToken (String)

The amount of baseToken involved in the swap

amountNonLiquidityToken (String)

The amount of quoteToken involved in the swap. For example, if quoteToken is USDC for a USDC/WETH pair, amountNonLiquidityToken would be the amount of USDC involved in the swap.

priceBaseToken (String)

The price per quoteToken at the time of the swap in the network's base token. For example, if quoteToken is USDC for a USDC/WETH pair on ETH network, priceBaseToken would the price of USDC in ETH.

priceBaseTokenTotal (String)

The total amount of quoteToken involved in the swap in the network's base token (amountNonLiquidityToken x priceBaseToken).

priceUsd (String)

The price per quoteToken at the time of the swap in USD. For example, if quoteToken is USDC for a USDC/WETH pair on ETH network, priceBaseToken would the price of USDC in USD ($1.00).

priceUsdTotal (String)

The total amount of quoteToken involved in the swap in USD (amountNonLiquidityToken x priceUsd).

type (EventType!)

The type of token event, Swap.


Fields for WalletChartRange

end (Int!)

start (Int!)


Fields for WalletNftCollection

collectionId (String!)

The collection ID (collectionAddress:networkId).

quantity (String!)

The number of items held by the wallet.

walletAddress (String!)

The address of the wallet.


Fields for WalletNftCollectionAsset

quantity (String!)

The number of instances of the nft held by the wallet (Applicable to ERC1155 NFTs).

tokenId (String!)

The id of the nft asset.


Fields for WalletNftCollectionAssetsResponse

collectionId (String!)

The collection ID (collectionAddress:networkId).

cursor (String)

A cursor for use in pagination.

items ([WalletNftCollectionAsset]!)

The list of nft assets for a wallet.

walletAddress (String!)

The address of the wallet.


Fields for WalletNftCollectionsResponse

cursor (String)

A cursor for use in pagination.

items ([WalletNftCollection!]!)

The list of collections for a wallet.


Metadata for a washtrade label.

Fields for WashtradeLabelForEvent

label (String!)

The label type, 'washtrade'


Metadata for a webhook.

Fields for Webhook

alertRecurrence (AlertRecurrence!)

The recurrence of the webhook. Can be INDEFINITE or ONCE.

bucketId (String)

An optional bucket ID (max 64 characters). Can be used to query for subgroups of webhooks (useful if you have a large number of webhooks).

bucketSortkey (String)

An optional bucket sort key (max 64 characters). Can be used to query for subgroups of webhooks (useful if you have a large number of webhooks).

callbackUrl (String!)

The url to which the webhook message should be sent.

conditions (WebhookCondition!)

The conditions which must be met in order for the webhook to send a message.

created (Int!)

The unix timestamp for the time the webhook was created.

groupId (String)

The webhook group ID used to group webhooks together for ordered message sending.

id (String!)

The ID of the webhook.

name (String!)

The given name of the webhook.

publishingType (PublishingType)

The type of publishing for the webhook. If not set, it defaults to SINGLE.

retrySettings (RetrySettings)

The settings for retrying failed webhook messages.

status (String!)

The status of the webhook. Can be ACTIVE or INACTIVE.

webhookType (WebhookType!)

The type of webhook. Can be PRICE_EVENT, NFT_EVENT, or TOKEN_PAIR_EVENT.


Price stats for a pair over a time frame.

Fields for WindowedDetailedCurrencyPairStats

buyVolume (DetailedPairStatsStringMetrics)

The buy volume over the time frame.

close (DetailedPairStatsStringMetrics)

The closing price for the time frame.

highest (DetailedPairStatsStringMetrics)

The highest price in USD in the time frame.

liquidity (DetailedPairStatsStringMetrics)

The liquidity for the time frame.

lowest (DetailedPairStatsStringMetrics)

The lowest price in USD in the time frame.

open (DetailedPairStatsStringMetrics)

The opening price for the time frame.

sellVolume (DetailedPairStatsStringMetrics)

The sell volume over the time frame.

volume (DetailedPairStatsStringMetrics)

The volume over the time frame.


Price stats for an NFT collection over a time frame. Either in USD or the network's base token.

