New Pairs

Get a list of the latest pairs deployed.

Endpoint: getLatestPairs

Method: POST



The cursor to use for pagination.


The list of exchanges to filter by.


The maximum number of tokens to return.


The minimum amount of liquidity to filter by.


The list of network IDs to filter by.


cursorStringA cursor for use in pagination.
items[LatestPair!]!A list of newly listed pairs.

addressString!The contract address for the pair.
exchangeHashString!The contract address for the exchange.
idString!The ID of the pair (address:networkId).
initialPriceUsdString!The listing price, or first known price for the pair, in USD.
liquidAtIntThe unix timestamp for when liquidity was added to the pair.
liquidityString!The total liquidity in the pair.
liquidityTokenStringThe token with higher liquidity within the pair. Can be token0 or token1.
networkIdInt!The network ID the pair is deployed on.
newTokenString!The newly added token within the pair. Can be token0 or token1.
nonLiquidityTokenStringThe token with lower liquidity within the pair. Can be token0 or token1.
oldTokenString!The pre-existing token within the pair. Can be token0 or token1.
priceChangeFloat!The percent price change between the listing price and the current price.
priceUsdString!The newly added token price in USD.
token0LatestPairToken!Metadata for token0.
token1LatestPairToken!Metadata for token1.
transactionHashString!The unique hash for the transaction that added liquidity, if applicable, otherwise the transaction that added the pair.



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