Fields for WindowedDetailedNftCurrencyStats

average (DetailedNftStatsStringMetrics)

The average sale price in the time frame.

close (DetailedNftStatsStringMetrics)

The closing price for the time frame.

highestSale (DetailedNftStatsStringMetrics)

The highest sale price in the time frame.

lowestSale (DetailedNftStatsStringMetrics)

The lowest sale price in the time frame.

open (DetailedNftStatsStringMetrics)

The opening price for the time frame.

volume (DetailedNftStatsStringMetrics)

The volume over the time frame.


Numerical stats for an NFT collection over a time frame.

Fields for WindowedDetailedNftNonCurrencyStats

mints (DetailedNftStatsNumberMetrics)

The number of mints over the time frame.

sales (DetailedNftStatsNumberMetrics)

The number of sales over the time frame.

tokensSold (DetailedNftStatsStringMetrics)

The number of tokens sold over the time frame.

transfers (DetailedNftStatsNumberMetrics)

The number of transfers over the time frame.

uniqueBuyers (DetailedNftStatsNumberMetrics)

The number of unique buyers over the time frame.

uniqueMinters (DetailedNftStatsNumberMetrics)

The number of unique minters over the time frame.

uniqueSalesWallets (DetailedNftStatsNumberMetrics)

The number of unique wallets (buyers or sellers) over the time frame.

uniqueSellers (DetailedNftStatsNumberMetrics)

The number of unique sellers over the time frame.


Detailed NFT stats over a time frame.

Fields for WindowedDetailedNftStats

duration (DetailedNftStatsDuration!)

The duration used to request detailed NFT stats.

end (Int!)

The unix timestamp for the end of the window.

start (Int!)

The unix timestamp for the start of the window.

statsNetworkBaseToken (WindowedDetailedNftCurrencyStats!)

The currency stats in the network's base token, such as volume.

statsNonCurrency (WindowedDetailedNftNonCurrencyStats!)

The numerical stats, such as number of buyers.

statsUsd (WindowedDetailedNftCurrencyStats!)

The currency stats in USD, such as volume.

timestamps ([DetailedNftStatsBucketTimestamp]!)

The list of start/end timestamps broken down for each bucket within the window.


Numerical stats for a pair over a time frame.

Fields for WindowedDetailedNonCurrencyPairStats

buyers (DetailedPairStatsNumberMetrics)

The number of unique buyers over the time frame.

buys (DetailedPairStatsNumberMetrics)

The number of buys over the time frame.

sellers (DetailedPairStatsNumberMetrics)

The number of unique sellers over the time frame.

sells (DetailedPairStatsNumberMetrics)

The number of sells over the time frame.

traders (DetailedPairStatsNumberMetrics)

The number of unique traders over the time frame.

transactions (DetailedPairStatsNumberMetrics)

The transaction count over the time frame.


Detailed pair stats over a time frame.

Fields for WindowedDetailedPairStats

duration (DetailedPairStatsDuration!)

The duration used to request detailed pair stats.

end (Int!)

The unix timestamp for the end of the window.

start (Int!)

The unix timestamp for the start of the window.

statsNonCurrency (WindowedDetailedNonCurrencyPairStats!)

The numerical stats, such as number of buyers.

statsUsd (WindowedDetailedCurrencyPairStats!)

The currency stats in USD, such as volume.

timestamps ([DetailedPairStatsBucketTimestamp]!)

The list of start/end timestamps broken down for each bucket within the window.


Detailed stats over a window.

Fields for WindowedDetailedStats

buckets ([DetailedStatsBucketTimestamp]!)

The list of start/end timestamps broken down for each bucket within the window.

buyers (DetailedStatsNumberMetrics!)

The number of unique buyers over the window.

buys (DetailedStatsNumberMetrics!)

The number of buys over the window.

buyVolume (DetailedStatsStringMetrics)

The buy volume over the window.

endTimestamp (Int!)

The unix timestamp for the end of the window.

sellers (DetailedStatsNumberMetrics!)

The number of unique sellers over the window.

sells (DetailedStatsNumberMetrics!)

The number of sells over the window.

sellVolume (DetailedStatsStringMetrics)

The sell volume over the window.

timestamp (Int!)

The unix timestamp for the start of the window.

traders (DetailedStatsNumberMetrics)

The number of unique traders over the window.

transactions (DetailedStatsNumberMetrics!)

The transaction count over the window.

volume (DetailedStatsStringMetrics!)

The volume over the window.

windowSize (DetailedStatsWindowSize!)

The window size used to request detailed stats.